FfH2 Bug Thread

I get a CTD here.

I will attach the save, but the history is the following:
1) I've pressed "explore dungeon" with an axeman which currently stays on the dungeon tile (he finished his turn) and got a supply wagon. A few turns later I tried to combine an adventurer from ruins and this supply wagon in a single stack (via shift+click, because they were not selected both via alt-clock on tile) and it crashed.
2) After reloading I encounter a reproducting bug:

a) I load the save.
b) I finish the turn. A couple of things are happening (orthus is born, Varn Gossam welcomes me).
c) I press "explore dungeon" with an axeman. It tells me about portal event and gives me an option to travel through it. When I select the 1st option (travel through the portal) I always crush.

Also I play with random seed on reload but the events are always the same.


  • Deon AD-0112.CivBeyondSwordSave
    203.4 KB · Views: 43
Patch "i"

Another confirmation of the CTD when selecting multiple units. In addition when removing Hidden Nationality from a unit, in this case it's any of the stooges, I get a repeatable CTD.

I had no problems with either of these in "h".
Patch "j" is linked in the first post. It fixes the issue with CtD when grouping units.
Patch "i"

CtD when upgrading scout to hunter. Also CtD when moving a unit off a ship using the unload button (not when controlling the unit itself and moving it to land with num-pad).
I was using patch "i" so maybe the CTD fix in patch "j" will fix this too? Just thought I would report that it occurred twice in the same game, both on "glowing portal" results from dungeons. Thanks!
Regarding my last post, I mentioned the AI using my obsidian gates to send units.
Here is a screenshot from me playing Illians on "The Cult" and Tasunke queueing his champions around my capital in order to use the gate once a round and thus disableing any use for me.
Tasunke also ignores all his and my other cities with gates.


  • Civ4ScreenShot0000.JPG
    225.5 KB · Views: 82
Shift-selecting multiple animals in the Grand Menagerie scenario causes a CTD.

*edit* doh, already reported - this happens with any units.
Please don't report issues with old versions.
I remember someone posting that you can view half the map, when you recon on peaks with hawks.
This also applies to floating eyes, which especially regarding The Radiant Guard can unfog half the map in front of the mage.
Is this intended?
A cosmetic bug in "j".

When I chop forest near enemy city it says that it provides hammers for the enemy city. May scare someone... (in fact it doesn't)

Another major bug in "j":
I've selected a stack via "shift-select all" and while they stayed on enemy plot with a farm I pressed "pillage". Every unit pillaged the tile and I've got gold for EVERY unit from a single pillaged farm.
I got some sort of grafic bug that existet in 0.40a as well as in the latest 0.40h

i saw this also with the sheaim wizard, playing elohim.

ps: befor reload the giant was just fine.

I got some sort of grafic bug that existet in 0.40a as well as in the latest 0.40h

i saw this also with the sheaim wizard, playing elohim.

ps: befor reload the giant was just fine.

View attachment 198530

I have had this one before. It seems that for some reason a unit will randomly loose its graphics, a reload fixes the problem. That is until another random unit goes blob.
The new enraged!? Well not sure of its use... While enraged, all I have seen them do is wonder around until it comes off of them. If they are insane it can be helpful in that you no longer loose the unit. But I wouldn't call it enraged more like confused... On that same note, Loyalty is no longer as useful if at all... The chance of loosing your units by conversion is very very small (I have never seen the AI take command promos only Stephanos and his crown is a concern), other magics would be more useful/important (like the newly empowered destroy undead)

But I must admit it does fit with ol Perp and his Lunatic units- an empire of Lunatics you cant control. Maybe the Grigory Adventures should get it as well seeing that they are not alway reliable per lore...
well i can not confirm your theory, no mather what i reload, an old auto save or my manual save the giant stays a blob. funny enough the amorite wizard in my first 0.40a game stayed blobs thru out the whole game, and they apeart after countless reloads all the same bloby.

well right now is 0.40h runing and i have this bug, and funny enough its only one giant as you can see on the print screen the other giant is still fine

Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this:

Under patch i, it says:

7. Enraged units will no longer turn barbarian, instead they become AI controlled and are very aggressive.

Can you clarify what this means? Does this mean they go charging off and attacking the first thing they see, or does it specifically mean that the target their former owner?

Also, does this apply to AI civ's also?

Thanks for any help.

Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this:

Under patch i, it says:

7. Enraged units will no longer turn barbarian, instead they become AI controlled and are very aggressive.

Can you clarify what this means? Does this mean they go charging off and attacking the first thing they see, or does it specifically mean that the target their former owner?

Also, does this apply to AI civ's also?

Thanks for any help.


They remain as a part of your civ. So an enraged Doviello Axeman is still a Doviello unit, but you as a player don't have any control over it anymore.

It wont nessesarily run off on its own. It may even go and guard a city for a while, though most likely it will just wander around. But if it gets anywhere near an enemy unit you can just about garuntee it will rush toward them and attack, for good or bad.

It doesnt effect AI players as much as human ones. But it will switch to a much more aggressive script than the one that is typically used.
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