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G+K: Fairly significant espionage bug


Oct 29, 2005
Okay, so I've run into this issue in two out of two games, different civs used, no mods loaded: When I get up to the renaissance era & get my first spy, I plant the spy in an AI city and everything works perfectly. BUT...if I choose to view that city, after I choose to exit the screen the game locks me out of the espionage, diplomacy, and religion overviews, as well as my policy tree. This occurs whether I click the big "return to espionage screen" button on the bottom of the screen or the smaller "return" button on the upper right, and it will not let me access any of those screens by any means--the pulldown menu, the icons under the civilopedia, or even notifiers which pop up after subsequent turns. Saving the game, backing out to the main menu, and then reloading it resets everything, but I get into the same problem again if I go back into that view city screen. Everything else continues to work perfectly, but eventually I get enough culture to choose a new policy and I can't continue without using the workaround I described.

Anyone else run into this problem? Can anyone else duplicate it if they haven't tried that aspect of espionage yet? It's obviously something which can be worked around, but it's rather annoying.
I'll try to provide a savegame soon.

1. Click the Espionage button in the upper right corner.

2. Select "view city screen" on a city where a spy has been assigned.

3. While on the opponent's city screen, click "return to Espionage overview"

4. Espionage overview doesn't appear, instead the game map is returned.

5. Click the Espionage button in the upper right corner. The Espionage interface won't activate.


4. Espionage overview appears immediately after clicking "REturn to Espionage Overview." Click Close to exit.

5. Click the Espionage button in the upper right corner. The Espionage interface activates.
So that's what caused it last night. Good to know what happened. Though I was sort of grateful for it, it kept me from staying up too late playing. ;P
Okay, I guess that's officially a bug, then. Bound to be a couple with any new software, and if that's the worst one then I suppose I can handle it. :)
I have used the aforementioned button with no bug, so it's affected by either hardware or software.

Okay, I just banged out a quick settler-mode duel game with the same result. Before I started the game I double-checked that none of my mods are enabled (none are, and wasn't going through the mod menu anyway), and even unchecked the Mongol DLC.

Can't speak for everyone in the thread, but my system meets recommended specs (quad core 3Ghz, 8 GB RAM, Win7) & I've never had issues playing Civ5 before. I did not mess with any of the advanced setup features. I left Firefox open while playing, but I usually do that & have never had a problem with it before. That and Steam/G&K are the only active apps running.

In another game I messed around with pretty much everything a spy can do up to the early industrial, and the only place where I have any problems is on that view city screen.
A save game would be helpful so that others can try to reproduce the bug. Thanks!
Ooookay...I think I just figured out why some people are having the problem & others aren't.

On the espionage overview screen there are two ways to go to the view city screen: there's a big "View" button in the upper left, just above where you'd move your spy, and a little magnifying glass next to the city's name in the list on the right. I'd been going in via that magnifying glass, and that's where I'm getting the bug. BUT, if I click on the larger "View" button, no problem going in and out of the screen. I'm guessing that most people are using the big button because they haven't made a life out of doing things the hard way like I have.

So I guess there's still a bug, but it's much less of an issue now.
Thanks for spotting this. We're taking a look now.

Ooookay...I think I just figured out why some people are having the problem & others aren't.

On the espionage overview screen there are two ways to go to the view city screen: there's a big "View" button in the upper left, just above where you'd move your spy, and a little magnifying glass next to the city's name in the list on the right. I'd been going in via that magnifying glass, and that's where I'm getting the bug. BUT, if I click on the larger "View" button, no problem going in and out of the screen. I'm guessing that most people are using the big button because they haven't made a life out of doing things the hard way like I have.

So I guess there's still a bug, but it's much less of an issue now.
Thanks for spotting this. We're taking a look now.

Thank you for the promptitude! Like I said, if this is the biggest issue I'm going to experience with the expansion then I'm quite satisfied. :)

/Holy crap, "promptitude" is really a word? Thought I'd made it up.
Same here and came to post just what the OP said.

So long as I never view the occupied city, no problems.
Awesome! Same thing happened to me, but it only happened once, so I couldn't really pin down the cause. Good thing I was able to figure out saving, closing and reopening worked, although I exited the game instead of to main menu.
Same thing happened to me, but I crashed right after. It crashed when I tried to open up one of my own cities after I left the spied city. I only lost a turn thanks to autosaves, luckily.
On the espionage overview screen there are two ways to go to the view city screen: there's a big "View" button in the upper left, just above where you'd move your spy, and a little magnifying glass next to the city's name in the list on the right. I'd been going in via that magnifying glass, and that's where I'm getting the bug. BUT, if I click on the larger "View" button, no problem going in and out of the screen. I'm guessing that most people are using the big button because they haven't made a life out of doing things the hard way like I have.

Wow, thanks for the workaround! My workaround last night was to exit and reload the game over and over.
I had a spy in an enemy city that I was at war with.

I captured the city and a message popped up that said, "The spy fled to avoid capture by you. You may now resign the spy".

It was my spy, how can I capture a spy that already belongs to me? The spy should not have left the city when my army captured it. The spy should have stayed until I gave I gave it instructions.
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