elder scrolls mod development thread

New version in a week, with Ramzay's units, undead and daedra... stay tuned

Ranzay: I will also want all the graphics you made but didn't yet upload ( palaces, wonders, ministry of truth etc.)

Novator: Your camoran is fantastic!

I cannot upload now all, but the my new friend will help)
It's fine, take your time.
I'm just saying that eventually I'll want to add them (weeks, perhaps a month)

слухи о моей виртуальной смерти сильно преувеличены

EDIT: just seen your private message. thanks :):)

EDIT 2: downloaded :):)
now I have work to do :):):crazyeye::crazyeye: sorting all of this :) thx :!! :lol:
I like the updates! However, I'm not sure how I feel about the new Tamriel map having random starts... maybe in the next update, make one map of Tamriel for random placement, then have a separate WorldBuilder save of 'Tamriel (Historical/Canon)' for fixed starts? Otherwise, it's looking great!
You sure you put it in the right folder? It should be in the Civ folder in Program Files you know, and not in the My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword directory
I have it in here: C:/Program Files/Firaxis Games/Civilization 4/Beyond the Sword/Mods.
Every time I start up a new Tamriel map, I encounter the same issue - no matter who I played, I get dropped somewhere around the Flood Plains area in Cyrodiil:
Spoiler :

So it's not entirely random, but it is an issue. The AI also get placed in entirely random spots - Nords in the center of High Rock, Dunmer in the Summerset Isles, Imperials in southern Black marsh, etc.

EDIT: Okay, nevermind, it's not always in that Flood Plain. Like right now, I got dropped in to High Rock as the Imperials.
Well, that aside...

Now the werewolves have become Barbarian units, I've had a thought. Perhaps, should Jorrvaskr get implemented as a Wonder, not only would do what you intend for it to do, but also allow the 'training' of Hidden Nationality Werewolf units? Just a thought.

Also, I was wondering about the canonical accuracy of a few things... namely, capitals. I don't know if I've said this before, but Torval isn't in the eastern part of Elsweyr, but by the bay/inlet in western Elsweyr. The implied/speculated capital of Black Marsh is Helstrom, but it seems fine remaining as Blackrose... but only with one change. If it is to remain Blackrose, the placement will have to shift further south - the placement you have currently is closer to Helstrom's location:
Spoiler :

Finally, a geography nitpick. Near Solitude in Skyrim, there should be a mountain range to the west of it. Instead, in the map currently loaded on, there's flatlands.

Love all the details added in, though! Please keep up the excellent work!
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