FfH2 Bug Thread

I have found that reloading from in the game, especially repeated cycles of saving and reloading, can cause problems. I recommend that when you want to load a save you always exit to the main menu and then load from there.

Unfortunately, once a save starts to develop problems like this the problems are permanent - at least in my experience. So no, reloading a problem save from the main menu won't help. If you have an older save, from before the problems began, then you could back up and repeat your save/load cycles (but using the main menu) and the problem wouldn't happen again.
Thanks for the info Emptiness, I really appreciate it!:goodjob:
Excellent. Shaymizz & Petrel, you should both check the size of your installer and if it isn't the latest version (or if you no longer have the installer you used, and thus cannot check the size) then try installing the latest version to see if that resolves your crashes. Post here if you already have the latest version, or if installing the latest version does not correct the problem.

It works now after installing 0.41 the third time using the latest version. I was not aware of the new release being published three times. Thanks for the information.
Wrong bug report was here. Turns out AI units have very good vision and are scared by the invisible minotaur standing next to them :) .
Bug: I have noticed with the Sidar civ (noticed it since version 0.40a and still notice it in 0.41a)
that Sidar recon units sometimes half deselect (what happens is when a recon unit is selected during your turn when you tell them to move to a tile it deselects them but still haves their image present on the left side of the screen and unless you click on them again the problem will continue to persist) this also applys to Krakens when i am the Sidar civ but no other units.
as others have pointed out as well the unrestricted leaders option doesnt work properly on 0.41 i need End of winter option enabled and im not 100% keen on that
also i have noticed that since version 0.41 was released other AIs dont really go for religions anymore (i wonder if this happened when you sorted out the priest spamming problem) as i have played Monarch difficulty as both the Hippus and Sheaim and as the Hippus i found all Relgions except The Ashen Vail when leaders like Thessa, Arturus Thorne and Sabathiel was on, and the same with the Sheaim except i chose Ashen Vail over the Order.
i have noticed that since version 0.41 was released other AIs dont really go for religions anymore.

This is due to the removal of forced python beelines. In 0.40 all religions except for Octopus Overlords were beelined under certain conditions by certain civs.
Maybe some religion beelines should be brought back or the weights and flavours of the religion founding techs increased. It were not the religion beelines that were bad for the AI.
Although I find that the Ljosalfar usually do better if they grab one or two economic techs before beelining Way of the Forests. It's a pretty expensive tech line and the only thing they really have to show for it until FoL is founded is God King (Hunting is very situation-specific).
The game option 'Challenge - End of Winter' does not seem to be working as intended. The End of Winter part works perfectly, but when enabled also functions as Unrestricted Leaders(Even if Unrestricted Leaders is turned off) and I have a sneaking suspicion it also enables a random seed variant, because reloading the game gives different results even with Random Seed on Reload off.
Just got the mod and patch and I really like it, but the not responding problem happens when i try to make a custom game, I tried a small map with only me and a computer player but even then the game exits when im loading it or when the screen that says "Winter has ended" or something along those lines appear.

I can only play on the scenarios, anyone know how to fix this?
From the main menu choose "Advanced" -> "Options" -> click the "Graphics" tab -> put an X in the "No Movies" box -> click "Exit". Then try creating a custom game. Does it still crash?
[...] and I have a sneaking suspicion it also enables a random seed variant, because reloading the game gives different results even with Random Seed on Reload off.

That happens even without selecting End of Winter, and was happening before 0.41. If you select Random Seed on Reload then every time you reload you'll get a different result. If you don't select it then you will get a different result the first time you reload, but all subsequent reloads will yield that same (second) result.
Maybe some religion beelines should be brought back or the weights and flavours of the religion founding techs increased. It were not the religion beelines that were bad for the AI.

Yes, I played a game recently, and was disappointed... clan went leaves, and Sheaim went order... :( I think this was in a .4 patch, but it really mad eth egame not so fun... in fact, none of the evil civs even bothered with researching Ashen Veil... afterall, they all already had a religion... the first two always founded, leaves and kilmorph.
in fact, none of the evil civs even bothered with researching Ashen Veil... afterall, they all already had a religion... the first two always founded, leaves and kilmorph.

Well, FoL/RoK world was regularly happening prior to 0.41 as well.
Bug: I have noticed with the Sidar civ (noticed it since version 0.40a and still notice it in 0.41a)
that Sidar recon units sometimes half deselect (what happens is when a recon unit is selected during your turn when you tell them to move to a tile it deselects them but still haves their image present on the left side of the screen and unless you click on them again the problem will continue to persist) this also applys to Krakens when i am the Sidar civ but no other units.

It comes at least in part from casting the worldspell. When you have hidden/invisible units, you have to actively select another unit even after your unit is finished moving. There are more details, but I don't recall the rest.
Yes, I played a game recently, and was disappointed... clan went leaves, and Sheaim went order... :( I think this was in a .4 patch, but it really mad eth egame not so fun... in fact, none of the evil civs even bothered with researching Ashen Veil... afterall, they all already had a religion... the first two always founded, leaves and kilmorph.
Good civs never research 'evil' technologies (there's some Python code for this), so the Sheaim going Order does mean they'll never research Ashen Veil. Ever.

I don't see anything out of place about the Clan going FoL, though. They don't have a preference for any of the in-game religions -- they worship Bhall, after all.

The FoL/RoK dominance is one reason I paid a lot of attention to the AI religion-founding behaviour in my mod. They're still quite common (they get spread around a lot, being early religions), but Hannah or Perpentach usually found OO early on as well, adding a bit more variety, and some civs have a very strong preference for the later religions. Also, the Sheaim would only adopt The Order if you forced them to at knife-point. :p


</end totally shameless plug>
Good civs never research 'evil' technologies (there's some Python code for this), so the Sheaim going Order does mean they'll never research Ashen Veil. Ever.

I don't see anything out of place about the Clan going FoL, though. They don't have a preference for any of the in-game religions -- they worship Bhall, after all.

The FoL/RoK dominance is one reason I paid a lot of attention to the AI religion-founding behaviour in my mod. They're still quite common (they get spread around a lot, being early religions), but Hannah or Perpentach usually found OO early on as well, adding a bit more variety, and some civs have a very strong preference for the later religions. Also, the Sheaim would only adopt The Order if you forced them to at knife-point. :p


</end totally shameless plug>

Well Bhall is (IIRC) a patron of the Ashen Veil with Agares. Thats were their priest get the power to call flame in the Ring of Fire spell.
I have found that reloading from in the game, especially repeated cycles of saving and reloading, can cause problems. I recommend that when you want to load a save you always exit to the main menu and then load from there.

Unfortunately, once a save starts to develop problems like this the problems are permanent - at least in my experience. So no, reloading a problem save from the main menu won't help. If you have an older save, from before the problems began, then you could back up and repeat your save/load cycles (but using the main menu) and the problem wouldn't happen again.

I've noticed this, also.

Maybe some smart programmer type can write up a "save game cleaner" to strip out some of the history stuff or whatever is causing the problem and maybe speed things up!
found a bug with the Hippus Hero Magnadine
when u capture a city (not sure if its same in a city u build) and use the Hire Units ability when ur civ has access to Bronze, Iron and Mithril
Hiring a axeman will give the Axeman the Bronze and Mithril Weapons promotions
Hiring a Champion will give the Champion the Iron and Mithril weapons promotions
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