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FA: Christmas gifts


Sep 14, 2001
Wellington New Zealand
Christmas time is almost upon us and it is a time for giving. We as a nation do not have a tradition of giving (ask Russia) in fact many of the worlds leaders thing that we are tight, cheap and only making deals that give us huge profits. And recently our nation as been as been humiliated by the Russians because of this.

“I have always believed helping your fellow man is profitable in every sense, personally and bottom-line.”

So I have written a list and checked it twice. This is a group of nations who I think we should send gifts too. All of these nations are annoyed at us if we give a small gift they will be polite. These nations are France, Aztecs, Babylon and Russia. The gifts I have in mind are luxuries. Gems for France and Babylon and silks for Russia and Aztecs. Once this has been done that only nations that dislike us will be Iroquois, Zulu and Rome and gifts won’t help these people at least for the time being.

There are some of you who will say “what a luxury? But we need them” we already have four spare silks and gems, if we make these gifts then we will still have two of each left. Some will say “what GIVE!? You mean with out us getting anything in return?” Yes this is exactly what I mean, you don’t make friends by signing gpt agreements, think of all the times you have had a hire purchase agreement. Sure the computer is cool but it sucks paying $120 a month. That’s what its like for them they think cool theory of gravity and all I have to pay is 20 easy payments of 73gold. But them Shaka gets his theory home and by the third 73gold payment he is sick of it so he sends his Impi’s to rape and pillage Japantican homes.
And some of you will say “Russia? They almost invaded us” well if we give them gifts now then they won’t want to again.

So please consider what I have said and discuss. I will poll soon.
If we can afford it, giving luxuries is a good way to improve our world standing, but if any of those countries declare war on us, will we take a hit for not completing the deal?
If what cyc says is true we might as well stop all trade. and if they attack us wont they take the hit?
Nobody said:
If what cyc says is true we might as well stop all trade.
Well there's a difference between trade for profit and Gomer Pyle friendliness. :D
Cyc said:
If we can afford it, giving luxuries is a good way to improve our world standing, but if any of those countries declare war on us, will we take a hit for not completing the deal?
We don't get blamed for something that is our trade partner's fault (ie their declaration of war).
I like it. Hopefully, Santakuro will be making stops in all our neighbor's countries this season (except those naughty Russians).
For Babylon, I have a different Proposal.

In Term 4, Minister Zarn set up a Foreign Aid fund of 900 Gold, for use in just such a manner. I don't know if Blackheart is continuing this, but if he is...

Babylon is currently on Tech Parity with the Aztecs. We are currently considering letting the Aztecs "buy" Theory of Gravity for 21 GPT and 47 Gold. Effectively, this comes to almost 500 Gold.

Why don't we just gift the Babylonians 500 Gold, and then use that Gold (Lump Sum both exchanges) to Sell them ToG? This saves a lux slot and keeps the Babs and Aztecs on tech parity.

And since the Aztecs will buy ToG, then perhaps a Lux would be Ok. Maybe some fine Furuyaman Gems (not the Inferior Tugelan ones.)

Ashburnham said:
Hopefully, Santakuro will be making stops in all our neighbor's countries this season (except those naughty Russians).

Er... wouldn't Santakuro be giving naughty nations Coal?
Sir Donald III said:
For Babylon, I have a different Proposal.

In Term 4, Minister Zarn set up a Foreign Aid fund of 900 Gold, for use in just such a manner. I don't know if Blackheart is continuing this, but if he is...

It is being continued here
But luxuarys are a gift that keeps giving for 20 turns, so they will be happy with us for 20 turns. even the naughty russias.
Well, it looks like TDB will be traded or disbanded according to that one FA poll. Maybe we can give it to Rome just for the fun of it. It might prevent a future war, but it might delay it. We could be seeing Russian ships soon if we do.
I have a X MAS, or EXTERMINATOR MSAV GIFT for Russia, namely World War
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