Do you have any enemies?

Do you have any enemies?

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Not really.

There's a few people I know who don't really like me, but I'm indifferent towards them. There's also one guy in particular who I think is one of the biggest douchebags on the planet, and I would gladly punch him in the face or poo on his car windshield if the opportunity presented itself. I wouldn't call him an "enemy" per se, however, just another crappy human being who needs a wake up call telling him just how crappy he is.
I have some troll stalking me on boards Im on. I dont know what he has against me considering I didnt even know who he was until he started harrassing me. Im getting fed up.
I'd like to think not. I've had people in the past that I considered my enemies but since I don't see or interact with them anymore, they pose no threat to me.
I don't think I have any enemies.

I have plenty of strong-willed rivalries with fellow students, but they are not my 'enemies'. If I had an enemy, it would be myself.

An example? I often procrastinate; I am right now, because I should be doing my homework.

...I'll not turn this into a long-winded post so that I can finish my homework.
Nope. Some people I dislike, but no mutual relationship of antagonism.
Possibly none, though I won't be suprised if there are people who dispise me.
I have assumed enemies. Don't think I have anyone who I am sure is my enemy and actually tries to undermine or hurt me in some way.
My enemy is the entire French nation!

Jeez, lucky you, some of us have enemies actually capable of inflicting great harm on us. :mischief:

I have a list of people that annoy me, but I would not hang the "enemy" label on them.

nope, i dont have enemys, there are people however at my school who get very annoyed with me but thats normal
My family has enemies from our previous church, which we left because we didn't agree with the direction they were going.

Personally...not enemies per se. Perhaps people that dislike me, and I dislike them. But not "I HATE YOU LETS BEAT EACH OTHER UP BEHIND THE SCHOOL AT 5!"
My girlfriend's mother & her sister. Also one other guy who did me wrong a few years ago who owes me money. If I knew where he lived now I would go collect.
-Bill of Rights
-Fat-Free Lard
-Billy Crystal
-The Boy
-Stern Lecture Plumbing
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