G-Minor 208

Noble Zarkon

Elite Quattromaster - Immortal (BTS)
Super Moderator
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Sep 6, 2012
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.
  • Victory Condition: Espionage (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Immortal
  • Starting Era: Ancient
  • Map Size: Small
  • Speed: Epic
  • Map Type: Pangaea
  • Required: No Tribal Villages, No Random Events
  • Civ: England (Elizabeth)
  • Opponents: Must include America (Franklin Roosevelt), Carthage (Hannibal), France (De Gaulle), India (Gandhi)
  • Version: 3.19.004b
  • Date: 10th February to 10th March 2016
Must not play as Inca.
The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.
This will be a good gauntlet to crush the 1320AD Culture entry by Catalept.

Will also be the 1st Immortal Espionage victory entry.
I'm off to a nice start with irrigated corn, 3 gold and 3 flood plains in the BFC. Decided to research Iron Working when worker techs were complete and Copper was a ways off near De Gaulle; got Iron in the BFC now too. Also stole a worker each from both Hannibal and De Gaulle; got Peace from Hannibal, but De Gaulle is holding out; lost a Warrior to De Gaulle trying to get peace.
Started taking De Gaulle's two cities with Swordsman rush. Kept attacking too soon, because De Gaulle had only Archers for defense. I wanted to deal with him quickly before focusing on Hannibal who researched Iron Working not much later than I did and also had BFC Iron. Gandhi and De Gaulle also had BFC Iron, but I pillaged his Iron (hill) plot before he completed Iron Working.

I stole two Workers from Gandhi on the same plot about the time I completed Iron Working.

Before I could finish off De Gaulle, Hannibal declared on me, sending a stack of two Axemen, two Swordsman, Spearman and Archer to London with a Warrior C1 defending. London had one turn of a Swordsman left, so I 1P whipped it so there would be enough organic hammers and a 1P whip to build an Axeman next turn. I also upgraded the Warrior to an Axeman. Hannibal gave up his attack, but did capture Orleans soon after. I could not stop him, since I had only Swordsmen and they were nearly all CR promoted. I Recaptured Orleans with the CR promoted Swordsmen. Then captured two of his four cities (both hill cities), before making Peace for a small amount of wealth.

Next I whipped and chopped Courthouses in all five of my cities while Hannibal built another city. I slow built the Courthouse in London.

Now I'm building a bunch of Catapults mainly in London which has a Barracks and settled Great General. I plan to capture Hannibal's remaining three cities. He has built a few Elephants, so it may get a bit rough.

Just finished Civil Service and adopted Hereditary Rule and Bureaucracy.

I'm pausing the game at 20 BC. Got three Capults. Just need to build 4-5 more and send my stack of doom to Hannibal's Ivory city, second city and finally his capital.
Well it's now 445 AD and I have captured Hannibal's three remaining cities.

I plan to capture Gandi's Jewish holy city which is in ring four of its capital. I have not yet started capturing Gandi's cities and may take only his holy city, because I want steal technologies from him to maintain technical parity.

Mansa Muss has only three cities, yet he maintains a technological lead via trading and so have I. I did steal Engineering from Gandhi for a little less than 800E. I had no cultural bonus and no holy city bonus either. It now occurs to me that I could have given Manss Muss any city, since has only three cities, but I have already infiltrated two great spies in Gandhi's Indian Empire.

I have not yet built the three legendary cultural cities yet. I plan to build up culture slowly in them rather than get three Great Artists. I plan to get just Great Spy great people. My win will be rather late; later than a traditional cultural game; I have just made too many mistakes and other than the BFC itself, the start was poor with much jungle between me and Gandhi, De Gaulle and Hannibal. De Gaulle's food tile was a plains cow!

I now have nine cities to Gandhi's seven. Most AIs have about five cities. In addition to adding Manss Musa, I added Willem van Oranje who also makes a good trading partner and Huayna Capac whose cities I would have captured if they were close enough.

I have a lot of infrastructure to build. Building forges now. I plan to build libraries and universities and Oxford University to tech to Communism and Constitution. I just want to finish this game as best I can. My capital is not very close to the rest of my cities, so I will probably beeline Communism and adopt state pottery. The Pyramids are far away, so maybe I should beeline Constitution first, to adopt Representation. Lots of decisions yet to be made.
@ STW:

Sry, but you're screwing yourself if you really play like written in the last post. Building up :culture: normally takes forever, you need 3 GAs or a fat wonder very very early so that it doubles and even then, it'll probably only produce half of the :culture: that a GA would give. If you think you can do this with Theaters or whatever, I'd recommend you to forget about that, I thought about the same but just recently looked up the saves I had from GM-121 (Deity / Espionage, game is the Espionage-Victory you see in the HoF, had a better one but lost that because of lacking experience and Lincoln moved his stack into one of the cities I gifted to him, because I didn't bribe him against someone before) , and even my capital which had the GW, a doubled Library and an early Parthenon did not have 4000 :culture: at the point at which I won the game.
Also: You don't need to tech that fast, forget about it, plz, you're playing a Cultural Victory, you don't need any techs! See that you get the necessary :espionage: so you can win the game, but for what would you need anything past Engineering? (3-moves for Spies so they can reach the L-cities in only 1T + Castle, though that one is mostly only for free but doesn't give a real benefit, in shorter games it may even be a weak decision to build one at all. ) You should run 100% :espionage: the whole time and you also don't need to war so hard, found 8-10 cities and everythings fine. If you can take 10 cities cheaper by force, ok, but don't focus on warring, focus on getting :espionage: on a certain target and that you can gift him your L-cities! If Mansa only has 3 cities, great, gift him a city that works as a bridge, preferably somewhere in the desert. If he's far enough away then there'll be no risk that he'll be fast enough to move his stack into one of them, then you can spare yourself bribing him against someone so that that doesn't happen.
Seraiel, understood.

However, I expect it will take a very long time to get the necessary Espionage points, so think I have enough time to build up organic culture in the three legendary cities. It will be hard to get three GA and the free one with Music is probably no longer an option. I still have no way to run artists yet.

I think it is reasonable to research through Liberalism and take a tech on the path to Communism (Intelligence Agency) or get at least Nationalism or Constitution (Jails).

In any case, I'm playing in this gauntlet to learn how to win an Espionage Victory. I will worry about learning to win as early as possible later.
That's the interesting thing with this VC - Espionage victory is not automatically quicker as you have found.

Precisely. Everything needs to happen on a tight schedule for an Espionage Victory to beat the date of a Traditional Cultural victory. An exception may be a well executed Quechua rush on a crowded map at Epic or Marathon speed.
I am also playing with No City Razing and Cultural Flip after Conquest options, so the cities should revolt back to me once they contain Legendary Culture.
@ STW:

Buro + Scotland Yard > Nationalism

I only got the normal speed values at hand currently (probably multiply everything with 1.5) but to spy three cities up to legendary after a culture bomb, 138k :culture: are needed. Depending on several factors, the conversion rate from :espionage: towards :culture: is somewhere between 4.7 (my game in GM-121) and 5.6 (Kaitzilla's game in a previous Gauntlet) , so then between 30k and 25k of :espionage: are needed. That's really not that much. In GM-121, my empire made 400 :espionage: through Scotland Yard + Buro from 1 AD onwards. I have to guess, but I'd think that 800 :espionage: / turn is really no problem 'til 1000 AD so then it's only about 40T 'til you got all the necessary :espionage: . Calculate when you can stop the research the earliest (probably somewhere @ CS + Currency + CoL) and then calculate how many :science: you'd take 'til Liberalism or Constitution and then convert that into :espionage: . With Scotland Yard I assume, that the conversion ratio is somewhere at 1.5, maybe a little lower, but if you stop research that early you will only build 1 Library in the capital because more won't pay back. Then see how much Jails and everything would cost you and add those costs towards the cost of the research and tell us the results. I'm really very positive, that stopping the research as early as possible ist the best way, that neither Constitution nor Communism will pay back because they're so far down the tech-tree and that really the most you need is Engineering, and if you oracle CS, you can get that even completely by trading around the tech-advantage again and again. Otherwise, stealing is cheaper than teching. Really the most I'd research would be CS, Currency, Aesthetics, Literature and Music.

And regarding Great Artists: You're Lizzy, you're PHI, generating GAs is really easy. Simply run Caste and hire Artists in addition towards the Courthouse-Spy-Specialists. Run Pacifism on top, either bulb it with a self-prepared GS from the Library or trade CoL + Meditation towards all civs you can get on friendly and let them do it. You can also build the Shwedagon Paya instead (tip from Kaitzilla) . In espionage-assisted Cultural Victories (EACVs) you 1st adopt Slavery so you can whip Settlers and Workers, you then adopt HR + OR + CS because you need HR for Happiness, CS is self-explanatory and OR is good for getting the buildings up and for spreading the religion that your neighbours run. Try to build at least 1 Confucian Missionary too and spread Confucianism towards one of that neighbours cities, to whom you also want to gift your Legendary cities later, so to the one that is your spy-target. Steal the techs from him that you want and that he researches.
Later you switch to Caste + Pacifism to create the GPs, if you get a Prophet from Oracle you can do that switch with a single Golden Age. Generate some Artists and run the Espionage-Slider the whole time. You'll wonder very much how few GPs you'll be able to generate even with playing a PHI leader because those games end so fast and because one doesn't has 1 ultimate GP-Farm but mainly only 1 phase of Caste + Pacifism in which one tries to create a GP in every city that has the chance to create one in time. You'll get enough Great Spies, because you built CHs before that phase and hired Spy-Specialists. From my experience it's almost harder to safely generate enough GAs to be able to bomb every L-city than to lose many turns because of getting too many superflous GAs.

And towards why organically creating the culture isn't possible: In GM-121 I got 5 Great Spies so that's 15k of :espionage: on its own. Subtracting those from the 30k of :espionage: which I needed, only 15k are left. I already had 8k :espionage: @ 1 AD and with making 400 :espionage: via Buro + Scotland Yard only 8k of :espionage: are left, that's 20T at that rate, and I didn't even consider things like a single GA yet!

Building the Parthenon + the HE in the capital being good play btw. is really nice, finally having GA-pollution is something good :) .

Good luck with your game, and don't think that the above is the best or even a perfect way, there's still so much to discover or do differently so make yourself your own thoughts, but calculate precisely! In GM-121 I won in 1130 AD, that was 300y later than Kaitzilla won in his Gauntlet, I played on a very weak map and had bad luck with getting both, De Gaulle and Peter as neighbours and Kaitzilla's game was the first EACV ever.

One tip in addition that will also explain something towards Kai who asked that in the thread where he posted his guide (see list of writeups) : Having a TR towards the L-city gives 20% bonus. To get that, you need to close the borders with everybody but the target, because the cities are close and small so have low TR-values. The only other possibility with which it is possible to get no TR is when having too few cities, so i. e. having 5 cities à 2 TRs = 10 TRs but the target-civ having 20 cities, then CIV chooses the more valuable, bigger, further away lying cities and the L-cities don't get chosen.

Hth. :) .
I am also playing with No City Razing and Cultural Flip after Conquest options, so the cities should revolt back to me once they contain Legendary Culture.

This can take too long. If a city has an 8% revolt chance, I then think even after 15T the chance that it'll revolt once is at 50% (I'm not good stochastic) . A city afaik will only flip in the 1st revolt with a chance of less then 10%, it might be way lower like 1-2%, so a city usually needs to revolt twice. Even then, a city still may not flip, I've seen cities revolt 3 times and they still didn't flip, so waiting for a city to flip back peacefully can cost you a lot of turns based on the random factor.

Once you have the Spies it's absolutely no problem to whip out some Maces + Trebs or if you don't have Copper Longbows. If you take precautions so that the target-civ doesn't move its stack into one of those cities but if there are only 1-2 defenders, taking them back by force is a cakewalk :) . Gift the cities towards that civ one after the other and probably only the 1st will have 1-2 defenders. Close the borders if you have no other chance, but then you'll lose the 20% TR-bonus.

You need about 120 Spies btw. if you get the same 82% success quote that I was given. You can do with less if you run several times but getting that number is not a problem with the whip, it's a greater hold-up to run several times imo.
Thank you, Seraiel!

I was wondering whether using the first or second Great Spy for Scotland Yard made sense. It does if you switch maximum commerce to Espionage. If you want to go hard core Espionage, beeline Alphabet and switch commerce to Espionage. Thereafter, steal or trade for all the Technologies you want.
I abandoned my plan to build Oxford University. I already started researching Liberalism, so I will finish that and take Nationalism or Constitution as my free technology.

I'm already at 775 AD. The AIs declared War on each other and generally ruined research. I should have encouraged the AI to research fast and steal the techs as they complete them.

I will get my third Great Person next turn, my third Great Spy. I will use it to construct Scotland Yard. After I finish researching Liberalism, I will switch Commerce to Espionage.

After I get Constitution, I will adopt Representation and build Jails in all my cities.

After the AI research Scientific Method for me, I may try to research Communism to acquire the free Great Spy while the AIs race on to Physics. In there is still time, I will build Intelligence Agencies in cities than can both build it fast and benefit more from it.
I'm also considering Economics as my free Liberalism technology. The free Free Merchant will net a lot of Wealth that will allow 100% Espionage for a very long time.
I captured three of Gandhi's cities, increasing by empire's size to 12 cities, which is double the size of the any one of the remaining five AIs. Those three cities included the Islamic Holy City (a holy city is a must have for the Espionage Victory), a Stone City and Wine City. The Islamic Holy City was much closer to our mutual border than the Jewish Holy City, but it was still in the fourth cultural ring of Delhi, so a garrison of 7-8 units, mostly macemen, crossbowmen and swordsmen, were needed to reduce the revolt risk to 00%. The Stone City made building Walls and Castles in all cities so much easier. The Wine City was between these other two cities and allowed the Stone City to have much more useable land by deactivating its cultural influence in the area; this did not help the Islamic Holy City though, since it was surrounded by plains and all its useful tiles are in Delhi's cultural influence.

My empire started in a small isolated peninsula and expanded in almost all directions via war. This meant the capital was far from the center. So, the Forbidden Palace was started in Paris, slightly north of center with the capital far to the south. There are still 8 turns left to complete the Fobidden Palace.

It is now 1020 AD and the commerce slider is set to maximum Espionage. I just stole Nationalism from Gandhi. I probably should have tried building The Taj Mahal and other things like LC Settlers in the capital first, but I adopted Nationhood immediately for the +25% Espionage in all cities despite having a capital with many cottages and mines and Scotland Yard. Espionage output did go up slightly (+15%) with Nationhood, despite there being very few (almost none) developed cottages outside of the capital. However, Nationhood all provides 2 happiness from barracks and drafting.

Carthage with three Clams and few farms would provide a nice Globe drafting city, providing all needed garrison units for the entire empire, not that I need any more military units. On the other hand, my diplomacy was pointy stick and I have few friends, so a ready means of instant military could be handy for future DoWs like Hannibal's fatal one (to him). I also believe that Natinhood is a strong fit for the Espionage Victory; it is best coupled with massive cottaging of most grasslands and nearly all floodplains.
I decided to settle my 4th Great Spy in the capital, because I believe it will take 150t before I have the 44k Espionage needed to make three cities legendary.

It is turn 260 (1150 AD) and I have just stolen Constitution from Mansa Musa. I plan to build Jails in all cities for the 4E and especially +50% E. I also plan to adopt Representation (dropping Herditary Rule) and Mercantilism (I will lose 3-6 commerce in my six largest cities in the switch from foreign trade to domestic trade, but the free specialist is well worth it especially when I'm able to run three spy specialists in all cities and don't have enough food in some cities).
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