DaNES II: When the Stars Fall

Hmm. My only potential betrayer is Perfectionist. Crap.
searching "cute hitler" is kinda creepy.. even creepier is if you already had those images...
I wouldn't call someone you're openly opposed to a "betrayer". :mischief:

Well, had you written "adversary" instead of "betrayer", we wouldn't have this problem, now would we? :p
But my "adversary" and my potential but hopefully not adversary are two entirely different circumstances in MY case.

How about belligerent then?
Ah well I know where its coming from, but don't think I can stop it. Will try though.

First turn will be boring for me. Where'd all this talk of betrayal come from?
Massageta seems to be under the (mistaken) impression that they betrayed me or something. One as paranoid as myself cannot be betrayed. I have a wall.

What ho!
Hmm. My only potential betrayer is Perfectionist. Crap.

I don't think I've ever actually stabbed anyone in the back, so I wouldn't worry if I were you. And I played particularly nice this turn. Sent presents and everything.

To the top of the next page, ho!
Didn't say I was being betrayed. Just said I knew what was coming. Well I think I know whats coming.

Wish I had a spiffy wall.
Enjoying the irony of non-steppe guys bragging about a wall.

Two of the massive steppe-non steppe showdowns going on this turn are evidently provoking unease. Though not, ironically, in the people being attacked.

Well hey your biggest non-steppe ally came out much worse for the wear against a steppe foe but hey who am I to judge
Enjoying the irony of non-steppe guys bragging about a wall.

They shall ride up to my wall and stare at it helplessly in despair. Srsly what are they going to do? Scratch it? Haha
I'm excited. With a timely first update and orders, the tone of this NES is set and is looking really good.
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