Dream of Charles Martel


Nov 15, 2009
This a semi-historical story about Charles Martel's Dream. The goal is to create the historical colonial Empire of France and while doing that fulfill the UHVs.

In the Early Middle Ages (around 750AD) a young King Charles Martel took upon a task to create a Kingdom for his people. He appointed the ancient Roman city of Lutetia Parisonium as the capital and renamed it Paris. After short considerations the Duchy of Bordeaux and the City of Marseille agreed to join this new Kingdom of France.

For Charles Martel this was not enough, he turned his eyes to east were an old roman outpost of Bona Mansio bravely stood against the invading barbarian hordes. However, the defenders of Bona Mansio had grown stubborn and proud. They denied an alliance with the franks. Martel's spies informed him that the Count of Bona Mansio also secrectly negotiated with another rising power futher to east, the Germans. The Germans were known of their ferocity and aggression so an unified Germany was in interests of the First Frankish Kingdom. In order to strike first Martel gathered all his armies and marched them towards Bona Mansio.

While leading the siege of Bona Mansio from the Southwestern hill of Constance just outside the city Charles Martel realized that the grassland where Bona Mansio stood was vunerable to an attack even with the highest city walls; as the Count of Bona Mansio is also about realize he thought. The final attack against the city began and the outnumbered defenders were quickly beaten. When Martel saw his colours on top of the city walls he smiled grimly. He then gave orders to his Generals that city is to be razed to the ground.

While standing in the ruins of Bona Mansio Charles Martel looked southwest towards the hill of Constance and saw them peaking higher than he had realized from up there. Then it all dawned to him, the Hills of Constance offer a natural fortification against the Germanic tribes. He ordered a city of Constance to be founded on the hills.

Later that day Martel sent his scouts to greet the Germans in order to find out their reaction to the destruction of Bona Mansio. For a month he waited the german emissaries and when they finally arrived and saw the might of Martel's army, they quickly disgraced the deceased Count of Bona Mansio and appointed that his actions do not represent the true wills of Germany. They promised that the King of Germany Otto I himself will come to Constance and sign the peace treaty between these rising powers.

Two months later Otto I arrived to Constance with gifts. On the next day the two Kings announced that there will be no hostilities between France and Germany as long as they live. After a weak of celebrating Otto returned to Germany and Martel was finally able leave Constance and return to Paris.

After Martel returned to Paris rumors came to his attention that a new religion called Christianity was gaining supporters in the Marseilles region. Martel quickly adopted this religion as a state religion in order to stabilize his growning kingdom. Christianity quickly spread throughout the entire Kingdom.

Around these years France also signed a peace treaty with southern Kingdom of Spain and Martel met the Queen of Spain Isabella in Marseille. The meeting went on nicely but when Martel kissed Isabella's hand as gesture of good faith and lifted his face to catch her eyes he saw the fire in them and realized that she will not hesitate to betray him. Afterwords Martel gave secret orders to the Duke of Bordeaux to improve the city's defences.

The holy city of christianity, Rome, habitet the head of the Christian church Pope Gregor. This holy man was haunted with delusions and he saw himself as the leader of all Christians. To Martel this was a difficult situation, but he endured for the time being.

However, when Gregor declared that Marseille should be attached to his Papal States Martel decided to act. He met with the Archbishop and they agreed that actions should be taken. The Archbishop soon declared that Gregor was a false Pope and ordered a crusade against Rome in order to liberate it from its delusional leader.

Nice start, what are the rewards for the crusade event? I bet one of them is more than worth it together with Rome and the AP.
Nice start, what are the rewards for the crusade event? I bet one of them is more than worth it together with Rome and the AP.

Option 1 - "The Holy City needs more protection. Recruit and train capable
            units from among the faithful."

Cost   : None
Result : Adds X number of units to the City

Option 2 - "Harness the fervor of the believers to construct a Holy Shrine to
            honour the sacred sites where our faith was born."

Cost   : None
Result : The Special Religion Wonder is built

Option 3 - "Spread the word of our success and of the blessings of our faith 
            as far and as wide as possible."

Cost   : None
Result : Converts X number of cities to your State Religion
Since the Shrine already exists in Jerusalem, I'm assuming you'll get a military reward or spread the religion. Christianity spreads well already so I assume Charles Martel will arm the faithful ;)
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I think I have had the crusade event only once before. :D And killerkebab is quite right about the endgame.

As a result Charles Martel declared martial law and ordered all cities to start the construction catapults, since he had heard rumors from pilgrims about the towering walls of Rome. The construction of catapults was very time consuming and even the excessive use of slaves didn't speed up the progress by much. Meanwhile, the rest of Martel's army marched from Constance to Marseille, since Germany was not considered a threat anymore.

Years passed by and when Martel finally was satisfied with his siege equipment and the condition of his army, he felt the age pressing down on him. He pointed his son Philip the Short to lead the crusade. However, Philip was not the son Martel had wished for. Philip was more of an artist than a warrior on a time when France desperately needed warriors. Before the crusade launched Charles Martel gave his last breath and the Crown of France passed on to Philip. It has been rumoured that on his dying bed Martel just before dying dreamed about the future of France and when he woke up he smiled and said to his son: "One day France will have more land that we can ever dream of." Then he passed away.

Filled with sorrow Philip the Short gathered the magnificent army of France in Marseille and started the march towards Rome. Finally, months later, a scout informed Philip that the army can reach the Walls of Rome tomorrow. On the following day they saw the Walls of Rome in front them and were astonished and desperate, how can anything breach through that amount of stone. Philip himself was doubful but ordered the city be sieged.

The catapults pounded the walls for days without any visible effects but the city itself was silent. Suddenly, one week from the beginning of siege, catapults started to bombard the surrounding armies and the tent Philip the Short took a direct hit the whole army went silent as the word spread. Finally the soldiers pulled a servant out of tent and before dying whispered: "King is dead".

The whole army would have probably been disbanded, if it weren't for one man Charlemagne, Charles the Great, the grandson of Charles Martel himself. He quickly restored the order and took command of the army. Charlemagne was only twenty years old and yet he was known for his ferocity and tactical skills. He quickly realized the walls can't be taken down. His plan was quite simple the catapults keep bombarding the city instead of the walls, which will create chaos.

Meanwhile, the swordmen and and axemen will attack the walls with the assistance of crossbowmen. Charlemagne put all his money on one card and sent all his troops towards the walls.

Ouch. That's gotta hurt!
Charlemagne's gamble would have probably been a disaster, if the Swordmen of Constance would have not stood their ground. Charlemagne intetionally threw them against the strongest gate of Rome. These brave men, who train themselfs by fighting germans on the outskirts of Constance, only enjoyed the challenge. They reached the towerings walls first and fought of the Swiss Guard defending the Gate. With heavy losses they managed to open the gate for the invading troops. Aleo polis!

Charlemagne himself couldn't resist the temptation and joined the invading troops.

The rest of the defending guards were quickly beaten and Charlemagne held his sword on Gregor's throat while he crowned Charlemagne the Emperor of the Romans.

Rumors of the new Emperor of the Romans traveled quickly throughout Italian penisula and as Charlemagne was declared the Protector of the Faith by the former pope Gregor, young men all around Italy rallied under his flag.

From these eager new soldiers Charlemagne formed the Guardians of Faith regiments, which would do great deeds in the upcoming campaigns.

During the celebrations the guards of Pope Gregor were ambushed and Gregor fled from Rome. Charlemagne was furious. Finally two weeks later a spy returned to Rome and told him that Gregor had fled to Venice. Charlemagne ordered all armies to march towards Venice. At the gates of Venice Charlemagne issued an ultimatum to the Doge of Venice: "Gregor must be on his knees in front of him tomorrow morning."

In morning only an emissary was kneeing in front of Charlemagne and explaining that the Doge can't obey due to religious reasons. Charlemagne cut off his head and gave orders to his generals to destroy Venice to the ground.

The battle was very onesided as the veterans of Charlemagne poured into the city. The legendary city of Venice was destroyed and one of the Swordmen of Constance brought Charlemagne the head of Gregor on a plate.

However, Charlemagne did not have time to enjoy the death of his Arch enemy, because a scout rode through the camp like a storm and screamed before passing out that Spain has declared war and is on the march towards Bordeaux. Charlemagne gathered all able troops around him started to march towards Bordeaux, but for the first time in his life he felt fear's cold hands on him. "Will I make it in time?", he thought.

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The above screenie sucks, I know.
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Thanks Brownsfan! :)

Charlemagne rallied his troops through the vast lands of Marseille and reached the edges of Bordeaux only to to realize that the massive spanish army could not defeated on field with Charlemagne's exhausted soldiers. It was clear that Isabella had carefully planned the time of the attack. Luckily the spaniards were not expecting the arrival of France's army so soon and Charlemagne decided to break through the surrounding spanish troops inside the city walls.

The spanish generals didn't fully understand what was happening before it was too late. Charlemagne's troops entered Bordeaux unharmed. Charlemagne studied the city walls and was greatful for that his grandfather had not trusted Isabella, who was only a little girl when they first met. Isabella was devastated by this unexpected turn of the tide and ordered her generals to attack Bordeaux before the city's defences could be reorganized.

The attack was ruthless and the faith of the city remained unclear for long. Surprisingly it was the newly founded 1st Guard of Faith that crushed the final assault of the Spanish Horsemen.

The city was saved and remainders of the Spanish Army retreated from the walls. When the reenforcements from Paris arrived on the very same day, Charlemagne ordered the rest of spanish army to be destroyed.

The Spaniards fought bravely and denied the odds of victory for long. Charlemagne then decided to lead his elite unit, Swordmen of Constance, to the battle. The spanish army could not resist the power of the Swordmen lead by Charlemagne himself and the resistance was crushed. At the same time the 1st Guard of Faith attack the spaniards from the other side and the entire spanish army was slaughtered to the last man as retaliation for breaking the peace.

During the years of Charlemagne's conquests the pearl of France Paris had been building a Cathedral to honor the memory of Charles Martel and Conquest of Rome. Now it was completed, fittingly at the same time when Spain's army had been defeated. The Cathedral was named Notre Dame.

As Charlemagne stood on the hills south of Bordeaux, he realized that he was not interested in conquering of the dry Iberian Peninsula, so in order to teach a lesson to Spain and her new Queen Joanna the Mad Charlemagne ordered the Navy of Bordeaux to blockade spanish cities from the sea. This decade lasting blockade gave a chance to Portugal to gain control of a spanish city of Santiago. Soon after an Apostolic Palace resolution forced Charlemagne to sign a peace treaty with Spain. However, Charlemagne had secretly encouraged his allies, like Queen Elizabeth of England, to vote for the peace, because Charlemagne was getting old and he wished to see his Kingdom flourish before his death instead of it suffering under the weight of war.

Charlemagne's last orders were to sent the remainders of the Navy of Bordeaux to south towards the huge continent of Africa. On their journey the Navy encountered new civilizations and traded with them.

Meanwhile, after Charlemagne's death his successors continued to invest in science and culture in order to catch up to the more advanced civilizations. During this age new discoveries were made and emissaries from eastern Europe arrived to France. These Turks were to be one France's greatest friends inthe future.

You seem to be in a weak position. Overrunning one of your worthy neighbors (probably Spain) should be a priority.
After years of sailing the Navy of Bordeaux reached the equator and continued it's journey to futher south. They finally reached the southern tip of Africa and decided to continue to northeast still following the coastline of Africa. They reached the narrow canal between mainland Africa and the Island of Madagascar where they were ambushe, without any warning, by Islamic Arabs. The word of the loss would have not reached France, if the Turks would have not informed France's emissaries that the Arabs were bragging about this victory.

The word spread and the Arabs offially declared a Holy War against France. The generals of France had expected this and the Marshall of France Arminius had gathered his armies to Rome. The war was also a good chance to France to gain a foothold in Africa. The growing Empire needed new land in order to keep her hegemony status in Europe.

However, while Arminius ferried his army from Rome to Africa in order to keep the fight of France's soil, Germany suprisingly declared war on France. Soon it became clear that the Arabs had convinced the germans to attack France. The 2nd Guard of Faith marched from Rome towards the ruins of Venice and suprised the invading german Knights. The first Franco-German War was shortlived, because the Christian church did not approve Germany's actions and forced Germany to make peace with France, so that France could concetrate her armies against the infidel Arabs in Africa. Pope Leo II declared that the Arabs formed the most serious threat to civilized Europe, since the Vandals.

With this mandate Arminius' army attacked the city of Tarabulus and burned it to the ground. Arminius' elite unit was formed from Swordmen of Constance and renamed the Legacy of Charlemagne to honor the nations greatest hero and once again they played a key role in the Battle of Tarabulus. And so did the legendary 1st Guard of Faith, which defeated the feared Arabian Camel Archers. Meanwhile, brave french settlers founded the city of Tunis as the France outpost in Africa.

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You seem to be in a weak position. Overrunning one of your worthy neighbors (probably Spain) should be a priority.

That might be wise, but I am trying to create the historical Empire that France actually had, so Spain is out of the question. And I hardly see my position as a weak one. ;)

After this great victory Arminius was renamed Arminius the Strong and the Arab threat was wiped out. Therefore, France continued to focus on scientific developments. These investments payed their price and France soon became the most advanced nation in the known World. However, Arminius' bloodthirst was not satisfied by the sacking of Tarabulus and he pleeded the King, Francis I, that he could continue his African campaign. Francis I agreed since he knew that France desperately needed new land for her ever growing population.

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Hmm, but where did Arminius the Strong attack?
Since the Arabs were still too strong and Spain had only one city in Africa, Arminius decided to take his army through the Sahara desert and conquer the City of Timbuktu, where the world Spiral Minaret peaked into the skies. The stories about the wealth of the malinese nation spread throughout the empire and Knights rallied under the flag of Arminius in order to gain war booty.

The long and hasardous journey to Timbuktu took three months and when the army arrived at gates of Timbuktu it became clear that a long siege was not an option. Therefore Arminius threw his Knights against the battered gate, which was at this point almost entirely broken. The defenders were faced the full charge of Frankish Knights and perished in front of them. Timbuktu was attached to the Empire of France. All other Malinese cities were destroyed by the looting french Knights. The civilization of Mali had met her doom.

Meanwhile in mailnland France, the french engineers developed a new ocean worthy ship. Rumors of a vast land behind the ocean had spread into the ears Francis I, so he ordered settlers and explorers to travel over the Atlantic ocean and claim new territories in the name of the King.

Mali built the Spiral Minaret? Does this happen often to anyone else?
I tend to see it most often in Cairo or Mecca
I did not expect the Mali thing.

Well France historically controlled almost all of western Africa, so I thought it would be fitting and I had never done that before.

Since this story won't last very long anymore, please give ideas of which RFC civ would be the center of my next story. More warlike civ would be better, though that actually depends on how I play it. :crazyeye:

Thanks for the comments! :)
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