Do you dare to diplomatically deliver my “Deity début” dilemma?


liberal diplomat
Apr 22, 2003
flippin out here
Deity début dilemma delivered diplomatically!

It all started with diplomacy, when I traded my ally Mysticism for Literacy (which I had nearly finished researching in 500BC). The much anticipated Monarchy was right in the middle of Currency, Horseback Riding, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Seafaring. And therein lay the problem. So close to completion, I thought hey-two birds with one stone, picking Philosophy figuring a fast finish, parlaying the free advance into the my coveted Monarchy!

A gazillion tortuous turns later, (having finished just a few games-newb hasn’t quite figured out the basics!), I finally get Philosophy! Imagine my surprise when my free advance is limited to Construction, Mathematics, Republic, and Warrior Code! (Well yeah I did some trading…) But no Monarchy! Well fine, I take Republic but am not set up for it, don’t like it, don’t play it much.

The next batch of choices has Monarchy! Oh sure, NOW I get it! There is also Construction, Horseback Riding, Seafaring, Trade, and Warrior Code! Don’t ask why, but I took Construction over Trade.

And that’s when we discover this disaster! After trying to figure out any escape from all those riotous citizens, and before disbanding or moving any, I found the answer in diplomacy…

So I had to go to auto save to bring the scenario back up for prosperity, and anyone who likes a puzzle! enjoy :D

(hope the attachment works!?)
Interesting...Unfortunately I'm not good at solving riddles. I'll think about it though.
you've got to be really bored! i'd forgotten all about this (and have deleted the answer, though i remember the basics... it was a breakthrough for me as a new b!) good luck!:)>_
Yeah. I'm replying to all the old threads.
i used to live in the bay area... and napa valley
how do you like your new gov? did you get what you wanted?
(no answer needed, just blowin' smoke;)

ALL HAIL THE GOVERNATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...OR ELSE:soldier::shotgun::ar15::ripper::rocket:
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