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FfH2 0.15 Bugs

Kael said:
Assuming that its a significant advantage. I dont know that it is.

Every bit helps I'd say. Systematically making use of stuff like that is the difference between mediocre and veteran players. However such rewards for unfun micromanagement could be easily avoided. Eg, why not a python event that gives each ranger built under fellowship of leaves the woodsman I promotion for free? No need to use a disciple detour then.
Copied from another thread:

loki1232 said:
I don't believe that undead units get the -30% from disease...

You believe wrong. ;)
We've already had this exchange, so hopefully this screenshot will convince you.

Btw, another cosmetic bug you can see on this screenshot. My Paladin (in Dis) sometimes shows up with warrior graphics.

M@ni@c said:
Copied from another thread:

You believe wrong. ;)
We've already had this exchange, so hopefully this screenshot will convince you.

Btw, another cosmetic bug you can see on this screenshot. My Paladin (in Dis) sometimes shows up with warrior graphics.

More correctly undead cant become diseased. The diseased corpse is the only exception since it starts with disease. Its base strength, cost, etc were considered knowing that it would have the negative effects of disease on it as well.
Just checking: Lunatics require Copper AND (Iron or Mithril). Is this intentional? It does limit the availability of the unit, needing to get two different metals within your borders.
BCalchet said:
Just checking: Lunatics require Copper AND (Iron or Mithril). Is this intentional? It does limit the availability of the unit, needing to get two different metals within your borders.

Nope, thats a mistake. I'll fix it in 0.16 so they only require one of the metals.
Sorry, I don't know if this has been reported before:

Barbarians don't seem to be able to attack captured animals. So I had a spider protecting a worker. The Barbarian attacked, which displaced the spider into an adjacent square, thus killing the worker. I assume this isn't on purpose...
Hypnotoad said:
Sorry, I don't know if this has been reported before:

Barbarians don't seem to be able to attack captured animals. So I had a spider protecting a worker. The Barbarian attacked, which displaced the spider into an adjacent square, thus killing the worker. I assume this isn't on purpose...

That isnt an animal thing, its an invisible thing. Giant spiders are invisible. The barbarian wasnt attacking it, just trying to move into its space (it didnt know the spider was there). Invisible units move out of the way when units move into their space.

The worker shouldnt have been destroyed though. Assuming it was one of your workers it should be able to share the tile with the spider.
I suppose you know that civilopedia links for entries with the same name don't work properly? Mercantilism tech gives mercantilism civic, but the link leads to the tech entry again, Ashen Veil as a unit requirement leads to the homonymous promotion, etc.
The worker shouldnt have been destroyed though. Assuming it was one of your workers it should be able to share the tile with the spider.
No, he meant he was guarding a worker with a spider, then it was attacked, the spider ran away, and the worker was killed. All normal, invisible units are strictly offensive.
Repeating a question that was overlooked...

Could someone please tell me what the odds are of losing a caster, especially when using the Dominion spell? There is no 'spell failed' - your caster is gone and that makes you think twice about using the spell.

Also, I lost Spener the same way and at the same time got the message "Barbarian has built Spener."

What's up with that?
Nikis-Knight said:
No, he meant he was guarding a worker with a spider, then it was attacked, the spider ran away, and the worker was killed. All normal, invisible units are strictly offensive.

I've got it now. Maybe there should be a pop up once you get your first invisible unit. I didn't realize they couldn't defend. In fact, I wasn't even thinking about the fact that spiders are invisible.
Hypnotoad said:
I've got it now. Maybe there should be a pop up once you get your first invisible unit. I didn't realize they couldn't defend. In fact, I wasn't even thinking about the fact that spiders are invisible.

Yeah, using a giant spider to defend a city only to have it run from attackers and lose the city is called "Pulling a woodelf".
Sarisin said:
Repeating a question that was overlooked...

Could someone please tell me what the odds are of losing a caster, especially when using the Dominion spell? There is no 'spell failed' - your caster is gone and that makes you think twice about using the spell.

Also, I lost Spener the same way and at the same time got the message "Barbarian has built Spener."

What's up with that?

Here is the code. Domination passes a 30 in on iModify.

def isResisted(target,caster,iModify):
	iResist = gc.getDefineINT('SPELL_RESIST_CHANCE_BASE') + iModify
	iResist = iResist + (target.getLevel() * 5)
	if target.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_MAGIC_RESISTANCE')):
		iResist = iResist * 2
	if target.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_HERO')):
		iResist = iResist * 2
	iResist = iResist - (caster.getLevel() * 2)
	if caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_CHANNELING2')):
		iResist = iResist - 10
	if caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_CHANNELING3')):
		iResist = iResist - 20
	if cf.FFHHasBuilding(gc.getPlayer(caster.getOwner()), gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_TOWER_OF_ALTERATION')):
		iResist = iResist - 10
	if iResist >= gc.getDefineINT('SPELL_RESIST_CHANCE_MAX'):
		iResist = gc.getDefineINT('SPELL_RESIST_CHANCE_MAX')
	if iResist <= gc.getDefineINT('SPELL_RESIST_CHANCE_MIN'):
		iResist = gc.getDefineINT('SPELL_RESIST_CHANCE_MIN')
	if (CyGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "Bob") <= iResist or target.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_MAGIC_IMMUNE'))):
		CyInterface().addMessage(target.getOwner(),True,25,'Spell resisted.','AS2D_DISCOVERBONUS',1,'Art/Interface/Buttons/Promotions/Magicresistance.dds',ColorTypes(8),target.getX(),target.getY(),True,True)
		CyInterface().addMessage(caster.getOwner(),True,25,'Spell resisted.','AS2D_DISCOVERBONUS',1,'Art/Interface/Buttons/Promotions/Magicresistance.dds',ColorTypes(8),target.getX(),target.getY(),True,True)
		return True
	return False
You know what would be very nice? If you could see your casting odds displayed somewhere before you cast any resistable spell.
AlazkanAssassin said:
You know what would be very nice? If you could see your casting odds displayed somewhere before you cast any resistable spell.

Yeah, I'll add it to the wish list. That would definitly be nice to have.
Kael said:
Yeah, using a giant spider to defend a city only to have it run from attackers and lose the city is called "Pulling a woodelf".

Does the same thingn happen with Shadows?
Broken Hawk said:
Does the same thingn happen with Shadows?

Yes, invisible units don't defend.
Will an invisible unit defend if cornered? jump to the nearest unocupied square no matter how far? or simply die?
AlazkanAssassin said:
Will an invisible unit defend if cornered? jump to the nearest unocupied square no matter how far? or simply die?

I havent looked at the code (its all vanilla civ code) probably jump.
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