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Dolen2's Ethnic Diversity

Yeah, well, now I remember why I switched to Civ VI last time I tried V, but that game on the other hand is unplayable solo.

So rendering the game in higher res does use the limited resources or it doesn't matter?
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oh I guess that would be it. Yeah, I'm playing with the 2k Terrain pack & higher settings. I get that the OP warns to lower settings, but I really didn't think it would cause this KIND of a problem, which seemed more like an incompatibility than a memory-related error. Shows what I know :p
No idea if or how much the screen resolution impacts this - you can try fiddling with different resolutions and see.

The good thing is that these graphics mods are usually savegame compatible, so you can play with them and when you start experiencing problems in the late game, just save, turn them off and continue without the cozy looks.

I always play on huge maps, I add about 10 new units / reskins and while scrolling sometimes starts to stutter in the late game especially if I run several browser tabs in the background (sometimes closing the browser helps, sometimes I have to restart Civ), I have not seen these artifacts for several years.

Last time I saw them was when I played with the original Ethnic Units on my old computer (which was actually slightly more powerful than my current one).
Yeah, I'll just try 4K with no AA and hopefully that will save some memory.
I already said goodbay to 2K terrain texs, but i hope i won't have to turn the graphics down as I won't be able to remove Ethnic Diversity as well
There seems to be something wrong with the Lancer. I play as England, and when I attempt to upgrade a Knight, the game crashes instantly.

I tried disabling this mod and could upgrade just fine, so I reckon the problem lies here.
OK, I found a temporary solution. I removed the following line from this file: 1-JEDUnitGraphicConfig.sql

( '_ENGLAND', '', 'LANCER', 'LANCER', '', 'ca_sw1', 5, 0.12, 'DefaultCavalry'),

The line points to the animation file ca_sw1.fxsml, which controls the Swedish UU Hakkapelitta. Don't know if there's something wrong with that file.
I can spawn Lancer fine using Ingame Editor, although the Editor could be using different referencing styles.
Can you spawn them using the above-mentioned editor?

Also, are you using any of these mods: Enlightenment Era, Future Worlds, Prehistoric Era, Renaissance Era.
I really like this mod but there are few things that ruin my immersion:

-Spawning lancers would sometimes crash my game
-Late game units such as great war infantry and infantry are much smaller compared to units from other eras
-For some reason russian cannon unit model in invisible
-Musketman units for some european civs such as austria, russia etc is just a generic reskin while the tercio unit looks how musketman unit should look like. I dont play with mods so it would be nice if this could be replaced for vanilla play.

Thats about it, overall awesome work and i just wish some of those issues could be resolved. Thank you for your time and i hope if you could make a seperate mod for vanilla game.
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playing as Ottomans, my Missionaries and inquisitors are invisible. not sure if the other civilization missionaries and such are, though, haven't seen one in awhile.

update: just noticed all improvements are invisible too, and i get some wicked graphical errors sometimes. i have my settings to mirror those you provided

update 2: well, i don't know what i did but now the game is crashing whenever im trying to load my save. disabling this mod fixes the crashing
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Judging by the replies here, the mod is buggy and prone to crashes. Can we expect a fix with the new version, or is the mod dead?

Also, which folder do I use for the vanilla version of the game. I dont play with Vox populi? There are 3 folders:

Also, which version is more stable - Dolen2's Ethnic Diversity or Ethnic Diversity (R.E.D. Unofficial)?
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I didn't have any bugs or crashes, yer incredibly awesome mod works wonderfully for me :)! But, I was wondering if you would consider looking into these things:

American Landship units have no attack sound or muzzle flash animation
Enlightenment Era Mod's Two Handed Swordsman units (UNIT_2HANDER) get visually doubled, making them too long for their hex
Enlightenment Era Mod's Carrack and Ship of the Line units (UNIT_EE_CARRACK and UNIT_EE_SHIP_OF_THE_LINE) get visually doubled on their hex
Your mod overwrites Vicevirtuoso's Metal Gear ZEKE mod :( which makes GDRs look like Metal Gears

Graphically Doubled 2H Swordsman.jpg

Graphically Doubled Ships.jpg
Hello. I really like your mod, but I get constant crashes to my desktop with this mod, with no error messages, every time I get to or close to a new era of gunpowder, when muskets, cannons, etc. appear. I've tried playing with the VP mod, I've tried playing vanilla. Of the mods used, only maps YnAEMP.
I played for Russia, by the way, for some reason they have invisible guns, I also played for Japan, China, Maya. For all such sorties, it is impossible to continue the game, but when you turn off your mod, you can continue and go through the moves where it crashed, but then it is already impossible to continue playing with your mod.
Hello. I really like your mod, but I get constant crashes to my desktop with this mod, with no error messages, every time I get to or close to a new era of gunpowder, when muskets, cannons, etc. appear. I've tried playing with the VP mod, I've tried playing vanilla. Of the mods used, only maps YnAEMP.
I played for Russia, by the way, for some reason they have invisible guns, I also played for Japan, China, Maya. For all such sorties, it is impossible to continue the game, but when you turn off your mod, you can continue and go through the moves where it crashed, but then it is already impossible to continue playing with your mod.
Well - the normal R.E.D modpack doesn't work either, making this mod obsolete. Shame. I liked this mod, guess I won't be using any reskins at the moment
Yes, it's really too bad that it doesn't get updated. I always end up getting a CTD at a certain point in my games when using this mod, even with the lowered graphics settings. Turning off the mod, the game works smoothly until the very end.

Maybe a "lite" version could work, keeping only the most distinct units (like redcoats in lieu of English tercios) and maybe all units having the appropriate skin color, but who would make it?
What a sad situation. This is one of the core mods that brought life to civ 5 like VP. Without this mod I simply cant play civ..
How many people use/want to use this mod? I wanted to make an improved version of this mod to augment my Unit Scaling and Formation mod. But it's going to be while since this mod is huge and there are several unit changes with VP.

I actually wanted to do this long ago after I made my USnF mod, but got distracted to other things because I don't think it's worth it because of the SQL complexity that this mod have.
How many people use/want to use this mod? I wanted to make an improved version of this mod to augment my Unit Scaling and Formation mod. But it's going to be while since this mod is huge and there are several unit changes with VP.

I actually wanted to do this long ago after I made my USnF mod, but got distracted to other things because I don't think it's worth it because of the SQL complexity that this mod have.
Realistically speaking I would say out of the few people that still play Civ 5 Vox Populi, it's probably a good chunk of them. My guess is at least a few thousand. I mean, I myself really want Ethnic Units fixed and patched to work better. For many people vram is an issue so perhaps that can be improved as well.
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