DOS Civilization 1991 Bug(s) discussion - What should be fixed in OpenCiv1?

I can add two of my favorite cheats/exploits to the bug list.
Fast settlers. A settler can take two steps down a road and initiate some activity. Upon reactivation, it gets all its movement points back. This continues until it either runs out of road or has enough work points that it completes its assigned activity - hopefully something you wanted.

Ship sentry. Also a well-known bug. Two passenger-carrying ships can travel the world (triremes still have to be careful). One ship moves until it has one movement point, then sentries. It's partner then moves into the same square and wakes it up with an Unload command. The ships then swap roles. The second ship moves on and sentries, the first ship wakes it up. Repeat. The same ships can similarly escort a battleship anywhere it may be needed.
Alpha Centauri has such a penalty, when you switch production, you loose some of the shields (production resources), thus it really doesn't pay off to do such a thing, unless you know what you're doing. Yes, I agree money to shields should be a constant, not a variable. And together with a penalty for switching the production it really shouldn't pay off anymore.
If a penalty for switching should exist, it should be for switching from buildings to units, but only if the higher cost of unit shields is kept. Unit and wonder/SS shields were obviously meant to be more expensive for the player, but the ways to circumvent this rule are also so obvious that barely anyone sticks to it. Either enforce it strictly and slash half (or whatever %) of shields that are already in the box when switching from 'low cost' to 'high cost' shields, or get rid of it altogether, make all shields cost the same and maybe let players choose how many they want to buy. Also, caravans should be able to contribute to regular buildings too. Taking into account the price of wonder shields in gold, wonder -> building is actually an ineffective switch. The player should be allowed to make a bad deal.
I can add two of my favorite cheats/exploits to the bug list.
Fast settlers. A settler can take two steps down a road and initiate some activity. Upon reactivation, it gets all its movement points back. This continues until it either runs out of road or has enough work points that it completes its assigned activity - hopefully something you wanted.
I have already added this exploit to the list.

Ship sentry. Also a well-known bug. Two passenger-carrying ships can travel the world (triremes still have to be careful). One ship moves until it has one movement point, then sentries. It's partner then moves into the same square and wakes it up with an Unload command. The ships then swap roles. The second ship moves on and sentries, the first ship wakes it up. Repeat. The same ships can similarly escort a battleship anywhere it may be needed.
Wow, so many creative ways to exploit units ;)
If a penalty for switching should exist, it should be for switching from buildings to units, but only if the higher cost of unit shields is kept. Unit and wonder/SS shields were obviously meant to be more expensive for the player, but the ways to circumvent this rule are also so obvious that barely anyone sticks to it. Either enforce it strictly and slash half (or whatever %) of shields that are already in the box when switching from 'low cost' to 'high cost' shields, or get rid of it altogether, make all shields cost the same and maybe let players choose how many they want to buy. Also, caravans should be able to contribute to regular buildings too. Taking into account the price of wonder shields in gold, wonder -> building is actually an ineffective switch. The player should be allowed to make a bad deal.
Yes, I agree :)
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