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Discussion Thread related to Multipolarity IOT

Ceaser was the only guy I ever banned, I did eventually let him back in, after I explained some stuff.
It is of no concern to me whether or not anyone posts or starts new games. If you and the other IOTers stop playing, it doesn't matter to me. You are all big boys and will do what you want. A strike is not something I need to respond to. Mean spirited posts, yes; strikes, no. If you "pick up your marbles" and take your games elsewhere, no one at CFC is going to try and stop you.

If you are serious about bringing IOT games to a halt, I can help. Just tell me which ones to lock. Any GM can have their game locked anytime simply by asking. I will also unlock it when asked. :)

Because you're clearly doing your job when the majority of the people disagree with you. :rolleyes:

Though, I wouldn't want to walk into the high-class bar the moderators frequent and have to look them in the eye and explain how an entire sub-forum shut down because of a mistake I made.

If it was no concern of yours, you wouldn't be here. Replying. So, it clearly is a concern of yours. Or are you using a variation of the word of concern that I'm not aware of?

But no, I rather stay here. You know, dig in my heels. I am very fond of escalation.

It is nice to see that you are so open to new participants.

By all means, we are always open to new members. Doesn't CFC operate on the same level? Some users get over the wall while others keep hitting them? Those players are banned, aren't they? God doesn't kiss their boo-boos and tell them "everything is going to be all right and fair".

After all, even ceasar managed to make it over the wall. Sure, it took some hard love, but he did it. We didn't have a problem, and it was handled in-house, without a moderator, who would have surely locked the thread and granted me a keyring for my troubles.
Really, there's been practically zero mod input to this thread which I suspect indicates it's being discussed in the super-secret forum.
If I may interject with a suggestion, I recommend all debate be tabled until the staff make known what's going on. If not I fear this will only end badly.
By badly I mean a chunk of the community leaving for Tani's forum, another chunk going full time NESer and the rest hanging round as IOT gets folded back into Forum Games.

Now, now, this isn't a bad thing :p


From an outside perspective, this whole situation seems so alien to me. In NESes, players generally make nations that make sense in the setting. If a nation doesn't make sense, the Mod (not forum moderator, it's what we call our "GMs") will usually just make a decision regarding it.

To be honest, if you don't want to play with "silly" nations, don't play in silly games. Maybe I'm not grasping the issue here, or why this required moderator action and a "general strike". But whatever, I'm just an onlooking NESer. Don't mind my opinion.
That situation is just what caused the whole thing. Our problem is with the idea that a moderator all of a sudden has the right to edit player orders without their consent, make GM-level decisions, and shut down threads when they disagree with actions performed by players.
Now, now, this isn't a bad thing :p


From an outside perspective, this whole situation seems so alien to me. In NESes, players generally make nations that make sense in the setting. If a nation doesn't make sense, the Mod (not forum moderator, it's what we call our "GMs") will usually just make a decision regarding it.

To be honest, if you don't want to play with "silly" nations, don't play in silly games. Maybe I'm not grasping the issue here, or why this required moderator action and a "general strike". But whatever, I'm just an onlooking NESer. Don't mind my opinion.

The problem being that MP3 was, to a large extent, a "serious" game (though certainly with some 'huh?' qualities). We were only reacting against the kind of nation that deserves its own tier in levels of stupidity.

To your first point; that is because NES, to a large extent, is mostly serious, whereas many IOT games have/are plagued by silly nations; in this case, Sonereal and I decided to take action (in the form of an embargo), which the GM in question accepted as reasonable. Then Bird escalated it by editing our posts and locking the thread.
This is unsustainable. We cannot afford Sonereal deleting all stuff he's done on IOTs. All rulesets and systems, deleted! Really, I choose Sonereal's stuff over CFC.
Because you're clearly doing your job when the majority of the people disagree with you. :rolleyes:

Though, I wouldn't want to walk into the high-class bar the moderators frequent and have to look them in the eye and explain how an entire sub-forum shut down because of a mistake I made.
You shut down the forum, not me. It appears that you did so because you don't want CFC staff to interfere with your games, nothing more.

If it was no concern of yours, you wouldn't be here. Replying. So, it clearly is a concern of yours. Or are you using a variation of the word of concern that I'm not aware of?

But no, I rather stay here. You know, dig in my heels. I am very fond of escalation.
My concern is to give you all a fair hearing on the issues as I see them and let you know what solutions there might be. I like the NESing and IOT forums and think they add a needed dimension the the non civ section. I try to encourage reasonableness and adherence to the rules. I've learned over the years, though, that I cannot stop posters (and sometimes staff) from making poor decisions, both for themselves and for the community. My concern is that you have all the appropriate input from my side of the equation to make the best decision for yourself. What decision you make is not really important to me even if I hope you will want what I see as the best choice.

to that end I've laid out how I see the solution and what is possible and what is not. The rest is up to all of you.

"The thief left it behind, the moon at the window."

By all means, we are always open to new members. Doesn't CFC operate on the same level? Some users get over the wall while others keep hitting them? Those players are banned, aren't they? God doesn't kiss their boo-boos and tell them "everything is going to be all right and fair".

After all, even ceasar managed to make it over the wall. Sure, it took some hard love, but he did it. We didn't have a problem, and it was handled in-house, without a moderator, who would have surely locked the thread and granted me a keyring for my troubles.
Yes, but you do not get the power to ban players.

That situation is just what caused the whole thing. Our problem is with the idea that a moderator all of a sudden has the right to edit player orders without their consent, make GM-level decisions, and shut down threads when they disagree with actions performed by players.
Lots of things appear to happen "all of a sudden". In reality, though such event usually have visible precursors that go unnoticed. Then when the first real event happens everyone is surprised. I have been more active here than many have noticed. Often it has been behind the scenes. You were directly involved in this incident so I'm sure you feel it is very sudden and out of place. There are others who felt the same way when I sent them a pm in response to their behavior.
To be a 100% fair now, I did pick up my marbles.
To be a 100% fair now, I did pick up my marbles.
Like I said you all are big boys and will make your own decisions. I've put all my cards on the table; the rest is up to all of you.
Terrance, you have no shame! Plugging the Ol' NES!

Spoiler :

And I agree with such a constitution.
Kiwitt was on the wrong foot for a wee bit, but we loved his GMing of IB and his general attitude now and everyone considers him a welcomed addition to the roster.

Did you not like my pictures of blondes from Iceland ;)
Well I needed an ambassador for each each country. Once I finished my appointments of them to the countries I would have stopped posting them. I could then use them later in the game. It would have been a lot of fun.
BirdJag, now that the emotion has died down quite a lot, at least for me, I am going to send a PM. I would post it in the thread, but it would be PMDA. I think that this whole issue has been a series of minor overeactions that have escalated into what we have now. Hopefully I have a solution that will satisfy everyone and will leave the community's reputation intact. :)
Thanks. I am shutting down soon and probably won't respond until tomorrow.
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