DLL - Various Mod Components

The latter
GameEvents.PlayerCanHaveBelief.Add(function(iPlayer, iBelief) return true end)
GameEvents.ReligionCanHaveBelief.Add(function(iPlayer, iReligion, iBelief) return true end)

"non-Pantheon beliefs" are "religion beliefs"
I'm having a problem with this mod. After I'm done selecting mods, and it's configuring game data the game crashes. I know it's this mod because it can be the only one selected and the game still crashes. Any other mod I have the game goes right through to the single player screen with the list of mods I'm want to use. Is it my computer doing this, me, or do I need another mod to make it work?
What version of the game (vanilla, G&K, BNW and what build - it's on the bottom of the main menu screen and looks like 1.0.x.y) and which version of the DLL (look in logs\CustomMods.log as that's the definitive answer)
oh...is there a way I can use and earlier version? or do I just have to wait to get the bnw expansion?

The only earlier (and retired) version for G&K won't work with build 3.144, so no.

All of my mods now only work with BNW - watch steam/amazon for sales ;)
Great work whoward69 :clap:
Now plz let me ask if is any other way having "Global - City Working Distance" without DLL VMC??:confused:
Im asking cause I really get some serious game crash lately while combining Giant map, plus I use a engine which follows a specific game version & DLL VMC some how is changing that or something...
Short answer: no

Its not that Im question u, but out of pure curiosity what will happend if I remove line
<Mod id="d1b6328c-ff44-4b0d-aad7-c657f83610cd" minversion="1" maxversion="999" title="DLL - Various Mod Components" />
</Dependencies> from .modinfo :deadhorse:
or:scan: if I erase some updates/tables from Dll so I can make it at least lighter...:popcorn:
What say u?:think:
What "engine" and which "specific game version"?

...cheat engine with tables for v1-0-3-18, but anyway thats not so important.The thing is that I get many continuous crashes caused from Dll(I suppose) ...
:( just noticed that G-CWD doesnt work at all for me,not even with if it stands only with DLL as enabled mods... What I have to do!?:help:
what Im using g.v1-0-3-18 DLL VMC v21 + G-CWD v4
Enable Steam and let it upgrade your game to the latest version -
Done, but NOTHING [pissed]
I can reach only up to 3 tiles as usual. R u sure that G-CWD v4 actually works?? :hmm:I also checked previous posts reporting about this but no answer...
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