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Get it on...Bang a Gong Diplo thread

hmm.. jb is posting stuff from their Turnplay thread? sounds like they still haven't figured out that it's best to keep quiet.

I'm fine with telling them that we are planning on expanding in Saber's direction. If they screw us, they too will be screwed so I see no reasonably valid reason that they'd back-stab us.
It seems Bugs agrees with you Tubs.
Sir Bugsy said:
Oh . .. .. .. .! You didn't say they have Chamnix as their military mind. You are absolutely correct. Take them out now. If you would like, we can figure out a way to help you guys.
from GONG:
Hiya, here's treaty draft. Have a peek and let us know what you think. It's kinda big pic, but believe we can settle on details as we go.


Rules of the House


No Fighting
-Teams Gong and Babes will live in peace and not take any miltary action towards each other, nor will they in any other way support a third party in conflict with the other part in this treaty.

No Gatecrashing
-Entering each others territory is prohibited unless the other part accepts the visit. Visitors are required to announce type and number of units before entering.


Spead the gossip
-Teams Gong and Babes will collaborate in research of new technologies. No third team is to be part of this collaboration unless teams Gong and Babes both agree on that.

There's a tab set up behind the bar

-Negotiations on details will take place whenever the situation calls for it. If teams cannot agree in negotiations, the tech part of the treaty may be nullified in all, alternatively put on hold until an agreement can be reached.


Share and share alike
-When possible, teams Gong and Babes will share rescourses needed for optimal development of our civs. No luxury/rescourse is to be denied the other part as long as an agreed payment for it can be carried out.
-Trading luxes/rescourses with third party is only allowed if both teams agree.


Lock in lasts till dawn

This treaty is valid from the date that both teams have sealed it.
It will last until both teams are the last ones standing.
This treaty can otherwise only be canceled if (1) both teams agree on doing so, or (2) if one side delibriatly violates it.
so basically that last sentence... #2 means we can terminate it whenever we choose?

I don't like the
It will last until both teams are the last ones standing.
suppose that Free and council have only their one-tilers left. we'd have to wait until marines before we could fight each other....with the delays that we have seen in turn play, that will suck (technical term)
so basically that last sentence... #2 means we can terminate it whenever we choose?

I think we should suggest an earlier cancellation then that needs a 20 turn warning or some other number.

I don't like the suppose that Free and council have only their one-tilers left. we'd have to wait until marines before we could fight each other....with the delays that we have seen in turn play, that will suck (technical term)

If we have left Free or Council with a couple of one tilers only then we would have won domination so the treaty wqouldn't really matter;)
I would like some stipulation on tech speeds. To coordinate better we should add time to completion so no one sandbags. If someone states they're going to finish in 6 turns they should finish in 6 turns. If they're late there should be some consideration.

Also from Daghie regarding military strengths. I see no problem sharing this with them. I think it's about time we let them know about our plans with Saber. It would be great if we could figure out a way to drain Saber's bank by having them pay GONG for techs.

Hi Whompie, I was wondering if you guys would be willing to share some info about the relative strenght of our mutual opponents and how that has developed since you met them? Living on the dark side of the Meleet makes it hard to plan future military actions and you could maybe enlighten us a bit.

All Best
yeah I agree.. give them the info on Saber and what we know about our relative strength vs FREE & Council
not much value in the figures, we are strong vs. everyone else. So it would not tell SABER anything but the fact we are stronger. :lol:
well at one time we weren't. So that information could be useful, but we wouldn't need to share that part. Just tell them that we are an Arnold Schwarzenegger in a room full of PeeWee Hermans
Here's my pm in return.
Lil Me said:
Hi Daghie Boy,
I'm not sure how much this will help but we're strong compared to everyone.

We received your agreement and one thing I mentioned is coordinating tech speeds. One thing I remember happening last game is it didn't seem like we were able to coordinate exact times for finishes. Maybe we should stipulate something where we announce our speed to finish so each team can adjust speeds accordingly. I'd prefer we do this on the honor system but what do you think?
Anyone have a good way to keep each of us honest on research speed? A small gold penalty per turn? Not sure how to coordinate this.
Daghie said:
Salute and such, the mechanics of coordination is of course hard to put to print but nevertheless important. I think maybe that has to be discussed/negotiated in bits and pieces within the general agreement of cooperation? Didn't we consider some sort of agreement where the team lagging in delivery had to pay a ticket for each turn late? We're open for any suggestions on this but, as you, I'd prefer not to tangle up too much in details that has to be altered anyway when the context shifts, making it hard to live up to the treaty even with the best will in the world. Announcing ETA of techs should be be done in advance and as accurately as possible, that could maybe be stated in the treaty?
Regarding the relative strength, we have observed some shifts on F11 that made us curious. I take it you've been strong vs others since first meeting them, and still are.
Looking fwd to your re-working of the draft.
How about disbanding a relatively modern military unit for each turn late. That wouldn't hurt research ability and could be verified by an admin. This way research ability is not hampered yet it weakens the offending team.

this should be allow to be waived if the non-offending team agrees.
But if we are not going to attack them then how does it help us? If anything it would help someone like free attacked gong.

A simple 20g per turn is reasonable. A simple way to avoid it is not over promising. If we think 7 turns is possible but cutting it fine then say 8.
OK let's return it with a 20gpt penalty if teams don't finish when they say they will.
I guess we should ask them if there is anything they can do to speed up the GLib build, SABER sure looks like they are frantically trying to complete something in their coastal town. It is now size 12. They still lack Literacy though but that could soon change
My pm to 'Cane.
killercane said:
Whomp said:

Just so you're aware Saber has been loading workers into Georgetown since it's size 12 now and the capital is starving at size 7. We're wondering if they're planning to finish the Glib reasonably soon. They still don't have lit but that may be a diversion. How close are you guys?

Should be 4 turns, maybe 5. There are 326 shields in the box, and I will try to put the thing on Weight Watchers and see if we can produce some extra shields. Civassist is jacked up on my comp or I would be able to tell you exactly. Saber with GL is bad for both of us!
I need to ask again. Saber is using the palace as a prebuild. I always thought at this stage with this few towns, the palace will only give 300/400 shields needed. Am I missing something here?
this few towns? we are 3rd or 4th in land area. So almost everyone else has more than us. What is the formula for price of palace vs # of cities?
From GONG:
Investigate and treaty...


Hey guys, we'll be glad to help w/ the bill to investigate the Sabre city.

It was another turn w/o any notification that the GLib was gone so that's good. We have 4 turns of building left. It will pop on turn 112.

Prior to the GLib coming in the Gong Gang would like to settle on the treaty.
I think the treaties ready to go with a 20gpt add on for lateness on tech research. I told JB in a pm our fate is sealed on the Glib.
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