Dawn of Civilization - an RFC modmod by Leoreth

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The improved graphics mod has two python files. Make sure not to install those two files. AFAIK everything won't cuase any problem.

I would like to see the improved graphics preinstalled in the mod. The units from blue marble (or realism invictus I don't really know :D) are awsome too.
You're saying I shouldn't mindlessly overwrite everything? :lol:

I wouldn't mind Improved Graphics coming with the mod, but I know there are numerous people who either prefer to not play with a texture pack, don't have a computer that can handle it, or don't like the mod itself.
Really. I don't understand why people complain here of this mod while their computers are simply too ancient to run it.
What does squatting cheat do?
Squatting's been nerfed in DoC, but it lets you prevent indie cities from spawning if you stand on their location before they spawn. I think it also lets you move other civ spawn locations if your capital is on their spawn spot, though I think Leo nerfed that.
Quick question for Japanese UHV. What does "be the first to complete the tech tree" means? Do I need to research ALL techs or just to achieve one of the last?

Spoiler :
Only 98 turns left - still researching Radio... At least scientific output is good. 4-6 turns for each tech.
All technologies apart from that one. In fact it isn't a technology.

It actually makes me think that the last goal could be made more elegant by just being "Be the first to discover Future Tech".
It'd take out a lot of the idle turns in the Japanese endgame.
Although it is possible to discover Future Tech without some other technologies: Horseback riding, Archery, and some late-game techs can be skipped.
Why don't remove the Future Tech and spawn a pop-up worded like : "You have completed the tech tree, all your Science output are automatically converted to..."
[option 1] GOLD
[option 2] CULTURE

It's much more elegant and productive imo than wasting Science resources to research Future Tech 1, Future Tech 2, Future Tech 3...
Until you're on Future Tech 10.

In most cases, barring supercities, health and happy problems are a thing of the past by 1900, much less Future Tech.

Health problems are never a thing of the past unless you're running Environmentalism, which is pretty weak other than its health benefits.

Agree that Happiness is mostly irrelevant in the late-game, though. Still can be an issue if you accrue a lot of war weariness, but not often.

From a historical perspective, this should be the other way around--Health should be the limiting factor in the early and mid-game, while Happiness should mainly be an issue in the Modern era. But Civ4 doesn't work that way.
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