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Favorite/Least Favorite Leader Diplomacy Screens?


Jul 24, 2011
Canyon Lake
What leaders make you think "oh that's cool" and makes you feel like you if were in front of the real person, he would actually be like that, or which makes you go "wow that doesn't make sense, he'd totally be different" and why? :king:

One of my favorites would definitely be Montezuma's, the crowd adds some good fun realism when i interact with him, and Wu Zetian's peace theme is nice to the ear, and gives a majestic feeling. However, Askia's background with razed city theme doesn't match what i would picture for him, and as it loops whenever you see him it doesnt make much sense. "Peaceful"? Not such a promising statement by the looks of it..
I kind of like Isabellas accent. In fact I think she is well done in general. It gives a very strong impression of piety.

I do love Askias music but yeah it seems odd he spends all his time burning cities.

Polynesia is beautiful with fun music.

I like how Hiawatha jumps from under a bush when you meet him.

Ramkhamaeng (or whatever) and Napolean, I just want to slap them. And Alexander looks like he belongs in a boyband :lol:
1. Montezuma
2. Askia
3. Catherine

Elizabeth sounds like a girl on the phone who wants to sell me something ... would you like to make a trade agreement with England *barf*
Top 5

1) Babylon (Nebu rules! My favourite.)
2) Polynesia (Nice feel in this scene and I love the music.)
3) Aztec (Montuzuma looks strong here. Scene does him justice. Eventhough in this background shadows sometimes don't play right with my setup (just like Hiawatha's).
4) Egypt (Like this one a lot. Although Ramesses supposedly speaks some form of Arabic here, not even the language he is supposed to.)
5) Spain (Isabella same what Brichals said)

Worst 5

1) England (Annoying is hell)
2) Greece (Alexander looks a bit too happy and boyish here)
3) Mongolia (Doesn't to justice at all to one of the historys greatest leaders)
4) Russia (First this isn't that bad, but after a while gets really irritating. Perhaps because of this I usually wipe out Russia pretty soon)
5) Japan (Leader itself is good, but for some reason don't like the green pastures/blue skies theme here. Could have been better, perhaps indoors sitting on a pillow Samurai swords hanging in the walls and dragon patterns etc.)
I'd have to say Augustus, because I like his attitude, just sitting there idly, occasionally gazing over at you and sighing, as if saying "oh, you're still here". Montezuma is also really cool for the atmosphere, feels a little scary the first few times he declares war on you and you hear his people cheer in the background.

As for least favorite, I'm not sure why, but Catherine and Elizabeth always annoy me whenever they show up, no matter what they have to say. Maybe it's how cocky they look. There's enough cocky leaders in this game with Montezuma.
Top 5
2) Polynesia (Nice feel in this scene and I love the music.)

3) Mongolia (Doesn't to justice at all to one of the historys greatest leaders)

Is is just me, or does Kamehameha look a bit robotic?
And yes, Mongolia's scene is terribly designed.
It looks like the other leader screens on their medium/no Anti-Aliasing
Pachacuti- Looks totally epic on throne surrounded by mountains and village
Egypt- same as Pachacuti, seeing all the scenery surrounding him
Siam- Really tranquil and seems to fit him. It's weird though when he DoW's you...:/

Rome- Caesar seems really pompous and I want to punch him in the face when I see this XD
Mongolia- Too plain, doesn't really convey anything about Genghis Khan
Greece- Same as above
I like Montezuma's and Pachacuti's. I hate Askia's burning city.
My favorites are definitely Montezuma's and Bluetooth's. Monty's atmosphere is just amazing, and I just like Harald's animation and longship.

Least favorite have to be Hiawatha and Kamehameha. Every other leader in a plain setting, like Oda Nobunaga and Genghis Khan still have a pretty regal bearing and I can believe I'm talking to a great historical leader, but Hiawatha strikes me as nothing more than "Dude near some trees". Kamehameha's scene has a good atmosphere, but his animations are really awkward. Most notably when he agrees to a deal (tilts head, looks puzzled, nods, twirls spear), and his combat pose when he's hostile (it makes sense for when you're at war, but not when he's just mad at you).
I have to also mention Hiawatha.
1). It makes no sense that the leader of a large empire would be sitting in the woods all by himself when meeting the leader of another country. (the same applies for Genghis, Oda, and Alex except they are in a field).
2). The graphics never fully load so he and his trees are always blurry.
I have to say I could not care less about them. I find they actually detract from the game. I would much prefer a little still life art in a little menu box that didn't pull me out of the game. What do I want a little animated figure with a silly background for?
I have to say I could not care less about them. I find they actually detract from the game. I would much prefer a little still life art in a little menu box that didn't pull me out of the game. What do I want a little animated figure with a silly background for?

Then turn the animations off.
If you can't appreciate the work the devs do, the you shouldn't complain.
I have to also mention Hiawatha.
1). It makes no sense that the leader of a large empire would be sitting in the woods all by himself when meeting the leader of another country. (the same applies for Genghis, Oda, and Alex except they are in a field).
I think it makes sense for Genghis, Alex and Napoleon, considering that they were known to often be out conquesting, rather than commanding their empire from a throne room. Don't know anything about Hiawatha, but seems to me like they tried to portray him as the kind of leader who considers himself part of his people rather than above them, thus looking kinda like a normal forest-running tribesman. But for Oda, I think it would be quite fitting for him to be sitting down in one of those highly ceremonial diplomatic meetings I imagine that the warlords of his time would do, like those small animations in Shogun 2.
Then turn the animations off.
If you can't appreciate the work the devs do, the you shouldn't complain.

What are you talking about?
I am one of the people repeatedly sticking up for the developers. For months now.

This was a perfectly appropriate thread to express my dislike of the screens. And I have every right to complain about features I don't like in a thread discussing those features.

EDITED for politeness and unnecessary umbrage.
?? What are you talking about? Do you read this forums, you post on it a lot, but you never seem to have read anything? Just ignorant posts coming from nowhere. :confused:

I am one of the people repeatedly sticking up for the developers. For months now.

This was a perfectly appropriate thread to express my dislike of the screens. And I have every right to complain about features I don't like in a thread discussing those features. What is wrong with you? :confused:

No hard feelings
Remember, this is just a game :goodjob:

1. Babylon. Just awesome. The eerie green and cup toss and "phantom" talk are great.
2. Denmark. The viking ship is perfect and interesting, but not too much.
3. Songhai. The city in flames is intense but not overdone to me.
4. Siam. The peaceful garden is relaxing, though Siam is not.
5. Persia. Ammma-daddy-hoooooooooosh!


1. Kamehameha. Something about the dude in the loincloth just makes me feel a little weird.
2. Isabella. The holier than thou thing is annoying.
3. Montezuma. The whole thing just feels a little bit overdone.
4. Elizabeth. The textures on the lower half of her dress are poorly done. Plus, she is always mad at me for no reason.
5. Napoleon. Who knew France was such a dark, gloomy place?
No hard feelings
Remember, this is just a game :goodjob:

Sorry, there have been months of people picking fights and I think it has left a lot of people including myself on edge. Being accused of giving the devs a hard time when I have been defending them for months just pissed me off.
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