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Dream Thread

In the dream, or at least anything I can remember of it after the fact, I don't have any idea what the meeting is about. I don't remember how many other people are supposed to be at the meeting, e.g. I just do know that it's one I don't want to be late for.

The dream was full of your doubles. Seeing my cousin twice. Seeing the unbuilt building twice. Seeing the meeting-building when I was first reconnoitering, and then (nearly) seeing it again as I was seeking it out.

At the lunch, there was someone sitting across the table from me. No one I knew. We had a pleasant enough time, except that I kept watching the clock for when it was time to leave. Maybe when I got the meeting it would have been with him!
A "cousin" is also metaphorically somewhat of a double too as the term loosely can mean "associate/friend/someone similar".
Regarding the "huge one-story building", was it a construction site? (the building meant to rise to more).
Steel girders, if viewed poetically, could be holding the site down, from above: preventing it from rising to more floors. Held by an unseen force at the "second floor" etc.
It's also nice that "story" is used, instead of the more mundane "floor". Since a floor can't expand more than a limited amount (though here that limited amount is already vast), but a (literary) story is even less confined.
(of course those are just thoughts, they don't have to tie to your dream)
My sense was that the building was only ever going to be a one-story building, but huge in its horizontal expanse. It wasn't actively under construction on the day I was walking around.
While I was watching The Walking Deads I othen saw dreams with zombie. In those dreams I mostly knew, that it is dream.
But one I will remember for entry live.

So, I'm in city, under complete control by zombie...
I'm hiding with somebody, we really cautious, not to bring attention to us from zombie.
And then I understand, what me in dream - it's me in real live (completely dive in dream, like in the "Inception"). And I realize, what my wife and childrens are dead. And I woke up with awful scream. More accurately will be say, it was howl with pain.
I was part of a delegation that was going to negotiate some major geopolitical treaty. Parties involved included the President of the United States (but it wasn't Joe Biden) and the Pope (but it definitely wasn't that actual present Pope; this guy was huge, nearly spherical in shape and foul-mouthed). It was the day before the negotiations themselves. I was mostly just walking around the building in which it was going to be held. It was very opulent. I didn't feel qualified for whatever role I was going to play the following day, so I was very anxious.
Kind of looked like Mr. Creosote.
Some days ago I dreamt of a parliament sort of scene, a woman 'parliamentarian' facing questions by some citizens/representatives. One of the representatives began his address thus: 'As a European...' whereupon the woman simply said: 'SHUT UP', and everyone else applauded.

I can usually trace the source of what I experience in my dreams to something I have seen or read about in real life, but this was so utterly random
I dreamed last night I needed to take my hover bike down the road but I couldn’t manifest the hover bike with my imagination so I was just kind of flying right above the pavement with my hands clenched in front of me where handlebars should have been.
Two nights ago had a very involved dream and I remember only one detail from when I was coming out of it. Possibly in part because that one detail was so odd that I fixated on remembering it in order to tell in this thread.

It was me saying "I thought his name was Durano Rhodino."

Which is odd not only because I don't know anybody with that name, but because I don't think there is anybody with that name.

Last night, I dreamed I was being interviewed for a job by Nicole Wallace. She's a commentator on MSNBC. She once worked for George Bush as a speechwriter. It's sometimes through her show that I catch up on the day's Trump lunacy, because she's a Trump-hater and features that prominently in her show. In the dream, she was hiring for a job in government, not broadcasting. It wasn't clear in the dream that that meant Republicans were back in office. The interview was in a public place. I was up against another candidate, and at one point Wallace said about her that something about her "energy drinks" made her "fun." I said sharply back, "well, yes, if what you're looking for in this post is fun, rather than aptitude." That was of course pretty rude of me. Everyone was taken aback by how blunt I'd been, but not in a way that was going to cost me the job, necessarily. You could tell that Wallace was thinking, "yeah, maybe that's right; maybe I have overvalued fun." It also wasn't clear that the remark was going to win me the job either. Dream ended before I learned either way.
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This is about a dream I had more than a decade ago (closer to 20 years, actually).
Something interesting was set up there. A character had a massive body, but his name was symbolic (was called "bicephalous"). Now this is curious, since I have reason to suspect the actual massive body was not symbolic at all (referred to just that). I have to suppose it'd be counter-intuitive to use the body to symbolize the two heads (instead of using the name), since then parts of the body would be symbolic and parts wouldn't be.
Still, I think there would be more reason to push back the symbolism to the region of names.
Can you think of what added significance a name has? (I mean as a field/domain, not a significance for the specific symbolic name of "bicephalous").
I'm looking at a rock outcropping. Basically conical. A wind-sheer somehow chips out of it a wedge that represents a quarter of the total. I think to myself. "Well, that's better than if it sheered off half of it." What I mean by better is that the way it did happen leaves a niche in which one could hide and protect oneself. There's no pressing danger in the dream; it's just my rational judgment that a rock in which one can hide is better than one in which that is not a possibility. Very short dream. Wind-sheer. I see the results on the rock. I think my thought.
I once had a weirdly specific dream. I was in a car ride with my family, and we went down a spiralling road into a large mud-brick structure. There was a woman there, a researcher of historical documents, and she she showed us a old dusty tome, the journal of a Malinese (?) merchant/cleric.

That's all I can remember. I had this dream almost a year ago, and I was only suddenly reminded of it for some reason by this tweet:
I go into a store to buy a guitar. They direct me to guitar specialist. He starts supplying me with all of the other items I'll need along with my guitar. (I assume strings and picks, but they're not specified in the dream). He puts them in a white bag. He never gets around to showing me an actual guitar before the store closes down. I go back the next day. That guy isn't there that day. The dream ends before I ever find out if the new guy will actually show me a guitar.
I go into a store to buy a guitar. They direct me to guitar specialist. He starts supplying me with all of the other items I'll need along with my guitar. (I assume strings and picks, but they're not specified in the dream). He puts them in a white bag. He never gets around to showing me an actual guitar before the store closes down. I go back the next day. That guy isn't there that day. The dream ends before I ever find out if the new guy will actually show me a guitar.
That is such a dream …
About a month ago I had a dream that CivFanatics had added a new type of reaction: 'Denounce'. And my notifications were full of people denouncing my posts
i was back in a writing academy i attended in 2014. my seat was a toilet. so i was pooping as we were reading one of the students' texts. the pooping itself went fine, but it was really tough to stealthily wipe my butt after without taking attention. i was like, well, why in the world would they design it like this anyways?
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