Does anyone else do this?

I rename my cities after where they are in real life.

My supermedic is called Ubercharge.
I was not aware that you could change their names, but now i do it all the time.
I name my units as brigades.
EX: 1st Infantry
3rd Armored
6th Cavalry
Using whatever number i feel like.
If a unit does really good in combat, i name it mechaerik:).
I don't name my units, but I often name my cities after psychiatric medications or diseases.

Yes, I know, I'm a mutant.

I'm a 38 year old woman, hopelessly addicted to Civ, and despite my special someone's best efforts, I still have virtually no life. :lol:
You can also change the name of your civilization mid-game.

How? I know you can change city names.

I assume that there is a way to make naming automatic, but it would have to be complex: firstly there would be lists for each civ, then unit type and then on promotions: a unit with amphibious and combat 2 is going to be the Royal Marines while pinch and combat 2 would be the Rifles (and the most awesome would be the Parachute Regiment anyway)
How? I know you can change city names.

Go to the menu and click "Your Details". There, you can change your empire's official name ("Roman Empire") and shortened name ("Rome"), as well as your name and your nationality (from "Ottoman" to "Turkish", for example).
I also like capturin an enemy capital and naming it in honor of either myself or the great general unit who helped capture the city, if any.
Once I was playing as the Ottomans. I axe rushed Justinian and eliminated him from the game. Only problem was, I couldn't figure out what to rename Constantinople. :)

I finally settled on New Amsterdam. :D
Everytime he gets a kill by defense... I have to scream this out loud:
"Zat vas Doktor assisted homocide!" or even "OKTOBERFEST.":eek:

Back to civ4...
I usually keep the name of my cities the same. Unless the name is confusing.... Which means none of the Aztec names remain intact.
The only problem is with the unique SAS unit I added in a few days ago - 21, 22 and 23 get a bit boring...

I always rename units with great generals - a whole regiment of Bernard Montgomery?
The only problem is with the unique SAS unit I added in a few days ago - 21, 22 and 23 get a bit boring...

I always rename units with great generals - a whole regiment of Bernard Montgomery?

Porno moustaches, fancy dressers, -1 Move from the George Patton Regiment, +50% against your own Paratroopers; what's not to love? :)
I rename my cities after where they are in real life.

I do that too. Sometimes on an earth scenario I'll alt-tab from the game to Google maps for 10 to 15 minutes of research just to figure out what to name a city.
I do that too. Sometimes on an earth scenario I'll alt-tab from the game to Google maps for 10 to 15 minutes of research just to figure out what to name a city.

Let me save you some time by giving some suggestions: Brianopolis, Briantown, Los Briangeles, Brianton D.C, Brianago, Brianbul, Brianwyck, Oslo, St, Brianberg, San Briancisco, Brionto, Brianton, Ottawa, Briandon, Brianxandria, Brianthens, and so on....

Works for me. :D
Let me save you some time by giving some suggestions: Brianopolis, Briantown, Los Briangeles, Brianton D.C, Brianago, Brianbul, Brianwyck, Oslo, St, Brianberg, San Briancisco, Brionto, Brianton, Ottawa, Briandon, Brianxandria, Brianthens, and so on....

Works for me. :D
This is hilarious. I usually have a Bryanberg because of my room mate, but I'm putting Ottawa (Ottawa??? WTH?) in just in your honor. I'll make it my Gun Pump. Right beside Lemonville, the fashion capital of the Lemon Republic. :D
This is hilarious. I usually have a Bryanberg because of my room mate, but I'm putting Ottawa (Ottawa??? WTH?) in just in your honor. I'll make it my Gun Pump. Right beside Lemonville, the fashion capital of the Lemon Republic. :D

Nice to see I'm not the only one with too much time on his hands. And I'm saddened to hear that Bryan still hasn't learned how to spell his name properly; if we all give, one day there may be a cure. :D

Oh, and I've always been a big fan of Brianopolis. Lots of nightlife, pretty girls, afternoon siestas, awesome restaurants, ample parks and gardens, and the streelamps constructed from the skulls of Monty's Jaguars. :king:
Even thought it's very childish I love to name my units . .. .. .. .. .. . Buster if i'm playing against a real prick online.
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