Dark Side of the Moon vs. The Wall

Which is the greater album?

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A while back, there used to be a simple question which gave real insight into people's character - "Which is your favourite Beatle ?".

John was, of course, the right answer for anyone with rebellion, spirit, sensitivity or independence. Paul was the option for the safe, middle class folk who didn't like music as art or rebellion, but simply as something nice to hum in the car. George, well, if you voted George you were wrong, but you were trying to prove how unique and different you were.

And if you voted Ringo, you were either joking, had absolutely no ear for music, or just loved "Thomas the Tank Engine".

I reckon this is the same sort of question. I'll leave others to provide the analysis why (;)), but the right (John Lennon equivalent) answer is unequivocally "Dark Side of the Moon". "The Wall" and "Wish You Were Here" are good albums, but, then again, McCartney and Harrison were good musicians without ever managing to be John Lennon....
i was in a dentists waiting room of all places and noticed a copy of Time magazine. it's feature was the 25th anniversary of dsotm. according to its figures, the total number of albums bought equated to 1 in 3 of the worlds population!
What do Pink Floyd and Princess Diana have in common? Both of their last hits were "The Wall."

I prefer to use Dale Earnhardt since it will piss off the redneck folk.
Obscured by clouds. But if i have to choose between these two....The dark side better is, young padawan.
Dark side of the moon.

Money and Time are two of my favorite Pink Floyd songs ever.
But out of those two... DSOTM, I much preferred The Wall live to on the album so if you include that then that gets my vote.
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