Girls terrorised for going for higher education; it's "Un-Islamic"

And how many women are beaten to death or shot in America each year by their husbands?

Hell it happens here. Its not really a Muslim thing either as it depends on the country they're in. Muslims here tend to adopt western values but keep there religeon. Bad things happen in crappy backwards countries where the religeon happens to be Islam. Even in the enlightened west women still get murdered and raped etc. In the west though we're equal opportunity killers as plenty of men get murdered as well.
Having read the Manu Smriti, let me correct that translation. If you actually read the original, it says that a woman must be protected by, not be subject to. So that's nonsense. The independence quote makes sense in that context - that she must not be left to fend for herself.

But typical. I can't really expect proper sourcing or non-misleading material from the likes of some people.

Oh so if its a Hindu text then its an incorrect translation. But when its a Muslim text its perfectly alright? Pfft....thats a load of bollocks.

"They have no say in the matter" - under Hindu law, marriage without mutual consent is impermissible. So your attempt to shift the ground from theory to practice fails miserably (because I'm talking of Islamic theory, the practice is just an instantiation of that).

Hmmm...yeh you're saying people aren't pressured into marraige agianst their will?
a) The attack mentioned in the OP was not religiously motivated, and
b) How the situation in India is linked to Hindu law

It was certainely religously motavaited, however religon wasn't the cause of it It was caused by the culture of which religon is a part of but not the only part of, Hindu culture is equally misingyontic.

Because even Hindu personal law was not decided by Hindus, but by the constitution makers.

Oh so the constitution makers weren;t Hindu?

As for the "horrible" bit. Examples?

Do you actually live in India? Or do you walk around with your eyes closed or something? How about the Karantaka govt trying to ban women from working at nights? Or the govet request for women civil servants to give them info about their menstrual cycles?

Your so bltantly biased against Muslims I don't see why I even bother if you can't even see that your own society has the same exact problems.
Oh so if its a Hindu text then its an incorrect translation. But when its a Muslim text its perfectly alright? Pfft....thats a load of bollocks.

What the hell? I'm pointing out the fact that this was an error in an early translation, one which has been widely quoted.

You don't even know proper Hindi, and yet to claim to know the correct meaning of a Sanskrit text? And when your blatant error is pointed out, you refuse to accept that you screwed up by quoting a mistranslation? And finally, you refuse to accept the English translations by Muslims which have been accepted by the Muslims themselves?

If you find out a translation error in my quoting of the Quran or the Hadith texts, feel free to point it out - I can always replace it with something else which is equally damning. :D

Hmmm...yeh you're saying people aren't pressured into marraige agianst their will?

No. But I maintain that such marriage would be in violation of even traditional Hindu law, and I've got the textual backing to prove it. Therefore, such marriages are not an instantiation of Hindu theory or law.

Simple enough concept, really. Doesn't take much to understand. I wonder why you are having such trouble with it.

It was certainely religously motavaited, however religon wasn't the cause of it.

Right. So which part of their culture precisely told them to beat up a girl going for her physics exam? Maybe - just maybe - could it be.....the religious part?

It was caused by the culture of which religon is a part of but not the only part of, Hindu culture is equally misingyontic.

As usual, no backing given.

But then again, [wiki]you are lynching negroes[/wiki].

Oh so the constitution makers weren;t Hindu?

That is irrelevant to the issue.

Do you actually live in India? Or do you walk around with your eyes closed or something?

I walk around with my eyes fully open, and that's why my knowledge is based not just on what I read in the newspapers and on TV, like yours is.

How about the Karantaka govt trying to ban women from working at nights?

As I said, they're idiots.

But I am lynching negroes.

Or the govet request for women civil servants to give them info about their menstrual cycles?

That was dropped one day after it was introduced, actually.

Your so bltantly biased against Muslims I don't see why I even bother if you can't even see that your own society has the same exact problems.

Again, not Muslims, but Islam. And not biased against, but simply seen the true nature of. I do not expect a culture of sanity from a hallucinating paedophile.

Seems you missed the list of five questions which I posted somewhere back in this thread. I'll quote them, for your benefit:

Is their misogyny fuelled by religion? If it is, then is their perception of their tradition correct? If it is, then is that tradition open to reform from within? If it is, then has anyone tried to actually do it? And if so, have they succeeded?

If the answer to the first two question is "No", then the religion is exonerated.

If the answer to the first two is "Yes", but if the answer to any subsequent link in the chain is "No", then take that as a sign that that tradition is going to get royally screwed by history.
Sure why not, oh and add the breakdown of selective abortion in India by religious group while you're at it :D

Ah, hannibal, I am so into lynching negroes.

What happened to the Soviet union is going to happen to you, and the society you came from, because of this attitude of yours, which is not willing to even acknowledge that the system is FUBAR.

I'll be watching with unholy glee and a bag of popcorn. :devil:
Ah, hannibal, I am so into lynching negroes.
What happened to the Soviet union is going to happen to you, and the society you came from, because of this attitude of yours, which is not willing to even acknowledge that the system is FUBAR.
I'll be watching with unholy glee and a bag of popcorn. :devil:

Humm let's compare India with the society I come from ie Tunisia:

First HDI: Human Development Index

The HDI for India is 0.611, which gives India a rank of 126th out of 177 countries with data
The HDI for Tunisia is 0.760, which gives Tunisia a rank of 87th out of 177 countries with data

Let's see some key figures:

Life expectancy at birth: Tunisia (73.5)/India (63.6)
Adult literacy rate: Tunisia (74.3)/India (61.0)
GDP per capita: Tunisia (7,768)/India (3,139)

And women's situation in India and in Tunisia:

Total fertility rate (births per woman), 2000-05: Tunisia (2.0)/India(3.1)
Adult literacy rate (female rate % ages 15 and older), 2004: Tunisia (65.3)/India(47.8)
Net primary enrolment - female ratio (%), 2004: Tunisia (98)/India(87)

The system of the society I come from is not that bad after all :lol:
For going to school?

Its not vastly different fom schools in parts of the US refusing to teach evolution or certain relgeous sects in America not sending their kids to public school.

Whenever you hear of a story about muslims women being killed in honour killings they are usually breaking the law in the country involved and a women being murdered in the US barely gets a mention here at CFC.

Its a cultural problem not a problem with Islam itself as in India non Muslim women get treated like rubbish as well. Some Islamic countries are awful to women others are better. Muslims in other countries are usually like anyone else and they adopt the cultural mores and values of the country they live in for the most part- they may not drink booze or eat pork though.

New Zealand where I live has reasonably awful social statistics about abuse towards women as certain sub cultures here beat them etc. Our stats are about the same as Europe otherwise but are magnified by ethnic groups where culturally its ok to beat your wife and kids. The culture is changing and its improving but it happens.
In summary: a bunch of pure, devout, Mohammedan Muslims are threatening other, more progressive, and therefore heretical Muslims who wish to send their girls for higher education, and are willing to use violence to intimidate others into ensuring that Muslim women do not receive a college education.

This is a one-sided summary. Pure, devout mohammedan muslims?

1 . The term mohammedan is offensive.
2. You call them devout and pure because they threaten other people.

In Islam it is mandatory to search for knowledge, even if you're a woman. Islam encourages education. Therefore I would not call them pure and devout, since they go against teachings of Islam.

I quote Ali ibn abi Talib: "Search for knowledge, even if it is located in China" (China seemed a lot further away from the arabian peninsula back then!)

^Might have been mentioned before. I didn't bother reading the entire thread:)

the Ulema - are also the definers of the religion,

The alim (plural of ulema) do not define religion according to Islam. Religion is defined.

And I tend to think that religion really was the motivating factor behind this crime.
I doubt it.

If you truly believe that, then you have no idea what Islam is.

It's like this, in my view - if the adherents to something evil, then we have to ask the question - did they do it because they are evil, and the religion does not condone it, or did they do it because the religion actually tells them to?

I see, you would blame the religion instead of looking at the real issued. You wouldn't think invasion, oppression and much more have driven some people to the brink of insanity?

By the way, 498 terrorattacks in Europe in 2006, one was commited by muslims according to Europol.

When a muslim engages in a suicidal act of terror it is because he REALLY ACTUALLY BELIEVES what his religion teaches; that

This is actually quite a funny thing, since the Islamic religion does not teach its followers to strap explosives around ones stomach a get on a bus. Funny thing indeed! It's funny because some people actually believe it, whether they are muslims or non-muslims!

A moderate muslim ( or pick a religion ) is he who believes only a little bit of it is true.

According to Islam then you're not a muslim if there is a single word from the Qur'an you don't believe in.

Let me quote the prophet of Islam, salallahu alayhi wa salam: "Beware of extremism in religion, since those before you were only destroyed by extremism"
"Ruined are those who go to extremes".

we all know islam treats woman bad. very bad.

Actually no, I didn't know that, and I studied Islam for several years.

Have a nice day.
This is a one-sided summary. Pure, devout mohammedan muslims?

1 . The term mohammedan is offensive.

I use it as a particular qualifier to the word "Muslim", meaning that they choose to actually follow his teachings as much as they can, instead of the half-assed jobs the moderates (the technical term for such moderates if "murtdad", by the way) do.

And I don't really give a crap whom I offend. I place truth above sentiments.

2. You call them devout and pure because they threaten other people.

No. I call them devout and pure because they genuinely believe.

In Islam it is mandatory to search for knowledge, even if you're a woman.

Correct. But there are restrictions placed on this search if the quester happens to be a woman.

Islam encourages education.

It discourages, and labels as false, dangerous, and "to be stamped out" whatever contradicts the Quran. The Quran says that the Earth is flat. The physics paper probably involved some mention of gravity, which implies a non-flat Earth. Therefore, physics is anti-Islamic, and must be stopped, by any means necessary.

That's the orthodox position, anyway.

Therefore I would not call them pure and devout, since they go against teachings of Islam.

Please do not pick and choose the teachings of Islam. Consider the whole lot, not just the "fluffy bunny and sweet things" ones.

I quote Ali ibn abi Talib: "Search for knowledge, even if it is located in China" (China seemed a lot further away from the arabian peninsula back then!)

And? You do know what Muslims did to Indian universities and libraries, don't you?

The alim (plural of ulema) do not define religion according to Islam. Religion is defined.

So the tradition of jurisprudence, founded on the Quran, the Hadith, Ijtihad, and Figh has no validity?

And what precisely is meant by the statement that "Religion is defined"? Does it mean that Mohammed had the final say on everything?

I doubt it.

I haven't seen any convincing argument to the contrary. Could you please provide one?

If you truly believe that, then you have no idea what Islam is.

Instead of insulting my knowledge, would it not be better to provide a contrary viewpoint?

I see, you would blame the religion instead of looking at the real issued. You wouldn't think invasion, oppression and much more have driven some people to the brink of insanity?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's rich. That's really rich.

Do you have any idea who invaded who in the history of India? And who did what to whom?

By the way, 498 terrorattacks in Europe in 2006, one was commited by muslims according to Europol.

That was the most spectacular one, wasn't it? The one with the massive network behind it? The one which killed the most people? The one which is in a series spanning the entire world?

And by the way, India is not Europe.

This is actually quite a funny thing, since the Islamic religion does not teach its followers to strap explosives around ones stomach a get on a bus. Funny thing indeed! It's funny because some people actually believe it, whether they are muslims or non-muslims!

That's because there were neither explosives or that type, nor buses, when Islam was made up. But killing the infidel is allowed, you know.

According to Islam then you're not a muslim if there is a single word from the Qur'an you don't believe in.

Let me quote the prophet of Islam, salallahu alayhi wa salam: "Beware of extremism in religion, since those before you were only destroyed by extremism"
"Ruined are those who go to extremes".

Appears that Islam is on a one-way road to ruination, then.

Actually no, I didn't know that, and I studied Islam for several years.

Well, then, Mister "Appellant to own authority", seems your study was sorely lacking. Which of the following Hadith do you consider non-sahih?

Women are deficient in mind and religion.

* Mohammed asked some women, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?" The women said, "yes," He said, "This is because of the deficiency of the woman's mind. " Vol. 3:826

* Mohammed to women: "I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you." Vol. 2:541

The majority of people in hell are women.

* Mohammed said, "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women. " Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124

Women are a bad omen.

* Mohammed said, " Bad omen is in the woman, the house and the horse." Vol. 7:30

Women are harmful to men.

* Mohammed said, "After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women." Vol. 7:33

Women may not wear wigs.

* Mohammed said, " Don't wear false hair for Allah sends His curse upon such ladies who lengthen their hair artificially." Vol. 7:133

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl.

* "Narrated Aisha that the prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old." Vol. 7:64

When a woman is divorced irrevocably, she can not return to her husband until she marries (including having sexual intercourse) with another man.

* "Narrated Aisha: The wife of Rifaa Al-Qurazi came to Allah's Apostle and said, 'O Allah's Apostle, Rifaa divorced me irrevocably. After him I married Abdur-Rahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi who proved to be impotent.' Allah's Apostle said to her, 'Perhaps you want to return to Rifaa? Nay (You cannot return to Rifaa) until you and Abdur-Rahman (the impotent man) engage in sexual intercourse! '" Vol. 7:186

Have a nice day.

Have a very nice day.
the technical term for such moderates if "murtdad", by the way

As far as I know. Murtad is a person who left Islam.

The word for a moderate muslim is, a muslim.

And I don't really give a crap whom I offend. I place truth above sentiments.

Of course you don't = narrow-minded.

No. I call them devout and pure because they genuinely believe.

Apparently they don't believe in the parts that forbid their actions.

Correct. But there are restrictions placed on this search if the quester happens to be a woman.

Not true.

The Quran says that the Earth is flat.

This is a lie. It says the Earth is shaped as an egg. But it is not specified wheter it's an egg from a kiwi bird, chicken or any other animal.

Actually it says it is "dahaha" (egg shaped) and it orbits the sun.

79:30 He made the earth dahaha (egg shaped).

Therefore, physics is anti-Islamic, and must be stopped, by any means necessary.

I proved you wrong. You really don't want to get in a discussion of science and the Qur'an. I a strong supporter of science and I have studied Islam.

That's the orthodox position, anyway.

Actually it's not. The position of traditional Islam is that God says in the Qur'an he made the Earth round.

Please don't make stuff up.

Please do not pick and choose the teachings of Islam. Consider the whole lot, not just the "fluffy bunny and sweet things" ones.

Please don't make stuff up about Islam, and one more thing. You read one post and you automatically believe I only choose the fluffy bunny sweet things.

You are very quick to judge. Either you're a complete genius and can read me as a childrens book with many pictures, or well, you're ust quick to judge.

And? You do know what Muslims did to Indian universities and libraries, don't you?

I really don't care what muslims do. The followers of a religion do not define the religion. You know hindus have murdered muslims. But they do not define hinduism.

Fact is education and science is a big part of Islam. Might not be a big part of all muslims, but that doesn't matter to me. We aren't talkning about muslims, but about Islam.

So the tradition of jurisprudence, founded on the Quran, the Hadith, Ijtihad, and Figh has no validity?

Of course. But they do not define religion.

And what precisely is meant by the statement that "Religion is defined"? Does it mean that Mohammed had the final say on everything?

According to Islam, yes and no. God has of course the final saying, but no more prophets will be send.

I haven't seen any convincing argument to the contrary. Could you please provide one?

I believe I did. It is unlawful according to Islamic law to commit a crime as this, and it is unlawful to refuse someone education.

Instead of insulting my knowledge

Or your lack of knowledge? Did I insult you? I apoligize.

Would you stop insulting and spreading lies about Islam then and perhaps provide some proof on your statements.

Do you have any idea who invaded who in the history of India? And who did what to whom?

I certanly do. The British did it :D Just joking, I know, but I wasn't talkning about Indian Muslims, but muslims in general.

And by the way, India is not Europe.

No, it's not Europe. I know that because I'm an European :crazyeye:

That's because there were neither explosives or that type, nor buses, when Islam was made up. But killing the infidel is allowed, you know.

Again you provide no proof.

Busses didn't exist. Camels did.

Another thing is the term "infidel" never existed in islamic terminology, and it is strictly forbidden to kill anybody who is innocent.

I quote "Whosoever killeth a humanbeing, it shall be as if he had killeth all of mankind, and whosoever saved a life, it shall be as if he had saved all of mankind".

Appears that Islam is on a one-way road to ruination, then.

Not Islam, because Islam is not extreme. Some followers are. They get the most attention.

Well, then, Mister "Appellant to own authority", seems your study was sorely lacking. Which of the following Hadith do you consider non-sahih?

Thank you very much for your insult. I believe you complained about me insulting YOUR knowledge, and five second later. You insult my knowledge.

I recall a proverb, somethinga bout a glasshouse. Hmm, I forgot it. Do you remember it? Something about a glasshouse and rocks, or stones. Hmm...

Btw. anybody can copy/paste, and I refuse to answer anything related to ahadith. Mainly because there are so many ahadith, sahih, marfu, hasan or daif, many of them have a weak isnad, or generally weak in their isnad, chain of reporters.

I refuse to look up ahadith. But the Qur'an I'm fine with.

One more thing, don't copy/paste. Anybody can copy/paste. Especially without looking up the sources.

Don't forget ahadith are often ripped out of context and only bits of it are in the books. The full ahadith can't always be found..

Hadith science is so wide, I won't even start to explain everything about mubalagha, the isnad, whether they are hasan, daif, or anything else.

This is so wide.

But hey, I'll do it anyway this one time. Although I won't be explaining everything.

* Mohammed asked some women, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?" The women said, "yes," He said, "This is because of the deficiency of the woman's mind. " Vol. 3:826

About religion: it is because women don't pray during the menses, nor do they fast

* Mohammed to women: "I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you." Vol. 2:541

Particulary this hadith is misunderstood. Because it seems as if it concerns all women, but not. Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam passed a specific group of women and told them this. But it was because these women frequently cursed and were ungrateful.

These to ahadith are actually both a part of a much longer hadith.

In this hadith the concept of mubalagha is used, it is exaggeration.

Mohammed said, "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women. " Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124

This is a funny one. Fact is more women are born than men. :D
Oh, and btw. there will also be more women than men in Paradise :D

Here are some other things about women:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your father. "

[Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 2]

Another thing is that one cannot enter Paradise without a woman allowing it (ones mother)

I quote: "The best of you are those who are good to women".

* Mohammed said, " Don't wear false hair for Allah sends His curse upon such ladies who lengthen their hair artificially." Vol. 7:133

Artificial is the keyword here. It is forbidden in Islam to "change" your body, as in platicsurgery, wigs etc., unless it has a sort of health benefit or one has been in an accident and requires plasticsurgery.

Mohammed married a 9 year old girl.

Yes, although some ahadtih claimed Aisha was 19. It doesn't really matter. Fact is it was normal to get married as young. Khadija, the first wife, was actually twice as old.

About the divorce thingy, if they are divorced irrevocably there would be a waiting period, before she can marry him again.

Divorce is discouraged in Islam, but allowed.

Again, please stay away from ahadith. They take forever to look up and I litterally spend hours searching in books, while you spend a few second copying a text

One more thing, you asked me to consider the whole of Islam. Why don't you do that?

I understand you, you live in a area with quite a few conflicts. Trust me, I lived in areas that are worse than the conflicts in India! But I don't judge anybody, and you shouldn't judge all muslims because of what some have done in India. It's simply wrong.

Have a very nice day.

Thank you, and have a very very nice day yourself :)
Again, a wonderful example on how backward Islam is.

you know that islam say it is every persons duty to ask for knowledge it tose other guys who misinterpreted the message of islam so at least most muslim communities dont have boys who turn into girls and we have real men.:mad:
you know that islam say it is every persons duty to ask for knowledge it tose other guys who misinterpreted the message of islam so at least most muslim communities dont have boys who turn into girls and we have real men.:mad:

Real men are different things in different cultures. FOr instance, in some Muslim communities, "real men" are those willing to blow themselves up, killing many innocent people. :)
To "aneeshm" and others

I understand I haven't been very nice in this thread, especially towards you. I regret it, and I apoligize if I have insulted anyone. There is no explanation, I'm usually not like that, and I humbly apoligize for my attitude.

I cannot understand the hatred towards Islam. I guess it has a lot to do with lack of knowledge (no disrespect). This lack of knowledge, and lack of understanding is seen in both western and muslim communities.
In the west, we always see the crazy iranian burning flags and screaming "Death to America!".

But in the middleeast they see the conflicts between western supported Israel, Palestine and Libanon. They see invasions of Afghanistan and of Iraq. They see world leaders threatening Iran.
They see insults.

I believe the media have shouldn't only show images that reenforce prejudice of a west with no morality or backwards muslims. Because this isn't true, and it reenforces hate and adds to these conflicts.

We all have to take responsibility, and we all have to learn more about each other and refuse to jump on all the media hype because it is tearing our world apart!

Have a good day
As far as I know. Murtad is a person who left Islam.

The word for a moderate muslim is, a muslim.

I know. ;)

I was trying to make a point, that being moderate, and not following every single rule, makes you an apostate.

Of course you don't = narrow-minded.

Placing honesty in the quest for truth above sentiments is now narrow-mindedness?

Apparently they don't believe in the parts that forbid their actions.

Could you cite a reference? Which part?

Not true.

Are not all regions except the eyes, the hands, and the feet (and sometimes not even those) all aurat for women?

This is a lie. It says the Earth is shaped as an egg. But it is not specified wheter it's an egg from a kiwi bird, chicken or any other animal.

Actually it says it is "dahaha" (egg shaped) and it orbits the sun.

79:30 He made the earth dahaha (egg shaped).

The mountains are supposed to nail the ground down, so that it doesn't move.

How far is that true?

And could you provide a reference for this "orbits the sun" thing? I can quote to you the fatwas from Deoband which have declared it heresy to say so. In fact, their position is that the sun goes around the Earth.

Let me elaborate. The sun goes around the Earth, and every day asks for permission from Allah to set, and throughout the night, he stays under Allah's throne. One day, nearing the end, Allah will not give him permission, and so the sun will rise in the West.

Ridiculous enough for you?

I proved you wrong.

No you didn't. :p

You really don't want to get in a discussion of science and the Qur'an.

Oh, my dear, I really, really do. Go ahead. I can point out how the Quran's view of the world is complete nonsense, when compared to modern science, all day long.

I a strong supporter of science and I have studied Islam.

The beauty of science is that it does not rise or fall based on the number of its supporters, it just is.

As for this constant refrain of "I have studied Islam" - great. Now would you please show us the proof of your studies, instead of just saying that they exist?

Actually it's not. The position of traditional Islam is that God says in the Qur'an he made the Earth round.

Please don't make stuff up.

I'm referring to the school of Islam which is most relevant to me, which is the Deobandi school, who are arch-traditionalists.

And they absolutely oppose modern cosmology. Their cosmological view is total junk.

Please don't make stuff up about Islam, and one more thing. You read one post and you automatically believe I only choose the fluffy bunny sweet things.

That's because you did.

You are very quick to judge. Either you're a complete genius and can read me as a childrens book with many pictures, or well, you're ust quick to judge.

Actually, I can judge your post. Not you, not the children's book, but the post.

I really don't care what muslims do. The followers of a religion do not define the religion. You know hindus have murdered muslims. But they do not define hinduism.

Dharmic religions have their own system of judgement and measurement, so let's not bring them into this. A more appropriate comparison would be against Christians or Jews.

As for that - correct.

Three things define religion:

a) The Authority - could be a text, an oral tradition, or whatever. This supersedes everything else.
b) The texts - the textual tradition which has sprung up around the authority. This is primary, except for that it cannot contradict the Authority.
c) The living tradition - the custodians of religion, as appointed by the other two. This defines everything else.

Fact is education and science is a big part of Islam. Might not be a big part of all muslims, but that doesn't matter to me. We aren't talkning about muslims, but about Islam.

Philosophy is explicitly forbidden, because it could lead people to unbelief. So that's out.

All other knowledge is permitted, but only as long as it does not contradict the Quran's worldview.

And it is better to die an uneducated, illiterate martyr at the age of ten than live to be an old man of a hundred who made gigantic contributions to literature. You can't deny this fact.

Of course. But they do not define religion.

Then who the hell does? Mohammed himself had said that "My ulema can never be wrong." They pretty much define religion.

According to Islam, yes and no. God has of course the final saying, but no more prophets will be send.

Great. So God arbitrarily decided to stop sending people.

No reason is provided for this, I suppose.

I believe I did. It is unlawful according to Islamic law to commit a crime as this, and it is unlawful to refuse someone education.

It's perfectly legal to have slaves in Islam, and to deny them an education.

Or your lack of knowledge? Did I insult you? I apoligize.

Would you stop insulting and spreading lies about Islam then and perhaps provide some proof on your statements.

Fine. I didn't want to clutter up this thread with tons of textual references, but you've forced me to do it.

Expect an analysis of how Mohammed behaved with his own wives in the next post.

I certanly do. The British did it :D Just joking, I know, but I wasn't talkning about Indian Muslims, but muslims in general.

So Indian Muslims aren't Muslims in general? If anything, they're the second most numerous in any country in the world.

No, it's not Europe. I know that because I'm an European :crazyeye:


Again you provide no proof.

Busses didn't exist. Camels did.

Another thing is the term "infidel" never existed in islamic terminology, and it is strictly forbidden to kill anybody who is innocent.

No way. No way in hell.

What do you say of the word "kafir" and "kufr"? then. I've seen it used absolutely freely by all Muslim scholars.

I quote "Whosoever killeth a humanbeing, it shall be as if he had killeth all of mankind, and whosoever saved a life, it shall be as if he had saved all of mankind".

This is a classic case of fluffy-bunnyisation.

You asked for it.


Religious Wars (JihAd)

The seventeenth book is the �Book of Religious Wars and Expeditions� (KitAb al-JihAd Wa�l-Siyar).

JihAd is a divinely ordained institution in Islam. By many authorities it is counted as one of the pillars of Islam. Theologically, it is an intolerant idea: a tribal god, Allah, trying to be universal through conquest. Historically, it was an imperialist urge masked in religious phraseology.


Muhammad told those whom he made chiefs of his raiding par-ties: �Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war; do not embezzle the spoils.� He also told them to offer their enemies three options or courses of action: �Invite them to accept Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them. . . . Then invite them to migrate from their lands to the land of MuhAjirs [i.e., Medina; in the early days of Muhammad�s stay in Medina, living there was a sign of acceptance of Islam and loyalty to Muhammad], and inform them that, if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the MuhAjirs. If they refuse to migrate, tell them that they will have the status of Bedouin Muslims and will be subjected to the Commands of Allah like other Muslims, but they will not get any share from the spoils of war or Fa�i. . . . . If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the JizyA. . . . . If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah�s help and fight them� (4294). Allah, the spoils of war, the jizyA-all beautifully and profitably interwoven.


It is not always necessary to give warning or offer options in advance. If need be, this requirement can be waived. Religious con-version is likely to ensue from a military victory followed by pillage and plunder. �The Messenger of Allah made a raid upon BanU Mustaliq while they were unaware and their cattle were having a drink at the water. He killed those who fought and imprisoned others� (4292).

All is fair in love and war, particularly a war fought in the Way of Allah. As the Prophet says, �war is a stratagem� (4311), or, as some others have translated it, �cunning.�


In jihAd, all arms-bearing males of the enemy are killed, but Muhammad �disapproved of the killing of women and children� (4319). They are generally taken prisoners and then enslaved or sold or released after ransom is exacted. But if they are killed, no song need be made about it. Sa�b b. JassAma said to Muhammad: �Messenger of Allah, we kill the children of polytheists during the night raids. He [Muhammad] said: They are from them� (4323).


Muhammad surrounded a Jewish tribe called BanU NazIr, residing in the vicinity of al-Madina, and ordered their date-palms �to be burnt and cut.� Since destroying palm trees was something of a sacrilege in Arabia, this shocked the Arabs. So Allah hastened to speak through Muhammad: �Whatever trees you have cut down or left standing on their trunks, it is with the permission of Allah so that he may disgrace the evil-doers� (QurAn 59:5; hadIs 4324).

Fortified by this revelation, Muhammad cut down and burned the celebrated vineyards of the enemy at at-TA�if in the eighth year of the Hijra. That was another contribution by Muhammad to the new ethics of war, unknown to the Arabs before.


The plundering of infidels and polytheists is a central concept in the Muslim religion, and was the linchpin in the economy of the ummah for centuries. Allah made war booty lawful for the Muslims. �Eat ye the spoils of war, it is lawful and pure,� says the QurAn (8:69).

One hadIs tells us that the spoils were made lawful especially for the ummah. �The spoils of war were not lawful for any people before us. This is because Allah saw our weakness and humility and made them lawful for us� (4327).

All the above is from the Sahih Muslim.

Note the word Sahih.

Not Islam, because Islam is not extreme. Some followers are. They get the most attention.

Those are the ones who are most true to the religion.

Stay in denial if you want, but Islam cannot survive in the modern age.

Thank you very much for your insult. I believe you complained about me insulting YOUR knowledge, and five second later. You insult my knowledge.

Not really. I'm just saying that constantly boasting that "Looky me! I've studied Islam!" is no way to go about a debate. You committed the fallacy of appealing to authority, in this case, the authority being you yourself.

Btw. anybody can copy/paste, and I refuse to answer anything related to ahadith. Mainly because there are so many ahadith, sahih, marfu, hasan or daif, many of them have a weak isnad, or generally weak in their isnad, chain of reporters.

The ones I've quoted above are all, every single one of them, sahih. So this excuse doesn't stick.

I refuse to look up ahadith. But the Qur'an I'm fine with.

That's like looking up the text without looking at the context. Without the hadith, you can make a totally hodgepodge interpretation of the Quran. The Hadith provide an instantiation of the principles of the Quran.

One more thing, don't copy/paste. Anybody can copy/paste. Especially without looking up the sources.

You wanted references. I gave them to you. And the passage I've quoted above is from a collection of sahih hadith.

Feel free to point out contradictory sources if you want.

Don't forget ahadith are often ripped out of context and only bits of it are in the books. The full ahadith can't always be found..

That's taking this "context" obsession too far. The Hadith are the context to the Quran. They're simply accounts of what Mohammed did.

Hadith science is so wide, I won't even start to explain everything about mubalagha, the isnad, whether they are hasan, daif, or anything else.

This is so wide.

But hey, I'll do it anyway this one time. Although I won't be explaining everything.

About religion: it is because women don't pray during the menses, nor do they fast

Particulary this hadith is misunderstood. Because it seems as if it concerns all women, but not. Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam passed a specific group of women and told them this. But it was because these women frequently cursed and were ungrateful.

These to ahadith are actually both a part of a much longer hadith.

In this hadith the concept of mubalagha is used, it is exaggeration.

This is a funny one. Fact is more women are born than men. :D
Oh, and btw. there will also be more women than men in Paradise :D

Here are some other things about women:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your father. "

[Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 2]

Another thing is that one cannot enter Paradise without a woman allowing it (ones mother)

I quote: "The best of you are those who are good to women".

I concede to your knowledge here. However, Islam allows the man to beat his wife (though there are certain conditions to the beating).

Artificial is the keyword here. It is forbidden in Islam to "change" your body, as in platicsurgery, wigs etc., unless it has a sort of health benefit or one has been in an accident and requires plasticsurgery.

This is illogical. What's the harm in letting women enhance their beauty if the want? And anyway, the hair aren't supposed to be seen either, so this justification is even more illogical.

Yes, although some ahadtih claimed Aisha was 19. It doesn't really matter. Fact is it was normal to get married as young. Khadija, the first wife, was actually twice as old.

The point remains that Mohammed is the eternal role model for all Muslims for all times for all places for all situations, by means of derivation by comparison, and that is why Islam permits fifty year old Muslim men to marry nine year old girls.

About the divorce thingy, if they are divorced irrevocably there would be a waiting period, before she can marry him again.

You very conveniently forgot to mention that she has to marry another man, have sex with him, and then divorce him, if she wants to go back to her previous husband.

And a husband can unilaterally divorce his wife, but the wife cannot divorce her husband.

Divorce is discouraged in Islam, but allowed.

Only to the husband. He can declare divorce whenever he wants. The woman has no corresponding right.

Again, please stay away from ahadith. They take forever to look up and I litterally spend hours searching in books, while you spend a few second copying a text

You're essentially asking me to stay away from the bits about Mohammed's personal life, which are the most damning.

One more thing, you asked me to consider the whole of Islam. Why don't you do that?

I did that. But I'm considering the negative aspects more, because they affect me.

I understand you, you live in a area with quite a few conflicts. Trust me, I lived in areas that are worse than the conflicts in India! But I don't judge anybody, and you shouldn't judge all muslims because of what some have done in India. It's simply wrong.

Correct. I do not judge Muslims based on the fact that they are Muslims. I judge people as individuals.

However, my criticism here is directed towards Islam. Muslims (except the ulema) have nothing to do with it.

Thank you, and have a very very nice day yourself :)

May you have the nicest possible day of all. :) :) :)
It is true that marrying women at a young age was the way things were done long ago, because life-expectancy was low (~30) and a woman was considered stronger and more capable of child bearing and rearing while she was young. Having sex with a girl (who does not yet menstrate), however, WAS NOT. While the ancient policy may have been "if there is grass on the field, play ball", there is no 'grass on the field' with a 9 year old.

Taking an apologetic stance on such a thing is despicable. Stick with the mistranslation (I prefer to think she was 19).

That said, you may continue your feud.

Have a crappy day.
I'll post a quick reply my dear friend.

I was trying to make a point, that being moderate, and not following every single rule, makes you an apostate.

Not true. You can still be a muslim even if you don't follow a single rule.

But if you say the Qur'an doesn't forbid murder, then you apostate. That is if you KNOW the Qur'an forbids murder, but you still reject it and say it's doesn't say that.

That is if you reject something you know is a part og the Qur'an and say "it doesn't exist". Then you apostate from Islam. But you don't apostate if you don't pray, give money to charity, fast etc..

Could you cite a reference? Which part?

I'll give you one example: "Do not hurt the innocent".

Are not all regions except the eyes, the hands, and the feet (and sometimes not even those) all aurat for women?

There are different opninions on what is the womans awrah, but in orthodox islam in the most followed school of jurisprudence, the face, feet and hands are not a part of the woman awrah. Other parts she must conceal from strange men.

But that doesn't mean a muslim woman cannot search for knowledge. Unless you are forbidden to conceal these parts in the schools.

The mountains are supposed to nail the ground down, so that it doesn't move.

How far is that true?

Anything can sound strange if you take it out of context.

I believe science has confirmed, that mountains do have an effect on earthquakes, but the effect is not huge, although we would have a lot more earthquakes if there were no mountains.

And could you provide a reference for this "orbits the sun" thing? I can quote to you the fatwas from Deoband which have declared it heresy to say so. In fact, their position is that the sun goes around the Earth.

I do not care about fatwas. There are so many selfproclaimed scholars, and lets stick to orthodox Islam - sunni Islam.

But yes, I can quote directly from the Yusuf Ali translation of the Qur'an.

021.033 It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.

Scholars from the two major branches, sunni and shia, have concluded through this verse, the moon and sund (and all celestial bodies) swim along in orbits. Many years later, this was proven true by science.

The position of the sunnis and the shias is the earth orbits the sun, but the sun also swims along in its own course, which is true.

Ridiculous enough for you?

If it was true, yes. Let's lift the debate to a level which can't be found in kindergarten. No need to call anything ridiculous.

No you didn't.

I believe I did explain it to you.

Go ahead. I can point out how the Quran's view of the world is complete nonsense, when compared to modern science, all day long.

Well okay, go ahead then. If you are so sure. I have dealt with these issues several times before. Go ahead my friend.

great. Now would you please show us the proof of your studies, instead of just saying that they exist?

I apoligize. You see I have a lot of work to do these days, so I don't have much time to spend on gaming forums. Too bad I can't copy/paste stuff, but have to spend hours looking stuff up.

I'm referring to the school of Islam which is most relevant to me, which is the Deobandi school, who are arch-traditionalists.

As far as I know, the deobandis aren't a part of traditional Islam, but in many ways a part of wahhabism.

Let's stick to traditional sunni Islam. I don't care how relevant the deobandis are to you, and I don't care what they believe. Fact is they have little influence in the islamic world and it would be very sad if you took a position on Islam because of what a minority believes.

And they absolutely oppose modern cosmology. Their cosmological view is total junk.

If this is true, I can assure you. They are not a part of sunni islam, which is traditional Islam and orthodox islam.

I get the feeling you have made a stance on Islam, because of what this minority believes.

That's because you did.

I believe I see the whole picture, at least I try to.

Actually, I can judge your post. Not you, not the children's book, but the post.

It's still remarkable.

Philosophy is explicitly forbidden, because it could lead people to unbelief. So that's out.

Maybe according to the deobandis, but according to sunni Islam philosophy is encouraged.

And it is better to die an uneducated, illiterate martyr at the age of ten than live to be an old man of a hundred who made gigantic contributions to literature. You can't deny this fact.

Acutally I can deny it.

I believe Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam said: "The ink of a scholar is more precious to God than the blood of a martyr".

Maybe the deobandis belive in something else, but the majority of muslims believe the ink is more valuable.

Then who the hell does? Mohammed himself had said that "My ulema can never be wrong." They pretty much define religion.

Not true, since Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam and Allah clearly has stated men can make mistakes, and they will make mistakes.

No reason is provided for this, I suppose.

According to islam, the final message has been delievered to humanity.

It's perfectly legal to have slaves in Islam, and to deny them an education.

How do you define a slave?

In Islam a slave isn't the same slave as the black people were in America.

In Islam a slave has rights, almost like a normal worker. You know, the black slave Bilal was freed and he was given the honourable task of calling to prayer. Makes you wonder, huh? Why was Islam popular with the poor people and the slaves? Because it gave them rights and preached equality.

So Indian Muslims aren't Muslims in general? If anything, they're the second most numerous in any country in the world.

Well good for you guys! :)

I myself currently reside in a country with five million citizens, not many compared to you guys.

But seriously, all muslims aren't based in India, no matter how many indians there are. Note that the muslims in India aren't clones of each other.

No way. No way in hell.


However, I am not sure whether there are ways, or roads in hell.

What do you say of the word "kafir" and "kufr"? then. I've seen it used absolutely freely by all Muslim scholars.

I thought you meant these words.

In arabic, a kafir is a person who conceals the truth.
Kufr is when a muslim conceals the truth of Islam, and he then becomes a kafir.

Many muslims, and non-muslims believe this word means infidel, but this is not correct. Although the media presents the word with this meaning, even though it is not the true meaning.

This is a classic case of fluffy-bunnyisation.

You asked for it.

Might be, but it's also the truth.

Don't blame me because Islam is a fluffy religion.

All the above is from the Sahih Muslim.

Note the word Sahih.

No, they are not sahih. They have not been translated correctly.

About the concept of Jihad:

The position of 90 % of the muslims that is, the sunnis.

Those are the ones who are most true to the religion.

Perhaps in your opinion, but to be honest, your opinion doesn't matter at all. No disrespect, my opninion doesn't really matter either. We are both wasting our lives arguing. We could be learning about Islam with an open heart, free of hatred and prejudice.

When you want to know something about Islam, do you go muslims or do you go to the internet and find an anti islamic site?

When I want to expand my horizon, I make sure I read with an open heart, free of prejudice and hatred. Otherwise I will not read. I also make sure I get my knowledge from acceptable sources.

Not really. I'm just saying that constantly boasting that "Looky me! I've studied Islam!" is no way to go about a debate. You committed the fallacy of appealing to authority, in this case, the authority being you yourself.

I believe I apoligized for my arrogance. If not I apoligize now. I am sorry dear friend.

Although, I wouldn't say i constantly boast, especially not since I humbly apoligized for my attitude.

I feel your attack here wasn't useful and it doesn't contribute to the topic. Go after the ball, not the player.

The ones I've quoted above are all, every single one of them, sahih. So this excuse doesn't stick.

Perhaps in their original language, but in english, no.

A hadith can be sahih, but they can wtill be daif and have a weak isnad.

Nontheless, taken out of context.

That's like looking up the text without looking at the context. Without the hadith, you can make a totally hodgepodge interpretation of the Quran. The Hadith provide an instantiation of the principles of the Quran.

The Qur'an is independent. It has nothing to do with ahadith. Go ahead.

You wanted references. I gave them to you. And the passage I've quoted above is from a collection of sahih hadith.

I believe I gave an explanation.

That's taking this "context" obsession too far.

One would only say this if they were unsure of the context.

The Hadith are the context to the Quran.

No, this is not true at all. In context to which part of the Qur'an? There are thousands of ahadith, which part are they in context with?

Your statement here makes no sense.

I concede to your knowledge here. However, Islam allows the man to beat his wife (though there are certain conditions to the beating).

I appreciate.

I like the way you sneaked the last part in.
I have two articles explaining the issue, both are written by sunni scholars (by a male scholar) (by a female scholar)

This is illogical. What's the harm in letting women enhance their beauty if the want? And anyway, the hair aren't supposed to be seen either, so this justification is even more illogical.

This of couse is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.

There are several negative sideeffects of plastic surgery, not to mention the risks. And the woman a beautiful as they are. It is not necessary to take unnecessary risks.

The hair isn't shown because of modesty and love to God.

The point remains that Mohammed is the eternal role model for all Muslims for all times for all places for all situations, by means of derivation by comparison, and that is why Islam permits fifty year old Muslim men to marry nine year old girls.

Not entirely true. The Qur'an is eternal, but the times of Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam were different than the ones today. This means other norms apply. Today it is unnatural to get married with a person who is nine years old.

I have come across new information:

Apparently Aishas age is a true mystery. I'll leave the subject to the scholars.

But I will say this, it is unfair to force the values of modern day society on a people who lived hundreds of years ago.

You very conveniently forgot to mention that she has to marry another man, have sex with him, and then divorce him, if she wants to go back to her previous husband.

And a husband can unilaterally divorce his wife, but the wife cannot divorce her husband.

By having sexual relations the marriage has been consummate. One cannot divorce if ones marriage hasn't been consummated.

A wife can indeed divorce her husband if there are valid reasons. The reason could be "he doesn't have a job", "he doesn't want sex" etc..

In Islam, divorce i lawful, but it is more benefical to try and save the marriage.

You're essentially asking me to stay away from the bits about Mohammed's personal life, which are the most damning.

Indeed. Hadith science is very wide.

But I'm considering the negative aspects more, because they affect me.

I am sorry to hear that, but evidently the "negative aspects" you point out here don't really exist in the islamic religion. The deeds and sayings of muslims don't always reflect the religion.

May you have the nicest possible day of all.

Thank you, and may you have a blessed day full of rejoice, guidance and happiness :) :) :) :)

PS. I am sorry to see you didn't comment on my other post :(

PPS. I hereby invite you to private conversations as two people seeking knowledge. I wish to learn more about hinduism, and I would like to clear up misconceptions about Islam. Do you have messenger? Contact me through private message if you are interested brother.

PPPS. I guess the reply wasn't as short as I hoped :)

PPPPS: I do not consider "the voice of Dharma" to be a valid reference when it comes to Islam
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