Game crash turn 11


May 2, 2009
Planet Earth
i recently got ciV, thinking my specs were good. apparently my graphics card is below minimum but from what ive discovered, it just runs the game slow. however, what that doesnt explain, is that after turn 11 on the game ive started, it randomly crashes. ive tried all other practical things... not moving units, moving units to different spots, playing a different game, etc. and it still crashed by turn 11. anyone have any tips?
Could you please post what graphics card, windows version, amount of RAM, and what CPU you have?

Also try updating your graphics drivers, not playing on huge maps and lowering settings.
I'm pretty sure I recently updated my graphics driver, but I'll try again when I get back from being out of town for the weekend.

Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 620i
Windows Version: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
RAM: 4096MB
CPU: It's an eMachines model ET 1831
What map size are you using?????????
its either small or standard... dont remember which. whichever one has 6 civs, 12 city-states
Try turning off autosave. Do you save everyturn?
no, i save whenever i feel like it basically... near the beginning its like every 10ish turns but near endgame its almost every turn. i rely on autosave if the game crashes between turns though... should i turn off autosave and just save frequently?
If you have played other games succesfully, then I would say that your save has become corrupted and there is probably nothing more that you can do about it.

Auto save defaults to every tenth turn, and if you keep reloading that same turn and get the same result, then it is probably a memory loop that cannot be adjusted in just one turn. You can try starting again at turn 1 and try that.

If you have tried more than one different game and turn 11 is it then turn off auto save and see if you get past the 11th turn.
I've only tried on one other game. It crashed on turn 5 or so, so maybe it is autosave.
This happened to me a few weeks back... it turned out it was because I had upped my graphic settings for leaderheads... so every game I tried to start crashed early... I soon realized the CTD was happening as soon as I'd meet my first leader.

Try lowering your leaderhead graphic settings and see if that helps
i haven't met another leader yet though! ive only met 5 city states....
That's what I thought.... couldn't figure out how I had started 4 games and been isolated in every one! But upon triggering the leader popup, I'd get an immmedate CtD, therefore I never got a notice of having met anyone :crazyeye:
Open the game... go to Options... Video Options Tab...

On the right column, at the top is "Leader Scene Quality"... set it to Minimum then restart the game....

My poor laptop can only run with Minimum settings... anything else causes the immediate CtD....

Hope all of this helps.... ;)
ok sorry i wasnt able to test these out before but i didnt have ANY time the past few days. here are my results:
change of leader quality is what it was!!!! thank you soooooooooo much!
I'm pretty sure I recently updated my graphics driver, but I'll try again when I get back from being out of town for the weekend.

Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 620i
Windows Version: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
RAM: 4096MB
CPU: It's an eMachines model ET 1831

Sorry for not getting back to this, but it turns out I wouldn't have had the answer anyways, glad it works!

Also you should seriously look into getting a new graphics card, I'm surprised you can play Civ5 with that one.
haha its alright. but im gonna try and invest in one.... eventually.... if i can find one cheap enough
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