FF finished... what happened to Earth? SPOILER WARNING


Oct 28, 2007
I was promised that finding the techs for FF would unlock the secrets about what happened to Earth... and the Civilopedia confirmed that, so I played a game, with the sole reason of finding out what happened...

I first played "The proper way". This was without using WB. I stopped this, after I realised I could completely dry, put away all the dishes, go to the toilet, all between 1 turn -.-

On average I was spending 2 minutes per turn. And with at least 120 turns to go before I would finish the tech tree (longer if a nuclear war erupted), I said "Screw this", and entered WB. I had got all the way to the last 6 techs, as well!!

Well... my first attempt was to give myself all techs. From this info, which was almost impossible to understand, this is what I found out.

Spoiler :
The WRF (World relief force) was an organisation originally designed to help balance the resources within the world. However, as the leaders of Earth tried to stop this, rebellions sprouted up, and the World decayed into a nuclear destruction. The WLA (World Liberation Army) allied with the WRF, and helped 'liberate' the people from oppression

However, this happened a good 200 years (2136-2146) before the destruction of Sol.

So... what happened to Sol? Now I am confused.

It definitly wasn't that they all "Acsended", that project was stopped, as the computers deemed it too dangerous.

Apparently nuclear war of some sort erupted, as radiation levels were "through the roof". But who did that? And why? It seemed everything was going peachy in Sol... at least in the 23rd century...

There is no meantion of any bad things happening between 2150 and 2300...

There was apparently a NE drive under construction near the end, but again, that was 100 years before the destruction of Sol...

Project X seemed to be a likely candidate, but that was just Human Ascension, which was cancelled due to the computers finding that "Causality levels would rise exponentially"...

Anyway, I saw that maybe building the Astral Gate pieces would help. So I did, built the Astral gate, and waited for a movie...

None was forthcoming. No message either. In fact, the entire thing was pointless, as I got no new info at all.

I would like some closure. What happened to Sol!? What happened to Earth!? And who, ultimately, destroyed it!?

Please use spoilers for any info, as i don't want to ruin it for other people...

Finally, if I made a noob mistake, please tell me. I tend to do that quite often :( However, I tend to find, if I have a question I want answered, and I don't ask someone, then it tends to eat me up inside...
Sun went Suprernovae though I don't know how people found this out I remember a thread like this before and this was the agreed upon answer.
Ah... thats nice...

But its funny to think that they needed to send large fleets to find out that the sun went nova (of course, then you have the speed of light, and the fact that the nearest star would take 4 years to notice... Its definitly plausable)

Thanks. That is a solution that fits all the facts...
Wait, Final Frontier has a plot of some sort? Perhaps I need to try it out, after the whole year BTS has been out.
That was an awesome read. Bravo Jon Shafer. It also makes sense and isn't to far fetched. Good Job.:goodjob:
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