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Ed hinting at more South American civs


Aug 23, 2010
In this interview, Ed Beach hints at the fact they may be adding new South American civs. I am curious what you guys think they might choose.

Personally, I think they will probably add some modern SA state like Argentina or Chile.
I am guessing some Pre-Incan groups or perhaps the Nazca. The Nazca Lines would look cool in a religious district, or they could be a Unique Religious District.
Probably just Inca and Brazil, but I could see Tupi. He said they are factoring TSL maps into their decisions, so it seems unlikely to me that he's suggesting anyone that overlaps geographically with those first obvious two.
I'm not south-american specialist, but I think Olmec would be sweet, they have those giant stone heads carved into jungle, would look cool on the map.

I'm also interested in modern ones like Argentina and Brazil.

Inca are so important that they will make it for sure.
My guesses, listed by their (perceived by me) probability.
1) Only SA civs will be Brazil and Inca, but this time Inca will appear already in base game for the sake of TSL maps.
2) Native variant: Nazca civilisation (geoengineering) or Mapuche AKA Araucans led by Lautaro (very impressive resistance versus colonizers in open warfare... for three centuries)
3) Latino variant: Gran Colombia led by Simon Bolivar
4) Some other civilisation like Tiwanaku, Muisca, Tupi, Argentina...
I'm not south-american specialist, but I think Olmec would be sweet, they have those giant stone heads carved into jungle, would look cool on the map.

The Olmecs were on Mesoamerica, so it would be North America.

I'm sure Incas and Brazil are coming back, tho there's plenty of space and options in south America.

There is Muisca, Nazca, Chachapoya, and Mapuche for natives, and Argentina and Gran Colombia for post-colonial.

I'm not going to lie, I'd love to see Mexico inlcuded on a civ game, but if TSL representation is important they might want to go for either Argentina or Gran Colombia for Spanish speaking post colonial.

And of those two I think Gran Colombia with Simon Bolivar is the better pick.
so historically in Civ we have the


so I wonder if we will get all of these off the bat or even more, like the Olmecs
Its interesting how many recall the Olmecs, but we can count them out already as La Venta is a CS.

edit: Only a few more Mesoamerican civs would be large enough to justify making it into civ, like the Toltecs, Purepechans or even Teotihuacan as a One City Challenge.

We could use way more mesoamerican and south american CS's tho.
so historically in Civ we have the


so I wonder if we will get all of these off the bat or even more, like the Olmecs

Maya and Aztecs overlap geographically, so I don't think it likely to have both in the base game. Especially if their motivation is TSL maps. Personally, I'd choose Maya over the Aztecs - the latter were recent invaders that are mainly important/iconic because they happened to be there when Spaniards arrived. But Aztecs are a longstanding Civ staple, so it's probably going to be them again.
Maya and Aztecs overlap geographically, so I don't think it likely to have both in the base game. Especially if their motivation is TSL maps. Personally, I'd choose Maya over the Aztecs - the latter were recent invaders that are mainly important/iconic because they happened to be there when Spaniards arrived. But Aztecs are a longstanding Civ staple, so it's probably going to be them again.

The Aztecs have been confirmed already, and they only overlap in the Soconusco which was more of a trading post for the Aztecs than anything else, so no overlap of importance. But yeah, the Mayans are always a selling point, might make it until a expansion or dlc.
I'd like Gran Colombia lead by Simon Bolivar and Argentina lead by Eva Peron.

Bolivia with Simón Bolívar as a leader?

If they actually make him leader of a country, it'd be Venezuela. Bolivia is and always has been irrelevant.
Inca is all but confirmed I feel, and with good reason. But given TSL considerations, I think it's unlikely we'll get another Andean civ. I think Patagonian is a stretch a well given the greater potential in civs in the north of the continent. I hope Brazil doesn't get the slot, presuming there's only one other. The Muisca would be fantastic, if a little close for comfort with the inca for TSL. The Tairona would be cool as well, and a little more distant.

For something a little more off the wall they could go for Arawak / Taino and bring a civ that covers north coast of South America and the Caribbean for the first time!

Presuming they don't go for Brazil, I would bet on te muisca though, given the strength of mod love for them in V and I mean, their leader would be freaking EL DORADO, a man covered in gold. What's not to love?
I'm surprise there's so many who think that Brazil will come back (when it appeared in BNW, I thought that I would never see Brazil again in a Civ game after). Well, Brazil fits perfectly with the Inca in TSL maps, but I belive in other nation this time. I would love see Simón Bolivar or the Mapuche at this time, and maybe Brazil in some DLC...
I doubt it's likely, but I'd propose the Tehuelche and Selk'nam. Tehuelche has the advantage of a good female leader (Maria the Great) and the Selk'nam are just straight up awesome.
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