Enhanced Forts

Sorry, I was being facetious. ZoC? In Civ4? Yeah right... :rolleyes:

It would take so long to get right that it's not worth the effort, but maybe in Civ5. :p

You could recycle some of the python in Final Frontier that makes the outposts attack nearby units.
Personally I'd like to see Forts being able to be built along with other improvements. However I guess a limitation for this would be needed. Something like a minimum distance between forts.

Reason for my POV is that I use forts as "canals" (as in suez- or panama-) for shortcutting long sea routes. Also these points are often startegic choke points. And when I'm not able to usefully fit a city in there I have to "give up" the tile production-wise and construct a single fort there.

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