General bonus on naval units


Jan 16, 2011
In description it says, that bonus provided to "all player-owned units". So why it does not work on naval units?
Works on Artillery:

Does not work on Battleship:
It does work!
The great general needs to be embarked.
They are embarked, see the screenshots. On first screen general is 1 hex above the artillery; you can see the bonus. On second screen my second general is next to battleship, and you cant see the bonus. On both screenshots generals are embarked.
Ok, I've missed that.

From memory, I've only used an embarked great general when it was a Khan unit to see if it would heal ships at sea.
And the behaviour of the Khan unit was healing ships when it was embarked and on land it would only heal land units.

So, this theory conflicts with your screenshots.
The battleship should get the great general bonus and not the artillery, because the great generals are embarked.
Maybe a mod can move this to the possible bugs forum.

Btw, the great generals in the hotfix only give a 20% bonus.
I've missed that too. :D
I guess it was too much work to look into the xml code and put the relevant info into the civilopedia.
On the other hand 15% won't matter much in the combat odds, almost negligible.
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