Gaddafi is history! Tripoli is free!

A gamma ray wouldn't even notice an inch of tinfoil. Have a nice day :)

Actually gamma rays can come in photons as weak as 81 keV. Actual tin has a good enough mass attenuation coefficient to stop almost every 81 keV photon within an inch, no problem. Have a nicer day :)

But seriously - which side(s) is Al Jazeera supposed to be on? I can't tell the players without a scorecard. So Qatar wants ... to please the US? Huh, why?
But seriously - which side(s) is Al Jazeera supposed to be on? I can't tell the players without a scorecard. So Qatar wants ... to please the US? Huh, why?

Which side? Whatever one the emir of Qatar orders them to be, of course. In this case the rebels, from the start. Qatar and Saudi Arabia were the ones which set up that half-attended gathering of the Arab League to support the UN "protect the civilians" resolution and NATO bombing. What kind of horse trading may have happened? I have no idea, but I bet that the libyan assets in Qatar ($100 billion or so) are going to evaporate.

Recently in the news: the UK "released libyan funds" to the rebels... in the form or newly-printed libyan paper currency! That is how you do war on the cheap: get some rebels to fight for you and pay them by flooding the country they're taking over with paper. :lol:
al Jazeera , know this won't be eeveeer believed , is on the side of Uncle Sam . Or rather whatever character that represents London .

you know whose FM was on the news recently proclaiming UK would not be lacking in contracts to be issued by the new Libya . Shame is advised for Europeans , just a bit , as it makes actual mockery of good intentions . Just like Sarkozy who is reported to have cut the deal and sent in the Rafales for 35% of oil ...
al Jazeera , know this won't be eeveeer believed , is on the side of Uncle Sam . Or rather whatever character that represents London .

you know whose FM was on the news recently proclaiming UK would not be lacking in contracts to be issued by the new Libya . Shame is advised for Europeans , just a bit , as it makes actual mockery of good intentions . Just like Sarkozy who is reported to have cut the deal and sent in the Rafales for 35% of oil ...
Well, we're not going to hear the end of that line of argumentation, unless the NATO countries willfully decide NOT to trade in oil with Libya at all. Just to make a point... (The Libyans might still like to sell though.)
r16, stop the conspiracy theories. Do you think that other countries will get their hands dirty for free? And do you think the next government can live off the air? they've got oil and they'll be forced to sell it to someone, so at least they'll exchange it for assistance against Gaddafi.
r16, stop the conspiracy theories. Do you think that other countries will get their hands dirty for free? And do you think the next government can live off the air? they've got oil and they'll be forced to sell it to someone, so at least they'll exchange it for assistance against Gaddafi.

I don't know conspiracy theories about the west buying oil from a post revolution country we were already buying oil from make sense to me!
As always, the rebels got into Tripoli with the help of a desreting general from Gaddafi's forces.
r16, stop the conspiracy theories. Do you think that other countries will get their hands dirty for free? And do you think the next government can live off the air? they've got oil and they'll be forced to sell it to someone, so at least they'll exchange it for assistance against Gaddafi.

but the oil is being used by secret western conspirators to sell to the west to keep the conspiracy runing and feed te lizard alien overlords!
al Jazeera , know this won't be eeveeer believed , is on the side of Uncle Sam . Or rather whatever character that represents London .

you know whose FM was on the news recently proclaiming UK would not be lacking in contracts to be issued by the new Libya . Shame is advised for Europeans , just a bit , as it makes actual mockery of good intentions . Just like Sarkozy who is reported to have cut the deal and sent in the Rafales for 35% of oil ...

Al Jazeera is an independent news station, and their sympathies do not lie with the US or the West (excluding maybe Britain).
but the oil is being used by secret western conspirators to sell to the west to keep the conspiracy runing and feed te lizard alien overlords!
I for one welcome our new lizard overlords. ;)

I really, really fail to see why this is even a conspiracy theory. Libya has oil. Which is now controlled by the new Libyan government. Which needs money, so it sells the oil. Will it sell this oil underpriced? It would be stupid to do so. Will it preferably make contracts with countries who support its authority? I can't see why it would hurt them to do that.

Both sides get something. NATO didn't get into the conflict because of their kind hearts or for good publicity. But that doesn't mean that they're automatically exploiting Libya.
Why is there a conspiracy theory about oil? I don't get it. Gaddafi was already selling oil to the world, and he would've sold oil in any case to preserve his regime. He may have been crazy, but he knew what made good business and survival.
@r16: You know, I might actually read your posts if you could format properly.
I for one welcome our new lizard overlords. ;)

I really, really fail to see why this is even a conspiracy theory. Libya has oil. Which is now controlled by the new Libyan government. Which needs money, so it sells the oil. Will it sell this oil underpriced? It would be stupid to do so. Will it preferably make contracts with countries who support its authority? I can't see why it would hurt them to do that.

Both sides get something. NATO didn't get into the conflict because of their kind hearts or for good publicity. But that doesn't mean that they're automatically exploiting Libya.

In the case of the US they ARE bypassing the Congressional power to declare war.
In the case of the US they ARE bypassing the Congressional power to declare war.

We decided that was soooo 19th century in the 1950's and never did it for any war after WWII.
I don't know conspiracy theories about the west buying oil from a post revolution country we were already buying oil from make sense to me!
Well, quite. In other news it is now surfacing how, until this change of direction in events, the UK and US was aiding Ghaddaffi with a little bit of this and a little bit of that, including sanitizing how he presented himself to the world. You know, to help everyone get over that blown up airliner over Scotland, the bombed out German night-club, etc.

I guess it's the French then? Somehow Sarkozy is so devilishly clever that he managed — for a cut of some future oil if things worked out — the the Italians along on doing the dirty on a dictator who was already selling them oil on acceptable terms, and was distinctly matey with the Italian PM (joint bunga-bunga...), AND get the Brits to play along (who was otherwise aiding Ghaddaffi), AND get the Americans in line to aid the French (they sounded unwilling all along), AND somehow get one over the Russians and Chinese alike, to make sure they wouldn't make waves in the UN.

I really need to reevaluate Sarkozy then. If perhaps not the greatest statesman of his age, perhaps the greatest diplomat?

Unless of course, the western powers simply were taken by surprise by the Libyans rising up. Just like Ghaddaffi. In which case Sarkozy just made snap decision.
well , the entire point being total re-arrangement of borders and destruction of a particular country basing anything on oil sales is dilution of the questions and the answers people will have .

we eat lizards for lunch .
well , the entire point being total re-arrangement of borders and destruction of a particular country basing anything on oil sales is dilution of the questions and the answers people will have .

we eat lizards for lunch .
Well you know, so far the only one actually proposing rearranging borders has been you...

You somehow conflate change in government with collapsing borders? Or it's supposed to be some kind of first step in a secret plan to rearrange borders? Time will tell, I guess.
time will indeed tell , whether this is a simple standart re-arrangement of dust in third rate excuses of countries where people like Sarkozy look at the despair at the faces of the Libyan delegation and increase the share from 30 to 35 , because you know , 100 Green flag guys are going to invade a city of a million and the free Libyan jet was just shot down because it was "bambing" its own city ... ı like bambing , should use it instead of bombing .

or maybe it is not . Am not afraid of loneliness .
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