Diplomacy with the City States?


Mar 22, 2006
Will we be talking to a leader or is it dumb downed where you have to right click the city and set your temperament with them...

I hope there is a leader you deal with, maybe in a small popup window or something--nothing elaborate like the 18 Civ's, but something that is tangible...
There shouldn't be a leader.. at least not an animated one
Because any good sized game should have several dozen city states I wouldn't want to be in that level.

I think diplomacy will be similar... you make offers/requests, they make offers/requests... but the options will be different in city-state diplomacy v. civ diplomacy

also it seem like city-states will all be "groups" so all Militaristic city-states have the same tech tree*/bonus/behavior pattern
*I'm guessing the City-State Tech Tree is actually more of a 'tech column'... as the city-state goes through the game its technology moves forward.
There shouldn't be a leader.. at least not an animated one
Because any good sized game should have several dozen city states I wouldn't want to be in that level.

Several DOZEN?

Did they say there will be this many? Or are you just speculating/wishing? Because several dozen would seem like it would clutter the map way too much.
i'm thinking city-state diplomacy might be kind of like multiplayer diplomacy in civ 4 where there isn't a picture
I'm thinking that it'll be done with adviser like popups, with a list of city states you can contact accesible from somewhere in the interface. I expect they'll give you requests/stuff via the notifications section though.
Several DOZEN?

Did they say there will be this many? Or are you just speculating/wishing? Because several dozen would seem like it would clutter the map way too much.
Not sure of dozens, but there should be a awful lot of them:
Jon Shaefer to PC gamer said:
Now you can have this web of client states who are subservient to you and working towards your victory, and protecting them is very much in your interests
And I wonder if the objective of this city states features is not exactly to clutter the map and make early expansion harder...
It would be nice if city states are just as young as you in the early game. In fact, I don't want to found my city and move to "hexs" and discover there is already a city-state there. They should arrive a few years later...
I'm thinking that it'll be done with adviser like popups, with a list of city states you can contact accesible from somewhere in the interface. I expect they'll give you requests/stuff via the notifications section though.

I agree. I also think that your options are really only going to be off the yes, no, maybe style. ie;

Give me 150gold:

100 is all I have

each earning a different amount of respect.
I hope they have animated leaderheads! Imagine stumbling upon a city state, and then Leonidas pops up. "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" :lol:
Several DOZEN?

Did they say there will be this many? Or are you just speculating/wishing? Because several dozen would seem like it would clutter the map way too much.

Well speculating/wishing... and it depends on how many cities there are.

Let me say I Hope that for every 4-5 viable city spots, one of them is a City State (so say 1 city-state every 100 land hexes)

At least. It would be interesting if that was closer to every 40-50 land hexes so that the primary means of expansion was conquest.

In any case there will probably be several dozen possible City States (ie as compared to the 18 possible Civs) so I don't anticipate any Leaders.. or any customized Text (just: Greetings, PlayerName of PlayerCiv, CityStateName would like to ... whatever)
From the one picture we have of the advisor and the interface I'm half expecting a small leaderhead with animation somewhere between the ones in III and IV for the city-states. What I wonder is if each city-state will have a unique leaderhead or an auto-generated one.
I wonder if some of the leaderheads created for cIV can be recycled & used as leaderheads for the city states in CiV.
I wonder if some of the leaderheads created for cIV can be recycled & used as leaderheads for the city states in CiV.

Mmmhh, that might really be interesting.

Doubtful, 4 and 5 use different engines.

Maybe, but we hope, that Firaxis uses a well known 3D format, so that some things can hopefully be ported.
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