Early discussion on Victory Condition


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
Yes, I know we're just starting, but it is a good time now to ask for any strong opinions relating to victory condition. The only reason we would have for deciding anything this early would be if we want a culture victory, in which case we would need to start producing culture as early as feasible. What we can do however is eliminate any option with minimal support, or that has a lot of people who want to avoid it.

I do not want to see diplo, since we just had it last game.
I suggest a new Victory Condition we just make up.

We can set a gold treasure level of 20 000 gold? what about that? WE never tried that, and we can simply decide we have won we we reach a certain gold level.
Well, I think we could end the DG history with concluding with Histograph
Provolution said:
Well, I think we could end the DG history with concluding with Histograph
this wont be the last game of the Civ3 DG...
1.5 games will be fit in before Civ4 comes out, plus I think another 3 games after that could be played.
I say we screw the victory condition and instead try to make a condition to lose by.
Condition to loose ? Now that would be interesting. I'd like it to be a side effect of a normal victory condition.

We loose if a nation dies before a certain year, for instance 1900 AD.
We loose if we can't manage to get 1 monopoly on luxuries and 50% of the others by 1900 AD.
We loose if we can't build Womens Suffrage.

anyone else with suggestions ?
well since we're england, how about if we aren't making the most gpt for 10 turns (or another set number) between all the nations we know, we lose.
How about We win if we can get a 20K culture game loss to another nation.

I like Rik's too.

Another, we lose if we fail to build 3/7 of each age's wonders.
How about going for a straight cultural win?
Or we could make up a new Victory Condition.

Commercial Victory.

This would be much more fun, and challenge our ability to develop a very strong economy.
I like the idea of a culture win. I think 100K was done for DG1, so how about a 20K culture win. If we want to challange it more we can say we need to do a dual 20K win. IE: 2 Cities need to cross 20K on the same turn or we lose.
If any one city gets 20K, the game is over anyway for cultral victory.
Rik Meleet said:
We loose if we can't build Womens Suffrage.
If another nation builds it first, then we cant build it, but once we build it, then we can never build it again, so we cant build it then either. Oh, a paradox :goodjob:. The only way to win is by making sure Womens Suffrage is never built.

Seriously, I say either Histograph or Space Race. Preferably the former.
I'll carry the Histograph torch for another game. Not that it matters to me....I am playing as England for a personal Histograph victory on a Huge 31-civ map. I can't wait around for you people forever. :lol:
Histograph is fine with me. I win about 1/3 of my games by histograph.
After all the beaurocracy I think we need a long game.
Histo would be nice, or a multiple goal (like massive culture with histo win)
Several prospective new citizens and Civ illuminati have pointed out that we really need to have a high level answer on victory condition before we can properly decide on a settlement strategy.

We don't need to make a final decision on what kind of victory we want, but let's hear from a few more citizens on how we want to win this game.
Histograph this time, so we have tried that too.
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