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Dom Pedro II's Civilization 4: Test of Time

The latest version has problems with the VarietasDelectat_v4.0.FPK file.

Just to let you know the same happened to me. :sad:

however I was able to get the rest out and get the VD file from the first version.

I have three versions now ( 2 different old ones and 1 new one) and I tried all kind of combinations. :crazyeye:
Maybe it's comes in handy if we have a list of files needed?

I took the latest new version of Varietas Delectat of the Quod Capita MOD (also a great one) and put it in the last download.
Well (until now) it works! :D
Funny thing is that the basic map :) land ,sea, mountains, villages) is purple....
The trees and units have their normal colour.
Anybody having ideas about that?

Dom Pedro, the good thing is: everybody wants to play this MOD !!! :lol:

Best greetings,
This mod looks great.

Tell me about the "unification" aspect? I started two games, one with "No Unification start" checked in the options screen, another with it unchecked and I am 10 turns in and there are no cities founded near me. Would they be barbarian cities, or some other civ's? Does starting as minor civs over-ride this option?
The reason it works for you should be obvious, you have RevolutionDCM in your mods folder, thus a Revolution.ini file exists for it to check. Also for some reason responses like yours are irking, I just spelled it out for you. And the poster above you went even more in depth and posted the fix. Instead of fixing it, you ignore the issue, and conjure some unfounded explanation? Why would you do this?

It has to be said that at times Phungus is truly wolfshazne's successor in more ways than one. In face often wonder if he is wolf.
My congratulations, DPII, on what looks to be one of the most ambitious and groundbreaking mods yet released. With this I think you've secured your reputation as one of the top five Civ 4 modders for years to come. :thumbsup:

I wonder how the mod manages to look into the directory of another. If I could get that to happen with art and sounds, then it would revolutionize my Star Trek mod and make it much easier to install.

I don't know about sounds, but I had this happen to me once with a UI. I'd been testing out one of dutchking's interfaces in a separate mod folder, and then ported it to another mod I was working on. Unfortunately, I forgot to change the directory in XML, so when I sent it to a friend it caused an error.
I've already been doing it with UI (Star Trek uses Final Frontier's, which produced problems for the one person who deleted the mods that came with BtS). I need it for art and sounds because I made scenarios, which each require their own mods. In order to prevent the mod being 10 gigabytes in size, I had to separtate the art and sounds out, which means that now users need to install some files into Assets (.fpk files are not loaded from customAssets), a couple directories into customAssets, and the Mods directory into the main Beyond the Sword folder. I get install questions all the time.
I've already been doing it with UI (Star Trek uses Final Frontier's, which produced problems for the one person who deleted the mods that came with BtS).

That would be me! :D

I need it for art and sounds because I made scenarios, which each require their own mods. In order to prevent the mod being 10 gigabytes in size, I had to separtate the art and sounds out, which means that now users need to install some files into Assets (.fpk files are not loaded from customAssets), a couple directories into customAssets, and the Mods directory into the main Beyond the Sword folder. I get install questions all the time.

I understand full well why this is useful. In the case of the odd guys out, you might want to include an optional supplement to be downloaded separately that would have the missing files. Makes sense?


@Dom Pedro

Got a spinlock in 1927AD with a standard map and normal number of Civs. This might have to do with the limited memory on my computer than the mod itself (I've gotten several mem allocation errors earlier because of that). On the off chance I'm wrong, I've included the save file.

Is it possible to move some of the python overhead to SDK to improve performance? One of the things I think might also drag things down is the flurry of "rebel" Civs popping up everywhere. I did what I could to mop up the few near my empire, but sheesh! The AI is quite poor at domestic PR!

Great mod though. I usually play strongly themed mods. I did have quite a bit of fun with all the features despite the otherwise "plain vanilla" game.

Cheers :goodjob:


  • Ambreville AD-1927.CivBeyondSwordSave
    941.1 KB · Views: 64
Another feature that doesn't work right: the steel mills and auto factories. I keep having to rebuild them. They disappear several turns after they are built.

@D. P.: I guess, it's the bug which is described here.
Just go on and unzip it to "Test of Time" and then inside under Assets replace the corrupted Varietas Delectat v4.0 by the latest Varietas Delectat v7.5 you take from the the Quod Capita MOD.
You get the game rolling so you can see it work, but then there is a slight graphic problem... as we already discussed above in this thread.
I start a custom game, with "start as minor" civs turned off. I did re-build the map from Worldbuilder because the smartmap feature doesn't seem to work. I also used the Worldbuilder to add a nearby resource. Anyway, at the end of my first turn, I get the following error.

I have not tried to start a game with without worldbuilder, it may run the "unification" part of the game just fine, but I thought this mistake might be helpful in troubleshooting other stuff.
As it turns out now with a small map, I'm getting another spinlock at 1090AD. I'll take back my earlier comment suspecting this was due to a lack of memory on my computer. No way this would be the case this early in the game and on a small map. There's something else causing a problem.

The unification feature is questionable at best. The "rival" cities of my empire keep becoming foreign minors waaay too early, that is before I can realistically conquer them in some way. In general, there are too many minors popping up everywhere, all the time.

I believe that's it for me until these little glitches get taken care of. Thanks for the cool mod. Good luck with these issues.



Come to think of if, I realized that perhaps some of the issues I described came from an option I selected -- the one allowing barb cities to turn into Civs. I reran a game without that option and, although I really didn't have the time to complete it, I can tell you already it runs much faster and the minor Civs are definitely within reasonable limits. Much Better game this way. I'm hoping that was the source of those spinlocks.


Still getting unavoidable spinlocks or CTDs at various points, regardless of that option.


  • Ambreville AD-1090.CivBeyondSwordSave
    268.1 KB · Views: 52
A bit late to the party and was wondering if the patches above in this thread have been incorporated into the base game download or if I have to download the patches as well.
Just go on and unzip it to "Test of Time" and then inside under Assets replace the corrupted Varietas Delectat v4.0 by the latest Varietas Delectat v7.5 you take from the the Quod Capita MOD.

Yes... but I'm no modder (well, only to some extent I am), how will I go about doing this?

edit: I went searching through my Test of TIme folder and I can't find the Varientas Delectat file to replace :confused:, where is it?
Alright, I'm temporarily taking the file down until I can figure out what's causing the problems. I'm also going to remove the graphics component and make it a separate download to help alleviate a couple of problems.
It has to be said that at times Phungus is truly wolfshazne's successor in more ways than one. In face often wonder if he is wolf.

That's a scary thought... :eek:

Alright, I'm temporarily taking the file down until I can figure out what's causing the problems. I'm also going to remove the graphics component and make it a separate download to help alleviate a couple of problems.

Whoops. I'm downloading it this very moment...
By renaming the Varietas Delectat 6.1 fpk to 4.0 and dropping it in your modfolder I was able to load the mod, but some python exceptions pop up before it succeeds.
Dom Pedro, does it help you if I post screenshots of those popups?

Also, once I started a game with some random civ, it crashes if I click on one of the arrows on the bottom right part of the gamescreen above the mini worldmap.
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