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I beg to differ King, if you get involved in the politics of the nation you're in... it's really quite fun. I do not understand why at least 1/4 of civfanatics regulars aren't already jumping up and down to be involved in this game... considering the likeness of the 2 games.
So after going through the first war, all of the bugs, and the annoying spam thats been going on, can anyone playing this game say they still enjoy it?
Seriously all, this game this awesome.

A few friends and I have about 20+ invites up our sleeves, so I'm willing to give out invites to anyone, regardless of what country you want to join! :)

Just found the game, it's awesome. Add me to your friends list, my citizen and I have the same name.
I also started playing this game. It's quite addictive. Feel free to add me as a friend. My citizen is named sneaky, as you might expect.
Just so you all know, since the eUSA is getting whipped right now, I decided to move...

to eAustralia. :p

I REALLY don't want to be a PEACE alliance citizen.
From what I hear, the PEACE alliance is cheating because of some battlefield opening glitch they are exploiting.Our former president also complained about that exploit and the admins permbanned him.

Something tells me that PEACE is getting a little help from friends in high places... :deal:

Either way, I don't think you should be too proud of your country at this time.
Yeah, yeah, right :mischief:

Well, capturing DC is quite something. White House with the Portuguese flag...unforgettable.

Also, ePortugal captured 9 former eUSA states so far, one of them released due to strategic reasons, so we have 8 of your states. One resistance war has started 2 hours ago, but I doubt eUSA is gonna retake Alabama.

Canada isback, and what is keeping them alive is the factthat, after being completely wiped, all of their wars ended. But more resistances put Canada back on the map and now no one wants to spend gold again declaring war.:rolleyes:

Say buh-bye:lol:
I'm amused at how you skirted around the admin issue.
I joined eRepublik a week and change ago- so far, so good, although it seems that America has finally caved in to PEACE.
I think once our old president (whose name escapes me :p) got banned, there really wasn't hope for America, as the new president was thoroughly incompetent.
I have played this game for some time, I owned some companies and was Czech president too :)
I joined up and was unaware that Washington state was under Hungarian control. For the time being, I've moved to the Hungarian mainland for health reasons as the hospital has yet to be rebuilt for the time being. Perhaps I'll open up some hospitals in the Hungarian annexed parts of North America someday. :D
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