FfH2 0.34 Bug Thread

There may be a problem with the rust spell as well. I used the spell and in the enemy stack one unit now has the rusted promotion. The other unit, a champion, does not have the rusted promotion but it also no longer has its metal promotion. It said spell resisted too.

I used it again a turn or two later and now that champion has the rusted promotion but still has their iron promotion and 2 strength from it. Very odd.
Playing a Final Five game (attached), I'm informed my neighbors, the Luchiurp, were axed due to their bottom position.
Their score took a hefty drop, but they remained quite alive. Or, at the very least, I can still talk with them, and they have a non-zero score.

my guess is the pieces of barnaxus (equipment) are still ingame. To prevent equipment like orthus axe from disappearing, the devs added a code allowing civs to live on as long as equipment owned by them is still on the map. Find the pieces, and the Luchiurp will quickly be gone

edit: :satan:666 posts:satan:
I'm pretty sure I'm up to patch g, but if I'm honest I'm not certain so I thought I'd run it just in case (from page 1 in this thread), but I get:

"NSIS Error - Installer Integrity check has failed. Common clauses include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy."

and says more info available from

Kuriotate AI won't upgrade a settlement, even when it becomes their capitol and/or last city.

Mushrooms in a city tile are lost when the city is captured.
Yes they can be pillaged. But they are also lost if you build an improvement on top of them. Same with Penguins.
I don't know this is mentioned before. Shadowwalk is not working, or at least it is not correctly calculated in odd calculator.
The help text for Shadowwalk is wrong. The Shadowwalk promotion allows the unit to ignore city defenses, not terrain. So walls will no longer help your opponent, but being on a hill will still work.
Patch g -- found a python error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvSpellInterface", line 21, in canCast

File "<string>", line 0, in ?

File "CvSpellInterface", line 1588, in reqLichdom

AttributeError: 'CyUnit' object has no attribute 'isHasPromtoion'
ERR: Python function canCast failed, module CvSpellInterface
Barbarians can loot graveyards.
Got the event that creates a graveyard, but it was placed under a barbarian Lizardman. The Lizardman helped himself.
More of a balance issue, and could be a feature.
Sidar Divided Souls aren't counted as having moved when they teleport via their Severed Souls. That means they basically get a free march promotion; as long as they don't move, except by Severing and Calling, they can heal.

I was playing as Perpentach and was way ahead of every other civ, so I decided to try making some flesh golems. I built Soul forge and Mokka's cauldron and started pumping freaks to throw to the Arena. However, I did not get any flesh golems... Is this a bug, or have I missed something?

Btw, my version is 0.34g.
The help text for Shadowwalk is wrong. The Shadowwalk promotion allows the unit to ignore city defenses, not terrain. So walls will no longer help your opponent, but being on a hill will still work.

Ah, that keeps messing me up too. Can the civilopedia be updated with the correct information please?
Patches F and G disables research.

I just made a new clean isntall of 0.34. First the main mod, then the media pack and then the patch F. Started a game with Kuriotates and the entire tech tree (aside from agriculture they start with) was all red. I was not able to choose a tech to research.

So I thought perhaps it was an issue with the patch F, which worked for me before. I deleted the mod folder, downloaded patch G and made a second clean install. Started another Kuriotate game and what do I get? Red tech tree, you guessed it I'm sure.

Out of curiosity I deleted the mod folder again and then installed only the main mod and the media pack. Just to see if they are corrupted. (I'd rather not dl them again.) Yet another Kuriotate game and yes, this time I could research. When I applied patch G again, the mod broke. What a surprise.

Finally I checked if this was a problem specific to Kuriotates but no. Capria of Bannor cannot research either.
Patches F and G disables research.

I just made a new clean isntall of 0.34. First the main mod, then the media pack and then the patch F. Started a game with Kuriotates and the entire tech tree (aside from agriculture they start with) was all red. I was not able to choose a tech to research.

So I thought perhaps it was an issue with the patch F, which worked for me before. I deleted the mod folder, downloaded patch G and made a second clean install. Started another Kuriotate game and what do I get? Red tech tree, you guessed it I'm sure.

Out of curiosity I deleted the mod folder again and then installed only the main mod and the media pack. Just to see if they are corrupted. (I'd rather not dl them again.) Yet another Kuriotate game and yes, this time I could research. When I applied patch G again, the mod broke. What a surprise.

Finally I checked if this was a problem specific to Kuriotates but no. Capria of Bannor cannot research either.

From the 1st post:

8. If your research is disabled (and not temporarily by the Illian world spell) then you probably have a hidden game option set. This happens because the "saved game options" are shared between mods. So if you enable game option 34 in Fall Further then when you load FfH game option 34 will be enabled (which could be a scenario option that disables research). To fix this load Fall Further and uncheck all the game options.
I saved that map as a scenario (my floodplain heavy start looks good). From the map file (notepad ftw)
Spoiler :

If I just remove these two lines it should be ok?


EDIT: How dumb of me to post before I tested it myself. Works fine as far as I can see.
Guardsman doesn't work quite right. Sometimes it does, other times not. It's been mentioned several times.
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