Do you use the Strategic Map?


Sep 15, 2011
I'm curious as to whether anyone uses the Strategic Map in Civ 5.

I just can't figure out how to make use of it. To me, it appears harder to read than just looking around the map. I am trying to find a use for it however, perhaps finding units on the map or managing trade routes.

FYI for those that don't use it, there's a list of settings that you can toggle when you switch to Strategic View, such as unit type, trade routes, resources, etc located at the bottom-right.

Anyone use it?
I occasionally use it when doing city placement and the nature of the 5 hex grid makes tiles positions look weird especially relative to the end of a river. However I can't stand playing the whole game like that.
My cheap laptop simply can't display the normal map. It's awfully ugly and sluggish. So when I'm playing on this computer, I use the strategical mapmode and I'm fine. I'm glad they implemented a way for low-end computers to still run the game.

On my desktop, I play on the normal map, I set things to display resources, but not the grid or tile yields. It would feel bloated otherwise. And I find it sometimes clearer, before planting a settler, to look at the strategic map. To check if a resource is in range and all. Things are clearer than on a normal map displaying the grid. And finally, antiquities sites are easier to spot at a glance on the strategic map.
I learned it the hard way and i can tell you that now i play more in strategic map than the normal one
I use both.
For moving units, I'm normally in strategic.
For seeing at a glance what cities are building along with going into the city screens, I normally use the regular view.
I like to play on strategic map sometimes. It gives a old-fashion board-wargame style
I never actually play in the Strategic Map, but I'll use it as a reference when planning out where to settle cities.
I use strategic view to find which tiles I have unimproved (those half-completed farms are really hard to spot) and to quickly scan for resource tiles, especially when coal comes out.
It was very difficult to "learn" to play in strategic, but now I play in the strategic view almost exclusively, haha. It's awesome. Too bad there are some bugs in some map scripts. Or in the Scramble for Africa scenario, a lot of tiles starts flashing. Annoying.
Only when I'm being strategic.
As George said earlier in the thread, it really gives the game a more classic board-gamey feel. It's nice.
mainly just to check for offshore oil near my borders after discovering biology
I've yet to give it a try, I really should though.... those newly discovered oil and uranium and such is impossible to spot if you load the game one day later because they become hidden by hex improvements ><
I use Strategic Map quite a bit. It's easier to find specific resources (or even barbarian camps early when you're Honor) with the various highlight/icon tools and the fact it pans a lot faster when you aren't having to render all those unit/terrain graphics (side note: makes AI turn times faster late in games with large maps).

If it seems hard to read, just filter some of the information to what you need to find.
Yes, definitely. I don't actually 'play' on it but I refer to it about as often as I check demo etc. (i.e. pretty often). Also I find it extremely helpful for planning campaigns (sorry, not trying to sound grandiose, what I mean is it makes it blindingly obvious where hills etc. could mess with line-of-sight, what strats/luxes are available, probable defensive positions etc. etc. - sadly what it doesn't tell me is where individual city borders are when there's a conurbation, so sometimes I capture the 'wrong' city)
When I first started playing CiV, it was on a not-so-great computer that couldn't run the graphics that well, so I played in Strategic Mode to be able to actuallyplay the game. I have a better computer to play it from now, though, so I don't use Strategic Mode as much, though if I want to check things such as contested borders or managing large amounts of troops faster (graphics speed-wise), then I might switch to Strategic.
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