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DragoNES Pre-Thread: Space? Maybe?


Back and Stronger
Apr 30, 2009
Denmark, Copenhagen
Hey people =)
I have thought abit about it, and ive decided that after M&ANES II, i will be running a space nes.
Ive decided (with abit help from public opinion) to make it FantasySci-Fi, and ive also decided, that it will be alot more well planned and prepared than M&A has ever been.
So, id like your opinions/ideas for the nes on this list of things:
1: Should it be a First Person Rpg like thing or a empire controller thing? or something in between?
2: Since it is already FantasySci-Fi, should it be placed in the M&A world?
3: Is there anybody out there that wants to do art like flags and stuff for this NES?
4: How extreme should tech level be?
5: How extreme should magic level be?
6: What features would you like in this NES? (cant make all of the cool things ofcourse)

Also, remember that this will NOT start until M&ANES II is over. This threads purpose is to make sure that when im finished with M&ANES II, il be well prepared for my next NES. =)

Humans: Its a human. Duh.
Pharaoh: Pharaohs are a rather new race in the Black Nebula. They are fast and cunning. Wich is a deadly combination against most foes. However, the only magic they can do is Spirit Magic (magics will be explained lower on the page). They are also, extremely proud of themselves.
Appearance: The Pharaos are tall and abit darkskinned. Their eyes colors vary between red, purple and blue.
Sylvan: The Sylvans have been in the Black Nebula for longer than the humans. In fact, theyre from the same planet. Theyre very earthbound, and are not happy about having too many colonies. Ironically though, they have the most advanced space travel technology, but are not willingly giving it to anyone.
Appearance: To make is short: Theyre elves.
Outsiders: The outsider are a resently arrived race in the Black Nebula. They have a extreme potential for magic, but are very fragile, and are 207% incapable of doing damage to anything other than cardboard through physical means.
Appearance: The Outsider look like humans, but there is something, dark about them. Even though they look like humans, their appearance is so pristine that everyone is attracted to them. No matter the race.
Dwarf: Its a typical DnD dwarf. Duh.
Cetra: Looks mostly like a human, except their hair color and eye color can be all the colors of the rainbow. Odd-eyes are common to them. They are brave, adventurous but their queer sense of humour often puts them on edge with other species. They are, however, likeable if they develop friendship with other species (and if you can get used to their constant pranks and sarcastic comments). They have high potential with magic, but not as much as the Outsiders. They are, however, usualy weaker but more swifter then normal human, and uses magic to augment their fighting prowess.
Appearance: Already Described.
Kranoth: Intelligent Insects. They are the most numerable. They form hive minds and are expert ship builders and soldiers (omg wall of insects) because of their complete coordination. Their magic users, however, are few as they can only generate 3-5 Ether fluid to feed their youngs which turns them into magic users.
Appearance: Already described.
Gnomes: The gnomes are the race that are most scientificly developed, even though the Sylvans beat them at space travel. They are fragile built, but has a big potential on magic.
Appearance: its a gnome. Duh.
Garganthan: They are a nomadic race (Wich means that they do not live in big cities, since they do not happily leave their home planet), often described as "brutish and violent". They stand approximately 2 meters tall and have a humanoid appearance, with long limbs and weathered skin. They also possess a single large slit-pupiled eye which dominates their greenish-tan foreheads. Abyssins do not take kindly to derogatory nick-names regarding their eye, such as "monoc," "one-eye," or "cyclops." They are quick to anger, especially when taunted or insulted. They are known to look for conflict and rarely show restraint. All Abyssins have the ability to heal quickly and to regenerate body parts, which leads to their belief that change is impossible, and as such they rarely stray from their home world. Therefore their technology on space travel is not to advanced.
Appearance: Already described.
Amanin: Nicknamed Amanaman in some regions, are large aliens that have long arms and a broad body. Their heads resemble a hooded cobra's head, but with a humanoid face. When travelling on planets they prefer to travel in the trees, using their arms to swing among branches, but their shapes also allow them to curl into a ball and roll at incredible speeds (droidekas! go!). They prefer to use swords and other archaic weapons instead of guns, but is galaxy reknown for it.
Appearance: Already described.
Nikolen: They look like humanoid with Octopus faces. They originally lived in deep sea environment with giant underground cities. These evantually evolved into giant floating cities, and then into space stations. Their watery ancestory actually helped them in space, and their orbital shipyards are reknown through out the galaxy. They, however, cannot survive on desert, although they can steal breath air.
Already described.
Seraphs: The Seraphs are well, angels. They look like humans but with big, white, feathery wings.
Their magical potential is almost equal the outsiders, and they are feirce soldiers that use energy blades as their main weapon. Their divine origin is questioned alot, but most races beleive that they are really "sent from heaven". They are the only known race that are able to travel and breathe in space without any kind of technology. All they need are their wings. And strangely enough: When they are in space, their flying speed matches the one of a spaceship, and their bodys can take it with no problems at all.
Appearance: Its a angel. Duh.

I urge Birdjaguar to discover this thread and make a poll option.

That's all I have to say for now.
I do not enjoy magical NESes but other than that I would enjoy a space NES, without magic of course....
Heaps of people have spoken about a space NES. And I believe there are about a million in development right now.
The question is, when we will see a viable one that lasted as long as NiNES and/or the other space NES did
That would be a good idea yes =)

Well... it wont be every race with magics. =)
if you want too, you can just be someone with straight technology, or perhaps your empires goal in the game should be to eleminate all magic? Nonetheless, i like the idea of FantasySci-Fi atm. Perhaps it will change.

Well, if i can get it to run, i hope itl run for a while =)
I've found the original thread. I haven't had time to read or analyse the enitre NES, but I have a few general observations.

Entire-nation NES tend to do better than RPG NES. For an RPG NES there are fewer chances for players to interact with each other and the interation must be much more subtle.

You could certainly mix Magic and Technology. For reference see a game called Arcanum. The "extremes" should depend on your timeframe and galaxy scale. You should not be able to terraform an entire planet in a turn. However, you should be able to get that technology eventually (update 7 or 10).

As for features.... include what you will be able to manage. People should be able to Build (Trade), Invent, Negotiate (Spy) and make War. All four features should be present and players should be able to distribute the resources they have between their efforts.

I'm sure you have tons of ideas. Bring them on, we can discuss them and add to them.
Well, i got a name atleast...
DragoNES: The Secrets of Darkspace.
Its the best name i can think of right now...
And well, if im going to use the M&ANES world, yes, i have lots of ideas.
Also, i agree that a Empire thing would be best for a space NES.
Okay, i got a plot (that works whether we use M&A world or not). Unfortunately, that will be one of things i will not discuss with you ;)
I am currently struggling with backstory... will have something usefull soon hopefully ;)
Once you have that we can start ironing out the rules and features. :thumbsup:
Yeahp =) The thing is that there are so many space stories, that all the good stories will be looked at as cliches >.<
Gotta be creative here... (wich is USUALLY no problem. Argh!)
Empire NES. I wanted to do a Space-Magic Scifi thing so badly :p.

I decided for this to be in the M&A World, but that is is so long after the happenings in M&ANES II that it wont be all over.

Also, all of the races will have changed physically or in some other way. Exept for dwarves and humans. (wich are the only races with their original names.

I also decided in calling the galaxy this will be set in Black Nebula.

Also, here is the races i made up:
Humans: Its a human. Duh.
Pharaoh: Pharaohs are a rather new race in the Black Nebula. They are fast and cunning. Wich is a deadly combination against most foes. However, the only magic they can do is Spirit Magic (magics will be explained lower on the page). They are also, extremely proud of themselves.
Appearance: The Pharaos are tall and abit darkskinned. Their eyes colors vary between red, purple and blue.
Sylvan: The Sylvans have been in the Black Nebula for longer than the humans. In fact, theyre from the same planet. Theyre very earthbound, and are not happy about having too many colonies. Ironically though, they have the most advanced space travel technology, but are not willingly giving it to anyone.
Appearance: To make is short: Theyre elves.
Outsiders: The outsider are a resently arrived race in the Black Nebula. They have a extreme potential for magic, but are very fragile, and are 207% incapable of doing damage to anything other than cardboard through physical means.
Appearance: The Outsider look like humans, but there is something, dark about them. Even though they look like humans, their appearance is so pristine that everyone is attracted to them. No matter the race.
Dwarf: Its a typical DnD dwarf. Duh.

More races will be added when i get ideas =)
I like the idea of you hosting an empire NES, but I'd prefer it to be in another world and not in the M&A one. Humm... the races sound ookay, I am sure I could help out in designing a couple more. You need to balance technology and magic very much, but I do love the idea of combining the two.

Do you want me to help filling out the races?

And you need a map
I can also help with the mechanics/backstory/races. I prefer that this not be set in M&A universe, but don't really care about it.
idem dito, i love space and RPG or strategy, so subscribing!
People, beleive me. It WONT be extremely connected to the the other NESES. It will actually (if my plans go right) be unnoticable.

Yes, i need a map =) id basicly need a galaxy map, and then il specify abit on special stuff about the Black Nebula. Firstly, its black =P

Youre welcome =) post ahead!
Oh wait... PM ahead please =P
There are some excellent mappers on this forum who are sometimes willing to make up a map upon request. You could ask in the mapping thread.

And once I have some time, I might PM some ideas aswell.
Moar races!

Cetra: Looks mostly like a human, except their hair color and eye color can be all the colors of the rainbow. Odd-eyes are common to them. They are brave, adventurous but their queer sense of humour often puts them on edge with other species. They are, however, likeable if they develop friendship with other species (and if you can get used to their constant pranks and sarcastic comments). They have high potential with magic, but not as much as the Outsiders. They are, however, usualy weaker but more swifter then normal human, and uses magic to augment their fighting prowess.

Kranoth: Intelligent Insects. They are the most numerable. They form hive minds and are expert ship builders and soldiers (omg wall of insects) because of their complete coordination. Their magic users, however, are few as they can only generate 3-5 Ether fluid to feed their youngs which turns them into magic users.

Credits to Seon for theese two races =)
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