

Mar 30, 2009

yes, this is my first thread and it is already a mod release... :D
well actually i lost the name and password of my old account, but even then i would only have had 1 or 2 posts or so...
so, the idea for this mod came me some time ago, when i read this thread. and while i didn't totally succeed in incorporating all these great ideas by Gigliozzi (because some of them are just beyond my skills), i still think i managed to make a somewhat "darker" and more serious type of mod.
so this is basically what this mod does. there are more detailed descriptions of the changes and additions in the download section. (i will add the list and some screenshots at the end of this post)

Version 1.10 now released!

filefront download: http://www.filefront.com/14141645/darkciv.7z
atomicgamer download: http://www.atomicgamer.com/file.php?id=79869
or download page on civfanatics

the archive is in 7zip format. (http://www.7-zip.org/) it's a nice open source archiver and the download is over 70 mb smaller than it would have been with .zip :D

this mod was originally my "personal mod", just made for my personal enjoyment. but i thought maybe some other people would have fun with it...
and i even learned a little bit of c++ while making it. ;)
so if someone wants to make comments, suggestions or anything i'll be happy to read them.

list of changes and features: (no specific order, straight from the readme)
Spoiler :

Changes in v1.10:
- Despotism extra maintenance for distance from palace removed, upkeep is now high instead. It was also given an oppression flavor (it's a little higher than that of Hereditary Rule). That should make Despotism a new viable government choice, even though it is still the worst. In emergencies it can be used to more easily fight unhappiness. Most AIs will still try to avoid it if possible.
- Jungles now need Biology to be removed. To compensate, mines and plantations can now be build on top of a jungle without clearing it.
- The Oppression Value of Leaders and Civics is now an extra xml tag instead of a flavor. I overhauled some of the Opression Values while I was at it. Stalin and Hitler are now the two most Opressive Leaderheads, closely followed by Mao, Kim Jong-Il and Ghengis Khan.
- I upgraded to the new BTS 3.19 patch and used the Better BTS Ai 0.78 mod as a base for the new darkciv version.
- I changed the way "Happiness per military unit" worked. Now instead of getting a certain Happiness per military unit, you always get 1 Happiness per military unit capped at a civic dependant value. This is 5 for Despotism and 3 for Hereditary Rule and Police State. (Representation and Universal Suffrage can't use this obviously)
- Made some small changes for the Washington, Kim Jong-Il, Willem van Oranje and Hitler AIs.
- If you are running an oppressive regime, you may get unhappiness in cities that have many research buildings. (Intellectuals tend to not like such regimes)
- State Property provides +1 food for workshops, instead of +2 hammers.
- I turned down the volume of the new religion sounds even more.
- Modified the civic evaluation AI a little bit.
- Removed Taverns. Monasteries now allow for 1 Spy Specialist each, until they go obsolete.
- Christian and Islamic Monasteries now provide 10% research bonus, down from 20%.
- Intelligence Agencies now allow 3 Spy Specialists instead of 2.
- Added a new Tech: Aristocracy. Requires Code of Laws or Feudalism and unlocks the Representation Civic. I did this, so you can have ancient greek style governments in the classical age and to have a not-so-oppressive alternative to Hereditary Rule in the early game.
- New Leader Trait: Secretive. Gives a Bonus to espionage and faster Monasteries/Intelligence Agencies. Kim Jong-Il has this Trait now instead of Protective.
- Tactical Nukes and ICBMs are a little more expensive.
- Nuclear Plants are now less likely to meltdown but only have a +10% hammer bonus. (and you need Uranium for that bonus now)
- Oppressive leaders now more often vote for "no" in free trade resolutions.
- Newly liberated colonies get some bonus units. (defenders, workers and explorers, depending on era)
- Oppression value is now displayed in the civics screen.
- Darius I's Hated Civic is now Vassalage.
- The Oppression Value of some leaders changes when key techs are discovered. Currently those are Liberalism and Mass Media and they lower the Oppression Value by 2 for every Leader that has 5 or less (Liberalism) or 7 or less (Mass Media) as their current Oppression Value. This was made to simulate how nations have become a little bit more liberal with time and by technological progress. Technological backwards nations or those with especially ruthless leaders however didn't have this change, those are the "rogue states". (Hitler, Stalin and the likes will never become less oppressive) It also takes care of the "historical perspective" when looking on despots of past times. This doesn't however change anything with the favorite and hated civics, so some leaders will still only rarely or even never choose Universal Suffrage, Free Religion et al.
- I updated the PerfectWorld2darkciv mapscript to the latest version of PerfectWorld2.03. It's a really great mapscript. Try it! :)
- Added some more diplomacy texts for Kim Jong-Il based on some of his quotes and speeches.
- Statue of Liberty can now only be build in coastal cities.
- AI leaders who have a high (at least 4 or 5) current oppression value will be a little more aggressive. (remember that this also means some leaders will become less aggressive with liberalism.)
- Unfortunately I had to reduce the unit upgrade costs for AIs starting with noble. Otherwise the AI would fight with longbowman in the future era and put their research to 10% all the time for money to upgrade.
- Leader Cult is now available with Communism instead of Mass Media and instead of giving specialists extra espionage points, it will increase the chances for "We Love The King"-days.
- Christianity and Islam are identical to the other religions again. There wasn't that much of a difference anyway and I think the religion civics define the real differences enough.
- Favorite Religions now spread a little bit faster. Just to make things a little more interesting if someone else has the holy city, especially with Christianity and Islam.
- Free Speech now gives +100% culture and +50% Great People Points in all cities, as well as +100% War Unhappiness. I made this change, because I already removed one civic and changed one Wonder that gave GPP bonuses in the original game.
- Leaders now get titles, depending on their government and civilization. Just like in Civ 2. :)
- Made some experimental religion choice AI changes. AIs should now value a religion more on favorite religion, spread rate and total worldwide spread basis.
- It is now possible to "cleanse" enemy culture from a city. There is a new "Ethnic Cleansing" button in the city screen, above the culture display. You need at least 30% own culture in the city and must not be running representation or universal suffrage. The button instantly gives the city and the surrounding 8 plots (if you control them) 100% of your culture and block enemy culture in these plots for a few turns. (after that it can slowly "bleed" in again however) Beware that this has serious diplomatic repercussions and that you will lose the population that is removed. (i.e. if there is 25% foreign culture, the city will lose 25% population and so on) Only the most oppressive AI leaders will use this feature regulary.

Changes in v1.01:
- Charlemagne's Hated Civic is now Free Religion.
- Changed the PerfectWorld2darkciv Mapscript starting plot distribution, so that some civilizations are more likely to start on the coast.
- Tanks no longer start with the Desert Warfare Promotion.
- Turned down the volume of some religion sounds a bit.
- Added a list of each leader's hated civics and the diplomatic penalty for running them.
- Included a 18 civ Earth map by JEELEN.
- I included the new cursors from "Improved Graphics for Civ" that I had previously forgotten.

Initial Release:
- 1 new soundtrack. (it's the classical title, "dies irae")
- Includes modified versions of the "Next War", "Varietas Delectat", "jarm", "Actual Quotes", "Great Diplomat" and "Improved Graphics for Civ" mods.
- Nuclear meltdowns are now different from nukes. They only do half the population and unit damage of a tactical nuke, spread only half the fallout and no buildings except the Nuclear Plant itself are destroyed. Nuclear Plants now also provide +25% production. (they still need a factory though)
- New National Wonder: Great Workshop. Gives a % culture bonus and all units produced in the city have only half upgrade costs.
- New National Wonder: Constituent Assembly. Halves the time of anarchy between civic changes. Can be built by a Great Statesman.
- 3 New Leaders: Hitler (CHR/AGG), Logan (PRO/PHI) and Kim Jong-Il (PRO/CRE). Hitler is a very aggressive leader that will never capitulate, Logan is peaceful and protective (think gandhi crossed with sitting bull) and Kim is very espionage oriented (He's now the first and only leader with espionage flavor. ;) ) Sitting Bull is now (PRO/SPI).
- Renamed some of the National Wonders to give them more general names.
- Renamed the "Native Americans" to "Amerindians". (I hope thats an accepted name, but "Native American Empire" just sounded too weird)
- 2 new bonuses: cotton and tobacco.
- New Unit: Inquisitor (removes non state-religions from a city)
- Changed some in-game text to make it sound more serious. For example if you capture a city, instead of "burn baby burn" it now says "kill all civilians and burn the city down!".
- Scotland Yard has been renamed to Secret Service, is now a National Wonder and gives 1 additional free spy specialist.
- New events and changed almost all other events to be in more games. The slave revolt event is now in every game (to balance the slavery civic), but the negative effect if you put down the revolt by force has be lowered.
- New Gamespeed: Epic (realism). Has a long gametime, and long researchtime, but lower unit buildtime than normal epic.
- Total rework of all civics. I tried to keep them as simple as in the original game (that means not to much effects per civic). Pacifism has been removed and replaced by the new "Leader Cult" civic, which is avaiable at Mass Media. It is meant to be the oppressive counterpart to Free Religion. All civics now have flavors, meaning leaders will choose civics according to their personality. Added new "opressive" and "freedom" flavors to improve this effect. Also, all leaders now have a "hated civic". You get a relations penalty if you are running it and the leader is less likely to chose it. To counterbalance this "forcing" of the ai into specific civics, ai player now only pay half the civic upkeep cost. If you are running oppressive civics, you will get relation penalties with some of the freedom-loving leaders. (Only if they are not running those civics themselves, so Lincoln will not hate you for running Slavery if he is running it himself.) This change puts the game one step closer to roleplaying. (You now can't escape Isabella's wrath by just changing to Free Religion :p)
- Lowered the "freedom appreciation" of all leaders, so that if you liberate colonies you only get a +4 to +6 relations bonus instead of a +10 bonus, depending on the leader you get. This change was made so that colonies may declare real independence if you don't treat them well. Also colony maintenance maximum was set to 250% of distance maintenance instead of 200% on noble or higher difficulties. So that you still have to grant independance eventually.
- Changed all corporations to real ones (except Civilized Jewlers). Added some early corporations that can be incorporated before industrialism.
- Religions can now auto-spread in cities that already have a religion. With every religion in the city it becomes more and more unlikely that a religion will auto-spread. (after 3 religions in a city it becomes extra unlikely, so natural 4 or more religion cities are extremely rare) State Religion now spreads faster in own and vassal's cities. Trade routes and golden ages also have a positive effect on the spread rate, while war and anarchy have negative effects. If you already have a holy city you can't found a new religion. Christianity and Islam are now "missionary religions". Their missionaries only require temples and you can have 5 at once instead of only 3. Their spread rate however is only half of that of the other religions. Judaism, being the only religion that no leader has favored also has only half spread rate. Otherwise all religions act the same. From the jarm mod, I included Teotlism (mesoamerican religion), Amonism (egyptian), Zoroastrianism, Hellenism and Aesir Myth (norse). There still can only be a total 7 religions in each game. Like with jarm it is required to play with "choose religions". Most leaders now have a favored religion (which they will automatically select with the choose religion option).
- The Rock'n Roll World Wonder was renamed to Record Studio, was made a normal building, provides only 1 Hit Single and can be built by Great Artists after discovering Radio. I wanted to give Great Artists a late-game use and I always found it strange how you could "build" Rock'n Roll.
- New Building: Tavern. Provides 1 culture, 1 espionage and (with wine) 1 happiness. Allows 1 spy specialist. I added this building because with the "Great Diplomat" mod and its lawyer specialists, you needed a new early spy specialist building. (as courthouses now provide a lawyer slot instead of a spy slot and only generate 1 espionage)
- New Building: Communications Sattelite. Concept taken from the "Thomas War" mod. Each Sattelite provides 1% of each commerce in every city, so that a network will accumulate considerable bonuses.
- Added a new submarine Type, the Nuclear Submarine. Changed the graphics for the Attack Submarine. The normal Submarine is now upgraded to the Attack Submarine and can't carry missiles anymore. The Nuclear Submarine is now the special missile-carrying sub.
- Tried to balance some of the unique units. Don't know if I succeded... :D
- Revised the handicap settings. Now the difficulty curve isn't as steep. Noble is now the perfect middle ground, though AIs still get bonuses (I tried giving the AI no bonuses on Noble, but they are just too incompetent to be challenge without cheating). Every difficulty up to and including Noble is a little bit more difficult. Every difficulty thereafter should be a tiny bit more easy. I also changed barbarians so that there will be much more barbarian cities and less free roaming barbarians. This is propably the change most people won't like. ;) So, if you don't want the difficulties changed, just delete the CIV4HandicapInfo.xml from the /darkciv/assets/xml/GameInfo folder.
- Includes a modified perfectworld2 mapscript with culturally flavored (only a little flavored, not as forced as the civics ;) ) starting locations.
- Cavalry now upgrades to Tanks instead of Gunships. To balance, Tanks are now more expensive but receive a production bonus with iron. (which takes it back to original cost)
- Moving on desert (except on floodplains) and ice terrain now costs 2 movement points.
- New Promotion: Desert Warfare. Doubles movement in desert (so evening it out with the new 2 movement cost in deserts). Tanks, Modern Armor, War Chariots and Camel Archers start with this promotion.
- It is now much more difficult to get UN resolutions passed. Most resolutions that previously needed a 51% majority now need a 67% majority. AI Leaders will always defy their hated civic. Warmongers will now more often say "no" to the ban nukes resolution. Also you now olny get 2 unhappiness instead of 5 for defying a resolution that would have otherwise passed. Yes, the UN in game is now nearly as powerless as the real one... :p
- When deciding if to capitulate, AIs now also consider all the vassals you already have. To counterbalance a little bit, some leaders have been given higher "vassal power modifiers" which means they are less likely to vassal to you even if you are more powerful.
- Made some changes to projects. Most projects that had a 100% production bonus with a specific resource now only have a 50% bonus. Apollo Project/Mission to Mars has been renamed to Manned Space Program and needs to be built by every civ who wants to build Space Ship parts. (It's a national project now)
- Nuke are now much more devastating. While Tactical Nuke are still comparably to original Nukes, ICBMs can totally destroy a city (as in raze). ICBMs do much more damage than Tactical Nukes and now need Sattelites instead of Rocketry. Tactical Nukes now only hit the plot they are fired on, not surrounding plots. The effect that Nukes have on Global Warming has been reduced to 10% of the original value, and Tactical Nukes now have absolutetly no effect on Global Warming. SDI now only gives 50% protection. Each Fallout now gives -2 health to a city instead of only -0.5 (so people die/starve in the turns after the blast) Nuclear warfare is now much more viable but also much more devastating if the enemy strikes at you.
- You now get free buildings and population if you found cities in later eras. You still need the appropriate techs for al buildings though. (so you don't get a free market improvement without having currency). I did this mainly so that colonies don't start as weak, empty size 1 cities anymore that need years of improvement. Also it was a little strange that you needed to build a forge or a aqueduct for new cities in the year 1990 or so. To compensate, Settlers get more expensive with each era.
- The Pyramids are now a religious wonder. The Parthenon now gives access to all government civics instead. Chichen Itza was renamed to Temple of Kukulkan and is now also a religiously-flavored wonder.
- Some wonders (mostly religiously-flavored wonders, but not more than 1 per religion) now need a specific religion to be present in the city they are built in.
- Castles can now be built with Feudalism and Masonry instead of Engineering to give them a longer lifespan.
- Changed the favored civics of some leaders.
- The Residence (which was the Forbidden Palace) now gives roughly half of the benefits of the Palace. (only in regard to happiness, espionage and commerce bonus, distance maintenance is still the same)
- You get less unhappiness from drafting.
- Jungles now need chemistry to be removed. However they now provide +1 hammer and you get a hammer bonus for removing them (half of that what you get for a forest).
- Great Spy starts with commando and sentry. Great for exploring rival territory!
- Spies now have 2 moves. But they are now also a National Unit, you can only have 5 at any time.
- Some other small changes to buildings which I may have forgotten.

screenshots are attached.

works from others for darkciv:

Huge Earth map 18 Civs for Darkciv mod by King-HEF

DarkCiv Civ Modules (new civilizations) by mechaerik


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Fascinating concepts!

Can you add in what mods you merged in? So I get a little more better ideas of what are included in addition to your personal modifications?
Fascinating concepts!

Can you add in what mods you merged in? So I get a little more better ideas of what are included in addition to your personal modifications?

it is already in the list of changes and features (in the spoiler tag). ;) second line...
i didn't add any other "big" mods, just some modcomps like grave's flavored civics and the inofficial patch and the great people renamer and the coal ui (which you can see in the screenshots) and attitude icons. yes, i think thats about all.
and i just noticed that i takes a while for my file to be approved, so you will have to wait a bit longer...
I will give a try :)

What will be next step ?

I sugest that you include an earth map especially for your mod...

Name of you map should be : "Darkciv-Earth" by example...

You could explain that the purpose is "roleplaying civ" but it is very nice this possibility...

I suggest a new name for you mod "Dark_Roleplaying_Civ"
I will give a try :)

What will be next step ?

I sugest that you include an earth map especially for your mod...

Name of you map should be : "Darkciv-Earth" by example...

thanks, but what should be different in that map from the normal earth map?
unfortunately i never play the earth map, but all the standard maps and mapscripts are compatible with my mod.

by the way, i couldn't get the hated civics to show in the civilopedia, so here is a quick list for each leader and with the diplomatic penalty you get for running it.

Spoiler :

alexander: bureaucracy (-1)
asoka: theocracy (-1)
augustus: universal suffrage (-1)
bismarck: state property (-2)
boudica: slavery (-1)
brennus: state property (-1)
catherine: universal suffrage (-1)
charlemagne: state property (-1)
churchill: police state (-2)
cyrus: nationhood (-1)
darius: theocracy (-1)
de gaulle: state property (-1)
elizabeth: universal suffrage (-1)
frederick: universal suffrage (-1)
gandhi: police state (-1)
ghengis khan: universal suffrage (-1)
gilgamesh: universal suffrage (-1)
hammurabi: police state (-1)
hannibal: mercantilism (-1)
hatshepsut: representation (-1)
hitler: state property (-5)
huayna capac: mercantilism (-1)
isabella: free religion (-5)
joao: state property (-1)
julius caesar: universal suffrage (-1)
justinian: free religion (-5)
kim jong-il: free market (-2)
kublai khan: universal suffrage (-1)
lincoln: slavery (-4)
logan: police state (-1)
louis XIV: representation (-2)
mansa musa: mercantilism (-1)
mao: free speech (-2)
mehmed: theocracy (-1)
montezuma: emancipation (-1)
napoleon: serfdom (-1)
pacal: mercantilism (-1)
pericles: hereditary rule (-1)
peter: universal suffrage (-2)
qin shi huang: vassalage (-1)
ramesses: representation (-1)
ragnar: representation (-1)
roosevelt: vassalage (-1)
saladin: free religion (-5)
shaka: mercantilism (-1)
sitting bull: free market (-1)
stalin: free market (-5)
suleiman: serfdom (-1)
suryavarman: free religion (-3)
tokugawa: universal suffrage (-1)
victoria: police state (-1)
wang kon: vassalage (-1)
washington: hereditary rule (-2)
willem van oranje: theocracy (-1)
zara yaqob: free speech (-1)

as you can see, universal suffrage is the "most hated" civic of them all, typical... :p
for some of them i didn't quite know what was historically accurate and i decided after a quick look into wikipedia, so if someone has suggestions, i am open to them.
1) But earth maps standard size should be nice...

Like three themed starts :

- classical : all classical civs have a settler on their capital's location...
+ 1 defensive unit.

- medieval : all medieval civs have two settlers on their capital's location...
+ 2 defensive units.

- modern : all modern civs have three settlers on their capital's location...
+3 defensive units.

Of course each start should be starting with corresponding era techs...

You can ask for a blank earth map standard size in maps requests...
And after do as you want...

2) What do you think of "Dark_Roleplaying_Civ" as possible name for your mod ?
It would add more visibility to your mod...

3) Little feedback :
- Religion's sound when spread is playing too much noise...
- It seems that mapscript earth modmod is severily bugged, as i had only forests and prairies...
So i strongly recommend an handmade Earth Map like Munch 18 Civs one, here the link : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=275018
Or this one, if you want : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=232775...
1) But earth maps standard size should be nice...

Like three themed starts :

- classical : all classical civs have a settler on their capital's location...
+ 1 defensive unit.

- medieval : all medieval civs have two settlers on their capital's location...
+ 2 defensive units.

- modern : all modern civs have three settlers on their capital's location...
+3 defensive units.

Of course each start should be starting with corresponding era techs...

You can ask for a blank earth map standard size in maps requests...
And after do as you want...

i know what you mean. but to be honest, i didn't want to go that far. roleplaying should be limited to the ai's civic choices and diplomacy.
there are also some bugs if you start in a different era, wich is why i had to disable that feature.
also, rhye's and fall of civilization already does something very similar. :)

2) What do you think of "Dark_Roleplaying_Civ" as possible name for your mod ?
It would add more visibility to your mod...

you think so? i really don't care that much what it's named to be honest... :p well and my focus is more on the "dark" than on the "role".

3) Little feedback :
- Religion's sound when spread is playing too much noise...
- It seems that mapscript earth modmod is severily bugged, as i had only forests and prairies...
So i strongly recommend an handmade Earth Map like Munch 18 Civs one, here the link : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=275018
Or this one, if you want : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=232775...

i know about the religion sounds, but i took them from the jarm mod. i don't really know how to change that. do you by chance?
the "Earth_flavour_mapmod" mapscript is not a standalone mapscript. it just gets imported into the "PerfectWorld2darkciv" mapscript to shuffle the starting locations around... ;) sorry that i didn't make that clear.
Okay, i understand all...

I like your mod because taste of games is so different...

I see that you will improve more and more i hope....

I return to my game...
I have a little question about something.
When deciding if to capitulate, AIs now also consider all the vassals you already have. To counterbalance a little bit, some leaders have been given higher "vassal power modifiers" which means they are less likely to vassal to you even if you are more powerful.

What exactly does that mean, because I won't like it if I have to utterly destroy a civilization just because they don't like my minions. :(

That's not really realistic either, but neither is Vassal States. :) "I surrender, on behalf the Russian People!" Stalin.
Really, is that going to happen? :)
Constatine, Bodacia, Etc, etc, Lincon, even, you know...

I don't know, I need more info on this change, because it seems like it's a bit too high on the oppresive range...

And unless ICBMs require Cold Fusion, and have Nano-Technology, they shouldn't be made into City destroyers...you've just made them useless. :(
I barely use nukes as it were, but they don't deserve to be planet destoyers, yet. :) The Nei Plus ultra bomb from Civ 2 Test of Time Sci-fi mod? :)
I have a little question about something.
When deciding if to capitulate, AIs now also consider all the vassals you already have. To counterbalance a little bit, some leaders have been given higher "vassal power modifiers" which means they are less likely to vassal to you even if you are more powerful.

What exactly does that mean, because I won't like it if I have to utterly destroy a civilization just because they don't like my minions. :(

That's not really realistic either, but neither is Vassal States. :) "I surrender, on behalf the Russian People!" Stalin.
Really, is that going to happen? :)
Constatine, Bodacia, Etc, etc, Lincon, even, you know...

I don't know, I need more info on this change, because it seems like it's a bit too high on the oppresive range...

thanks for your feedback.

in the original game, when considering if to capitulate, ai civs (among other things) calculate their own power + their vassals power and compare it to just your power. if your power*2 was larger than (their power + their vassals power)*3, then they would consider capitulation. otherwise you would get the message "we are doing fine on our own".
i changed it so that in this calculation, if you already have vassals, the power of your vassals/2 is added to your power value. so if you already have many powerful vassals, other ais are more likely to capitulate. :)
the vassal power modifiers are a leader-specific number that gets added to their power in this calculation. so a leader with a high vassal power modifier will not accept capitulation, even if you are already much more powerful than him.
except for hitler, every leader will sooner or later capitulate. some leaders even have a negative vassal power modifier (for example gandhi) and will capitulate or vassal to you earlier. ;)

And unless ICBMs require Cold Fusion, and have Nano-Technology, they shouldn't be made into City destroyers...you've just made them useless. :(
I barely use nukes as it were, but they don't deserve to be planet destoyers, yet. :) The Nei Plus ultra bomb from Civ 2 Test of Time Sci-fi mod? :)

well you need satellites for them now, so they come 1 tech later.
icbms always destroy around 30%-40% of the population + 5 raw pop points. the city is only destroyed if this takes the city under size 1. so cities of size 8 or 9 or larger are never destroyed.
in the original game, icbms randomly destroyed between 30% and 70% of the population.
i guess could push icbms back as far as fusion (h-bombs) if thats really too powerful... what do you think? the problem is, later in the future era the combination of a bomb shelter and a deflector shield makes cities completely invulnerable to nukes. (except for fallout) and sdi shoots down half of the missiles anyway...
Very intrigueing mod concept. Will downoad ASAP.;)

One comment, if I may:

- Cavalry now upgrades to Tanks instead of Gunships. To balance, Tanks are now more expensive but receive a production bonus with iron. (which takes it back to original cost)
- Moving on desert (except on floodplains) and ice terrain now costs 2 movement points.
- New Promotion: Desert Warfare. Doubles movement in desert (so evening it out with the new 2 movement cost in deserts). Tanks, Modern Armor, War Chariots and Camel Archers start with this promotion.

What's your rationale behind these changes? Cavalry operated simultaneously with tanks in WW II, and tanks suffered from desert dust until these problems were fixed in the same time period.
For Cavalry-to-Tank, likely the fact that Armored Vehicles basically replaced Cavalry (especially since charging MG nests on horseback was basically suicide), although they did fight side-by-side for a while.

As for Tanks with Desert Warfare, I am sure mentioning Rommel, the Desert Fox is a decent counter-point.
Hey, I just got BtS (had Civ III before) and I don't understand how to install the mod. Help?
What's your rationale behind these changes? Cavalry operated simultaneously with tanks in WW II, and tanks suffered from desert dust until these problems were fixed in the same time period.

what mechaerik said... ;) also it was always a little strange and pointless that cavalry upgraded into gunships. i'm not the best player, but after getting tanks and infantry my cavalry always gets useless. so i thought i would also be a good progression gameplay-wise. you can actually still have cavalry and tanks at the same time, namely the ones you didn't upgrade yet, which i think is like in real life.
and i always thought tanks were faster in deserts, because its nice flat terrain without much obstacles in the way.

Hey, I just got BtS (had Civ III before) and I don't understand how to install the mod. Help?

just put the darkciv folder from the archive into your [...]\Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\ folder, start the game and in the main menu choose advanced->load a mod and then select darkciv from the mod list and press ok.
that's what I thought, but it's a 7z file and I have no idea what that means
okay thanks dude
i hate to nag even more, but i tried loading the mod and there were no differences to the game at all, but there was still the 'unload mod' option. What happened?
Looks interesting I might give it a shot.

BTW I'm suprised you didn't include Revolution DCM in your mod.

7z is a file compression format like .zip or .rar, so extract it to your mods folder.

You should add that to 1st post and/or the DL page (I noticed you haven't announced this mod yet for frontpage coverage).

and i always thought tanks were faster in deserts, because its nice flat terrain without much obstacles in the way.

Obviously you've never been in a desert then; any WW II tankcrew from the Desert War might easily correct you there.
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