DU1 - "I didn't expect the Spanish inquisition!"

I say we've just got to play by the rules and make the best of it. Toke's a true believer now, so unless he suffers a crisis of faith, he's our best buddy in the world. :rolleyes: We might be able to butter him up and get OB later on with a lot of patience. Or maybe we can convince him to join in the crusade. If not, I guess we're doing it the hard way.

When we get a bit of a lull in the build order, we may want to build a galley and send a unit to the southern part of the continent (and maybe a missionary or 2.) Maybe we can at least get the lay of the land down there.

EDIT: As far as the northern barb city, I'm in favor of razing it. I think it's in a pretty poor spot.
Ok... well I don't get to raze the barb city during my turns, so I'm passing that to the next guy... we can patiently deal with Toku and hope to have him open borders since we have a ton of space in our lands...


Turn 94: 550 BC
I pick first strike for the archer in Santiago.
Madrid: Library finishes, Chrstian missionary started.
I plan to swap to Theocracy soon since upkeep is killing us. This will save 2gpt.
We are still in the tech lead.

Turn 95: 525 BC
Santiago starts on archer.
Second first strike promotion picked for archer.
Barcelona finishes Sword, starts on monastery to continue building monks after switch to theocracy. Sword gets one city raider promotion.
Madrid worker starts a road to Santiago.
Seville finishes Obelisk, starts on granary.

Turn 96-98: 500-450BC
Madrid finishes missionary which moves to Santiago. Starts on worker.
Axeman in Santiago finishes healing, moves out to Seville.
Barcelona worker finishes mine and starts another on the jungle hills.

Turn 99: 425BC
We have visibility on barb city, Bantu: not on hills defended by 2 warriors.
Chariot continues heal in forest near barb city.
Turn 100: 400BC, Final turn in my succession
Missionary converts Seville to the true faith for culture.
Our swordie moves closer to barb city.
TOKU NO WANT OPEN BORDERS! Canceling free gold deal. However, Toku is now +1 from peace, +2 from faith.

I hope I didn't ruin it too much heh heh.
Please switch to Theocracy civic as I forgot to do it, this will save us 2gpt.
Should we build galleys now? We still need to convert Caesar and Peter and Mao.
Thanks to our totally awesome gold mines, we are still in tech lead no one has techs to trade save for Peter who's not trading us Math.
Swordie is almost to barb city. Use it and Chariot to finish it off.

Scores faiths borders:
Isabella (that's us) - 520 Christian*
Peter - 430 Buddhist Open
Mao - 403 None Open
Asoka - 379 Hindu*
Tokugawa - 369 Christian
Julius Caesar - 368 Jewish Open
*=holy city

Domestic Advisor: For the map, just refer to the map a few posts above as nothing much has changed...
In most of my games, it's usually Toku that does the opening rather than me... we could wait and see if the "faith meter" goes up with him. Otherwise we may have to... er, justify eliminating him since he likely has no friends...

Ragnoff, I think it's your turn...
We can try gifting him a low-level tech or 2 and see if it will butter him up some. Preferably not anything too powerful, since I'd like to keep him from getting construction (and thus war elephants) for as long as possible. Another helpful option would be switching to mercantilism once we get to banking (although that's pretty far down the road.) We'd get a +1 or 2 bonus for having his favorite Civic. In combination with Caste system, we may even find it useful.

Right now, I'd say our smartest move would be to get some missionaries down to the southern reaches of the pangea to see who else we can get to join our side. Russia, China, and Rome are all possibilities, although China is the only one with *no* religion right now. If we can get one of them to convert, we can possibly use them to take the fight to the infidels. Madrid should get a great prophet in 25 turns, so spreading Christianity around will also mean more gold coming in once we build the Church of the Nativity.
Toku WILL give you OB if you gift him enough techs. I've done this in enough games so far it's a guarantee.
ok, got it, I will not be able to play today, but I should have a post up tomorrow morning (Monday).

I will be unable to play from the 22nd through the 26th. I will be able to play on the night of the 27th. Hopefully this will get back to me before then :)
Hey, i am sorry I thought I would post this on Monday, but finishing the last elements of finals week jsut took to long (I am a graduate student). I finished the turns, but wont finish teh write-up untill tomorrow during teh day, I will post then.
That's okay, man. Take your time.

BTW I noticed we all took 20 turns (30 for Unholy since he was first). How about the next rotation?
I took 20 for the first time. I'll probably take 15 next time, and 10 every time after that - perhaps 5 in the modern age if it takes a while.
The first Minister Ragnoff find himself in charge of the glorious Spanish empire. It is clear that there is no empire better than Spain, none more deserving of greatness, none who so clearly are in God's vision! Remembering that, no matter what first Minister Ragnoff achieves, all glory for those achievements is the province of the grace of God, and not that of mere mortals, first Minister Ragnoff humbly begins to examine the empire and see where his effort should be directed.

First, there are many heathens out there. Only the Japanese see the greater glory of God, but they are latecomers to the faith and still not comfortable with the glory that is Spain, so our borders are not yet open to one another. Four other kingdoms are known, three who follow heathen religions and one who follows no recognized religion at all. These are matters of great concern, but many of these may yet see the light. The same cannot be said of the barbarians. With these barbarians to our north, a state of WAR exists, God's will be done. As we are in this state of war the Hierarcy of the church, and thus the arms and training of the Church Millitant, must be increased. Although a few heathen slaves moan that Spain is now a Theocracy, we will not let the ill wishes of the foul-mouthed deflect us from our appointed course.

Foreign affairs. The bane of any nation, we make agreements, some with heathens, that they may draw closer to us and see the light of God's glory through our wisdom rather than being converted by the sword. In this vein, we open borders with the Chinese and Indians. Because of our theocracy, the heathen beliefs cannot affect us. We trade some of our extra gold to the Chinese, who currently follow no God, in exchange for a new seafood they have, shellfish. Now that the Japanese Empire follows the faith, we send wise men to teach them the secrets of priesthood. We do this without asking for recompense, for it is just and right that the Japanese Empire administers to the flocks of the faithful in their lands. Moreover, this may cause them to favor us. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 375 B.C. (1), Barcelona is able to build a Christian monastery, and we order the construction of a galley to carry missionaries to the south. Holy armies invade the regions around the barbarian's city of Bantu. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 350 B.C. (2), some heathen named "Gibbon" listed the most powerful civilizations of the world, and listed Spain last! Could he not see that Spain, and Spain alone as the holy city of Christianity, has God's favor? Also of interest is that the fourth civilization is unknown to us. Madrid has trained new workers, and I order a granary started to better utilize the farmlands of the area. We can no longer tolerate barbarians and assaults are launched. Our swordsman, inspired by God, destroys the most dug in of our defenders, and the chariots, similarly inspired, complete the capture of Bantu. Rule out soil Spanish hands attempting to govern the season, their city is destroyed, their people dispersed. Enough foreigners, and enough of our own captured people, exist to form a group of workers who are moved near Saville in order to build a road connecting Saville to Madrid. The workers from Madrid begin working this road from the other direction. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 325 B.C. (3), with the last of the barbarians disbursed are initial crusades reach their end. The only land whos borders we know, Japan, is converting to the faith. We must explore to the south. Saville completes a granary, I order the city to begin the production of the settler, for the regions to the north and east are now unsettled. I intend to settle the city at the mouth of the bay to the north of Madrid, adjacent to glorious wheat fields. I believe in other cities should be founded north of Saville, but this may tax our administrative efforts at this time.Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 300 B.C. (4), in the hundred years is the first Ragnoff was named first Minister, the Ragnoff family has continued service to Spain Barcelona's is now a class 7 city. Madrid itself is class five, Saville class three, and Santiago merely a class one.Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 275 B.C. (5), the fleet of galleys ordered a century earlier in Barcelona have been completed. A missionary is ordered to take advantage of this. Years.....
... pass. In the year labeled 250 B.C. (6), perhaps I was premature in declaring the barbarians vanquished, for new barbarians are seen south and east Santiago. Spanish wise men discover the secrets of the compass. The enlightened suggests establishing a code of laws that lesser men will know that men holy and wise will sit in judgment over their actions and their wrongdoings. Madrid finishes its system of granary's and begins producing warriors of the faith, in this case archers. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 225 B.C. (7), the Germans are built in a far-off land and are galley to the south confirms that it can reach the Russians and finally makes contact with another culture, the Americans. The Americans agreed to open borders with us. Russia at this time will trade mathematics for our knowledge of the alphabet. Although the trade clearly favors the heathen, perhaps this again will help us should we wish to convert them to our cause. The trade is acceptable. The last length of the road between Madrid and so they'll is under construction as is the last length of the road to Santiago. Additionally, workers are completing pastors at a horse herd.

... pass. In the year labeled 200 B.C. (8),A warrior in Madrid is promoted to an axeman and sent south to help against the barbarians. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 175 B.C. (9), the great finishes training archers and begins the construction of a Christian Monastery while Barcelona finishes training a missionary and begins the construction of a lighthouse. The heathen archers throw themselves against Santiago which holds them off somewhat easily.Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 150 B.C. (10), the horses are connected, and workers move to connect the iron west of Seville and prepare for our next city by connecting the wheat. Years.....
... pass. In the year labeled 125 B.C. (11), the last barbarian invader to the east brakes on the rock that is Santiago, but a new invader appears to the West. An axeman leaves to deal with this archer. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 100 B.C. (12), our first conversion succeeds, and St. Petersburg adopts Christianity.Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 75 B.C. (13), the invaders to the west are defeated, they attack our axeman and are destroyed at great cost. Yet another barbarian archer comes out of the fog to the east however, and inaction in swordsman are moving in that direction to attempt to locate the source of these invaders. The American demand we cancel our deals with the Russians, which I refuse to do. No infidel will order me.Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 50 B.C. (14), the barbarian archer's attack our axeman who was located in the jungle, with predictable devastating results for the barbarians. Upon finishing their Christian monastery, Madrid begins a Christian Temple and Barcelona begins a Christian missionary. Santiago has finally expanded, it is population size to end its borders now include additional non- jungle territory.Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 25 B.C. (15), I finally understand rule by the Code of Law, and began researching the calendar. The settler in Seville has been produced and they are set to build a Christian Temple. The settler is sent to the location on the bay north of Madrid. Years.....

(going to dinner, last part should be up in an hour or so)
... pass. In the year labeled 1 AD (16), The swordsman and axeman exploring to the east continue to press east, so far in discovering that the barbarians were random tribal gatherings, as no cities discovered. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 25 AD (17), Córdoba is founded, and Barcelona finishes a missionary which is sent to the new town. Cordova starts building our own granary tower so that the population will grow quickly. The swordsman reveals another wandering barbarian warrior, but no city. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 50 AD (18), Madrid begins production of another missionary. The missionary spreads the word of God to Córdoba. Years.....

... pass. In the year labeled 75 AD (19), our exploration of the Russian lands continues. Despite having settled another city, we're still learning one gold for turn at 80% science. The spread of Christianity is bringing additional coins into our coffers. Years.....

... pass. It is the year labeled 100 AD (20), years will continue to pass, but I will no longer be the one to comment upon them. I, whose family has now serve more over five centuries, and being accused of heresy. My position in ruins, my enemies closing in, I assume this will be my last report. (For the time being). The Christian Temple has been constructed in Barcelona, in the city no longer suffers from unrest, a harbor is ordered here. In Santiago, the marketplace is finished and a workboat is begun.

Okay, I think I left the kingdom better than I took it over. Although we are not currently a religious war, I was only just able to determine that the barbarians coming from the fog to the use of Madrid were not based out of the city. We now have contact in the south, and indeed a missionary there, although a much larger missionary force and another galley would help. I think we can probably afford another settlement, I would suggest placing it north of Seville on the tundra between the large lake and the northern coast, giving it access to the cows. Feel free to cancel any of the deals that I am going, particularly the ongoing ones,
Nice job Ragnoff. I hardly recognize the tiny little 2-city empire I handed off 40 turns ago. :lol:

I took a look at the save and some things jump out at me:

- We should get our first Great Prophet in 5 turns, so we'll be getting a nice gold bonus when that happens and we build our shrine.

- Peter founded Confucianism. From previous experience, this tells me he's a lost cause. We might eventually be able to bribe him to convert, but he'd probably just return to his heathen ways after a few turns. Since he's so close, he may also be a good candidate for the first victim of the Spanish Inquisition. :D

- On a related note, Toku is willing to cancel his trade deals with Peter for the low, low price of 'Code of Laws.' This will annoy Peter, but it should help slow the spread of heathen religions to Toku and increase the likelyhood of Christianity spreading there.

- Roosevelt is a Confucianist, but there may still be hope for him. I'd make him and Mao (if we can find Mao) the targets of our next few missionaries. If we can convert Roosevelt, we may be able to bribe him to start a war with Peter. After they've gone at it a few turns and killed off a lot of each other's troops, we'll have a much easier time conquering Russia.
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