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Deity BO Question


Jul 20, 2012
Does anyone have experience dropping shrines from your Tradition build order on deity? I've already dropped them from my liberty openings where I open 3scout/2pathfinder openings on hill starts. Over the past several games I've been too late to get a pantheon, when I have gotten a pantheon its been from a ruin or double Faith CS. It seems like the shrine is a bad deal and a granary/caravan would be better that early.
Does anyone have experience dropping shrines from your Tradition build order on deity? I've already dropped them from my liberty openings where I open 3scout/2pathfinder openings on hill starts. Over the past several games I've been too late to get a pantheon, when I have gotten a pantheon its been from a ruin or double Faith CS. It seems like the shrine is a bad deal and a granary/caravan would be better that early.

Hey, I've been thinking about this, too. Maybe getting the last religion and then it hardly making to other cities before the others start spreading. I too would like to hear thoughts on this.
I do that plenty of times where my terrain does not allow a faith pantheon. Even with shrine sometimes the AI enhances before you could found a pantheon anyway so that shrine is pretty much wasted.
Well just to be clear, i don't have any illusions of getting a religion when I go 3 scout. The pantheon is simply something to help growth or whatever and yeah its been my experience that its a waste of gold maintenance and hammers.
I usually open 2scout/shrine on pangea. Yes, it may be 15, 20 or even 35 turns until you get a pantheon, and sometimes you don't get one at all.
But even having some pantheon until the next door AI drops their missionaries on you is worth the investment in my opinion.
and from time to time you have a nice faith panthon and a chance at a religion, even if it stays only in your capital/holy city it might provide nice benefits (tithe, +15% production etc) for this one city.
Look at your neighbours, if there's a religious nut don't bother or you wont be doing anything but fighting his religion. If your neighbours don't typically go for religion it's a better option. Also take your expansion plans into account. If you don't have much space to settle and time is short to grab the few clearly superior spots you want then just expand and forget about the early shrine.
Honestly, if I'm not a religious civ, my terrain does not give very good faith generation from a pantheon and I don't have a faith wonder(maybe a good normal one with One With Nature) then I wouldn't even bother with a religion.

Deity AI religions are EXTREMELY powerful, they can afford to go full Piety from the start, get their shrines insanely early because of production bonuses + startring with Pottery and a 2nd Settler, establish their religions very quickly and start pressuring etc. Even if you manage to scrape a religion out, you may very well have a subpar one and will unlikely to spread it because the AI has already gotten a foothold and you lack faith to spread your own beyond or even within your own borders.
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