[R&F] Does AI get any say in what Alliance you upgrade into?


Sep 10, 2014
One thing that confuses me is who gets to pick what kind of Alliance you have with the AI? So far it seems like you get to decide which you want at least at the alliance upgrading stage (and maybe even at the alliance initialization stage). If you pick science, does the AI also get the science alliance bonuses? If so, then does the AI only get to have 1 of each alliance? And if that's the case, shouldn't you be restricted in what alliances you can pick as well? And what the AI wants a different one? Is it just a unilateral decision? Seems unfair if it's always the player's perogative
The question becomes even more interesting for Multiplayer.
Also will Cleo’s new ability of trade routes giving double alliance points towards alliance upgrades count to the overall alliance? So levels it up on both sides?
Or will she have a level 2 alliance whilst her ally has a level 1?

If it’s the former everyone is going to want to be her best friend. Should add some good historical factor, since everyone wanted a piece of Cleo back in the day.
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