Defensive Pacts


Nov 4, 2012
What are your experiences with defensive pacts?

Do they directly add to the deterrence power of my own military strength?

Are they reliable? Or will I just end up getting back stabbed when I approach a victory condition?
They are great, but only sign them when you see a SoD heading your borders or when an AI went into the fist mode because you refused to give tribute.
Only 3 leaders (Catherine, Roosevelt and Tokugawa) can backstab you in a defensive pact, because they can plot at pleased. But I've never seen this happening.
If a leader is already in the plot mode, a defensive pact won't save you.
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Hmm, they don't seem to work for deterrence. Maybe it's because you need a lot of power to deter them.

I've had AIs declare into defensive pacts where they just get utterly wrecked. But it's convenient though.
Actually Tatran, I don't have the spreadsheet in front of me, but there are much more than just 3 AIs that can plot at please - I say close to half of them can, but have never added them up. Even Mansa can plot at pleased. Cathy is the only AI that can be bribed at Friendly.

I rarely use Defensive Pacts. Only reason I do so is if Permanent Alliance is turned in special forum game, or if I'm going a small peaceful route and want a DP with a large power AI which is very rare. It can be good in OCC to keep you safe, but in the right don't want to DP with someone that is just going to drag your tiny empire into wars you don't want.

Not sure how much of a deterrent a DP is, especially if someone is already plotting on you or your partner, but I suspect that factors in toward someone actually starting to plot.

The problem with DPs is you do run the risk if getting called into a war that you don't want. It's fine if you are prepared for it. But it could be the partner that someone is plotting against or planning to plot against. If you are already a strong warmonger ready to take of the world anyway with little resistance than DPs are worthless, and they get canceled the moment you DOW anyone.
Poor explanation from my side, what I've meant they are the only 3 leaders who will sign a DP at pleased + plot at pleased. All other leaders who will plot at pleased won't sign a DP unless they are friendly.
Only sign a DP when trouble is ahead like in the picture above and don't sign one when the AI offers a DP.
I don't expect any help from the AI, but with DPs I can avoid negative diplomatic (bribing) points and collect more positive (sharing war) points.
And most important, it will keep the AIs busy.
Pacts are good for the chance of breaking up buddies that would never dow normally, especially if they are frendlier with other more than you thanks to the hidden modifiers. An example is Gilgamesh who is annoying because you have to be friendly to bribe him and he won't be bribed against anyone he is pleased with. And he himself plots at pleased to make it even more annoying.

These things also override prace teaties so you can potentially extort people and ignore it anyways if they dow soneone else. Consider A and B in a defense pact and they hate you. Since they're going to war with you anyways, you might as well extort one of them first.
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Airships are great for spotting sneaky attacks. A good time to sign DPs with everyone, but Korea. (Wang Kon won't sign one, because he isn't friendly.)

Yea those DPs will pay off.

Although I'd also beg Shaka for 1 gold too so you can get in place to destroy his army.
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