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[FIXED] Crashes on turn 398 - Stuck savegame


Oct 19, 2004
Albany, OR
Playing on dx11, for hours.. Pretty much since release time of 730 am. At turn 398 it performs an unexpected error. Load an auto save and it also crashes at the same turn. Sent an email to 2ksupport but dunno if that will help. That's a lot of time to put into a game just to be stuck..


Moderator Action: Please look at this post for the mentioned savegame.
The Same thing happened to me in 2 games, it crash when IAs are thinking.

i'm so sad, i don't want to start another game if it crash again :(
Turn 301 for me - kind of annoying and now even more so that I hear what seem to be a lot of others having this kind of problem. Why invest time in the game if this is going to be likely? I hope someone at 2K gets this bug figured out and squashed.
I too experienced a crash... not sure what turn, but finally feeling a bit into the game, and voila... the crash happened. Lemme check.

Oh, and I tabbed out of fullscreen, and Now I can't get back into it. It thinks it is full screen, but it ain't.
i was crashing as well. I switched to Direct x9 and it works fine. Just play with Direct X9 until the game is patched. Also when you do choose directx9 it takes a minute to come up but thats normal.
i was crashing as well. I switched to Direct x9 and it works fine. Just play with Direct X9 until the game is patched. Also when you do choose directx9 it takes a minute to come up but thats normal.

You mean that you switched to DX9 and your saved game worked well OR you switched to DX9 and you started a new game that worked well all the way ?

because my crashed saved games still crash in DX9
You can find a related thread on the 2k forums here : http://forums.2kgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87833. Please post there as well in order for 2K to be aware this is a real pain. Basically when it happens, your game is finished as no matter how far you go back in time with saves it will crash again exactly at the same turn even if you play differently...

And switching to Dx9 didn't solve it for me neither...
I'm using Windows Vista and I'm having the same problems. Sooo annoying, and just when I was about to win an epic war vs. Egypt and Russia this happens at turn 450-something. 450 turns is a long time to play only to see if it crashes again on a new game. There seems to be A LOT of people having this problem.. Patch please!!!
...Vista 64 bit.
...My PC is DirectX11, but game runs much more smoothly on DirectX9.
...Turn 310 to 350 crashes frequently.
...Crash is a frozen screen.
...Then it is time to hold down power button until PC restarts.
...There are other problems, but this is the worst.
...Seems a patch would fix most of the problems I've encountered or read about.

...Still quite an awesome game.
...Perhaps it is because it is new, but overall I am enjoying V very much.
Same problem here, Windows 7 64-bit... game keeps freezing on the same turn right after a barbarian spearman pillages one of my mines.
Top End Gaming Rig purchased last week. Alien Ware. Its not my Hardware.
Its happened several games to me and they are always different turns.
2x it happened after I stole a CS worker and then made peace with them. Unlikely that is why it crashed though.

Please Firaxis fix the intial bugs and start working on better AI. How can a Civ5 noob like me win on Deity.......WTF!
I guess it's not just me then. Turn 451 for me and nothing I can do will get me past that, no matter how far back I go in save. Best I can do is get 1 turn farther by switching to dx9, but that's the absolute limit. Is there any point in even starting another game? Or is just FUBAR ?
I see there are more and more people having this. I'm shelving it until we get a patch.
I tried a standard time, standard size map - and it crashed around the same era as my first one; but on less turns this time.
I'm gonna have to play a quick one to get my fix then. Not good, I really like to play those long, huge games. That's what Civ is all about to me. Paaaaatch ;D
Win7 64-bit and Vista 64-bit. One with ATI the other nVidia GPU's. Both CTD late-game.
Win7-64Bit. No way to continue after turn 346. It's incredible: it was really fast before, but on turn 346 I clicked End Turn and then only "wait...."
Reloaded the game but turn 346 is deadline..
My second game, I was able to complete. well at least get to year 2015 before nukeds started flying and a civ won. So it's not EVERY game.. But it still would be annoying to play to level 300+ and have it happen again.
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