Final Frontier (or similar expansion) for Civ6


Oct 30, 2008
I can't be the only one wanting this. Has there been any chatter on whether something like this will happen again? Is it possible to get a comment from the powers that be?

I would also like to be able to zoom out to the atmosphere like we could in civ4.


What I really want to happen is this...

Start a regular game on a regular world (let's say earth with true start locations, and enough space for 4 cities in the British Isles). Where the map is actually a globe.

Play through the game as normal, until any player has space travel, settles a colony on Mars, and develops warp technology. (each race would get one colony on the moon, and on Mars, these would function like cities at this stage.

Once the above goals are met, the map will switch to galactic view. All the cities/population /wealth etc, would be used to determine starting gold, level of religion and population size etc. (the same would apply to the moon and Mars)

The player could possibly end up playing as a different civ than the one they started with.

In the galactic portion of the game, a each planet (colony) would function in the same way that cities do in the regular game, i.e. you improve the planet as opposed to individual cities.
I had speculated in the wake of Civ V & BE that Civ VI could combine both into one game. But I'd rather they make the best of Civ they can rather than combine both which would probably be watered down as resources would be stretched thin.

The biggest issue with BE is that it is just a skin over the top of Civ and doesn't do what Final Frontier did in Civ4
Love the idea of actually building and maintaining an offworld colony instead of just flinging rockets out of frame. Would make me want to go for SV every time!

Exactly, and depending which "victory conditions" the player meets, they might start the game as aztec, but come galactic part the Romans had won, so going forward they're now roman (game doesn't have to end because another civ hit space first)
I've considered this idea but I don't think it is especially likely for VI. The change in scale and focus just doesn't translate well to the solar system, where there aren't many places to settle and nearly all require extremely implausible technology to be sustainable.

So not only would the game need to switch up overall game design to accommodate a substantially smaller number of "cities," but an entirely new tech tree would need to be assembled from scratch.

The only way I could see this working would be if we presumed Kardashev III and had a randomly generated space map. This maintains the randomized map seed fiction of Civ without limiting gameplay to specifically the solar system. It also allows for many more planets to be available and grouped into galaxies ala continents.
I agree that it would require a new tech tree etc, and a new map. But civ 4 did this pretty well in Final Frontier - heck the individual planets orbited their stars.
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