emperor help

Hmm, not sure this is really a "rule of thumb". it would be if roads were good only for economy, but when you get caught between two treacherous AIs and you're not sure which one of those "friends" will declare war first, raods, even if not economically productive can help you defend your civ, or maintain a smaller army which in turns, saves gold.
I often consider that a road that costs me a couple GPTs is worth the tactical benefit, and will often build roads to connect to forts/citadels at my borders just for that.

Seeing as how this thread is all about the economy yes that is a good rule of thumb.

Since he's asking about playing on Emperior I was assuming he was smart enough to realize that sometimes it's worth building a few extra road segments for tactical concerns and I did mention that advantage when I talked about going road less.
At Emperor, you can get most any wonder you want if played correctly.

I agree, for the most part, with one small objection: early game wonders are going to need to be rushed to so quickly that it's not always worthwhile to give up other things (a second worker, etc) to get them.

Case in point: I've built the Great Library, in Emperor, maybe twice out of at least a hundred different games. Why? Because it sets me back too much to get it.

But I'll agree that mid- and late-game wonders are completely do-able at Emperor, and I'll even concede most early wonders are at least possible, though not always a good idea to try for.
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