E3 2005: Civ4 Live Stage Demo (GameSpot)

Do you have no faith in Soren?
well, I am happy that they have some time left to really tweak the AI, I would love to be a beta tester too :)
knowing that Soren has been dropping by this forum, I am hopeful that things will really work out for Civ4
Looks friggin awsome. Haven't seen the 13 min. long vid yet, cause i'm at school, but the three mini's look awsome. God, the one thing that looked a little off was the size of leaders heads, looked a little too cartoony for my tastes, but the animations are awsome. No more leaders just looking smugly at you while u try to trade 10000 gold for uranium.

Other than that though, the graphics look amazing. I can't wait to get a look at the global veiw for late modern times. It'd be cool to see satileittes(spelling) orbiting the earth, or maybe a veiw for nuclear war, with nukesww crossing each other. That would be sweet!!!

Combat looks soooo much better too. No more 30 second battles with 2 elite units duking it out. I think combat will be alot more fast paced with this new system of men.
I can't wait to see the new artillery in action !!!!!
One odd discrepancy that came to mind, though. If you recall the IGN interview with Barry Caudhill, he mentioned that trade routes will form automatically after you sign a 'trade agreement' with another nation. Yet, in the E3 video, we see Soren making a specific trade of corn for wheat in the diplomacy screen :eek: ! So, which is it-do you still negotiate individual trade agreements, or do you sign an all-encompassing 'trade agreement' which allows for trade routes to start forming naturally? Or, perhaps its a combination of the two?? Guess we will have to wait and see!

Oh BTW TheRat. If they DO make you a Beta Tester, can you ask them to replace spy units with a truly good, abstract espionage model?

2 Chinese Leaders in 1 game!
Does that mean, that civil wars are in? Or can you start the game with 2 Chinas?
Videos look great. I love the new combat/promotion features. 3D camera control is awesome as well, as is the animated resources and stuff. Man, I can't wait for this.
That movie's total crap. All I see is a black screen.
Aussie_Lurker said:
One odd discrepancy that came to mind, though. If you recall the IGN interview with Barry Caudhill, he mentioned that trade routes will form automatically after you sign a 'trade agreement' with another nation. Yet, in the E3 video, we see Soren making a specific trade of corn for wheat in the diplomacy screen :eek: ! So, which is it-do you still negotiate individual trade agreements, or do you sign an all-encompassing 'trade agreement' which allows for trade routes to start forming naturally? Or, perhaps its a combination of the two?? Guess we will have to wait and see!


no Aussie you'll have to micromanage each and every single trade route in CivIV, and move spies AND missionaries AND ... :devil:
Aussie_Lurker said:
One odd discrepancy that came to mind, though. If you recall the IGN interview with Barry Caudhill, he mentioned that trade routes will form automatically after you sign a 'trade agreement' with another nation. Yet, in the E3 video, we see Soren making a specific trade of corn for wheat in the diplomacy screen :eek: ! So, which is it-do you still negotiate individual trade agreements, or do you sign an all-encompassing 'trade agreement' which allows for trade routes to start forming naturally? Or, perhaps its a combination of the two?? Guess we will have to wait and see!


My guess it that there are general trade agreements, as in SMAC or MOO, that increase the treasuries of both sides, and there are also Civ III - type trade deals with more specific, limited goods.
Black screen issue: I noticed that, and simply moving the video window cleared it up. Maybe its a refresh issue.

Daoism: Its spelled Taoism, its a later type of Buddhism, kinda...

Animated leaderheads: Has there been any talk of programs to develop our own custome leaders? Lots of 3d games provide such, "Freedom Force" comes to mind, where wireframes were developed and you could simply create a 2d "picture" of your person and it wrapped it on the frame. Any news on that?

Stoner resource: When he was mentioning resources he said "Wheat" but I thought he said "Weed".... I expected Cheech and Chong as "Great Entertainers" <g>

Multiple leaders: Don't ya figure that since we saw 2 Chinese leaders, that your leader isn't tied to your Civ? I could choose to be the Indians, but choose Mao as my leader? This makes sense if the leader traits contain bonuses. Are Civ traits gone?
I have my doubts about this game. The graphics are not much of an improvement. Also the battles aren't as intense as I expected. I don't like it so fast-paced. I do like the multi-units though. I'll wait until the price goes down before I buy Civ4.

*dodges nunchucks from Civfanatics*
WOW! The game looks extremely good in motion! I just love the smooth, continuous zoom! It's like you are flying over your land. However, I'd still like the units to be a bit smaller, otherwise with many units the screen will look cluttered.

Also it seems cool that you can start with two instances of the same Civ but with different leaders!
wotan321 said:
Daoism: Its spelled Taoism, its a later type of Buddhism, kinda...

Multiple leaders: Don't ya figure that since we saw 2 Chinese leaders, that your leader isn't tied to your Civ? I could choose to be the Indians, but choose Mao as my leader? This makes sense if the leader traits contain bonuses. Are Civ traits gone?

it can be spelled both ways - it's exactly more closer to dao than tao in pronunciation. it's not buddhism at all - it developed separately and is native to china, founded by lao zhi. daoism started off as a philosophy that later spawned religious beliefs and combined w/ other faiths, such as buddhism. but yeah, they shud be separated as one came from india and one came from china - kinda like how civ works, missionaries spread from india to china to korea to japan, spreading buddhism around asia and se asia.

civ traits r still present in the game. u get diff bonuses depending on the leader u choose, somewhat like how rts handles diff civ's.
wotan321 said:
Multiple leaders: Don't ya figure that since we saw 2 Chinese leaders, that your leader isn't tied to your Civ? I could choose to be the Indians, but choose Mao as my leader? This makes sense if the leader traits contain bonuses. Are Civ traits gone?

I'd love to see leaders moving between civilizations, but I don't think it's going to happen, at least as the game is foreseen right now. Yes, civ traits are gone, at least according to the IGN Preview (see other thread), which probably means that a civ is now defined as a standard, the names of its cities and great leaders, and its unique unit.
Looks awesome!

Comments: so it's confirmed that multi-units represent hitpoints. What about combining units together for strategies? Can only guess till we get info about it.

Civilopedia: only icons, no text? Ouch... So, imagine, you've never seen the icon for "Zimbabwan Ukurowo" (totally imaginary unit I just made up on the spot), and need to find it in the civliopedia? Tough look, gotta hover the mouse over every icon till you see the text - reminds me of the early complaints about the Mac OS X dock lol.

I wonder if it's still possible to double-click a city to see what's inside, or is it now necessarsy to zoom in. Having a zoomed out map is good to see all cities, and then it's easy to double-click each and look inside. Again, impossible to know for sure what's possible and not just judging from the vids, or if the zoom + city info on map will end up being a better solution.

Graphics - I like :)

Global view seems to me like it's not exactly a globe, but more like the map that's sortof curled, but you can still see it all without having to rotate the globe. Would make sense to me if it was so.

No space age or space units I'm pretty sure. Techs ended at superconductors (and etc) just like in the previous games, followed by future tech.
dc82 said:
it can be spelled both ways - it's exactly more closer to dao than tao in pronunciation.
That's true, if you pronounce "tao" and "dao" as English-speakers do. Actually the "d" (or "t" in Wade-Giles transcription - the difference comes from different transcriptions) is pronounced devoiced, but without aspiration (in English, you pronounce the "t" in "tao" aspirated because it's in the beginning of the word). To a, say, French-speaker, "tao" is more precise, because in French the stops aren't aspirated.

But this is way off topic, sorry. I'll find myself a linguistics BB. ;)
Will there be any sort of religious alliances (like crusades or cihad) I wonder?...
OK so I am a bit confused: what about

PAGANISM and ATHEISM? If these two are not included, then one is FORCED to choose one of the mono religions? Now that is a load of crap! Hopefully it is not the case.

Plus, I agree with someone else's concern that the gameplay migth be bogged down by too much animation. And picking a unit specific "upgrade" after each successful attack or defense sounds like a LOT of micromagament.

Other than that - MUCH BETTER than the screencaps we saw so far. Still a bit boxy though.
u can always choose to not accept the religion... but u'll be at a disadvantage. whether u believe in religion or not, truth is that religion has always been a powerful and transnational uniting factor throughout history
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