Git updates has stopped. Are you straight up updating to 1.18?


Apr 25, 2016
A question i have, cause i've noticed that there hasnt been git updates. Are you going to update everything straight up to 1.18?
It's explained here:

Finally, I would like to provide a rough outline of the timeline that I expect this to follow (take this with a lot of salt considering my previous timeline estimations):
  1. Finalising and releasing DoC v1.17
  2. Incorporating remaining suggestions into the map, including suggestions that will have been made by then
  3. Making changes to the existing game mechanics and adapting them to the new map, like mentioned above (we are here)
  4. Applying my current list of desired changes for civilizations and their victories
  5. Adding new civilizations
  6. Balancing, balancing, balancing
As you know, the new map is currently only available in a protected branch that I need to allow access to on an individual basis. This will not change in the near future. But once development begins, that concern is mostly practical: once I am starting on step (3), the game will become unplayable even more so than it currently is on the new map, until I have put everything back together. It will not be much fun to play on such a state, nor will doing so provide me much useful feedback. Likewise, because of past experience with people running away with my half-finished work to publish their own modmods, I will not immediately make the mod available when I am in steps 4-5 (which will probably overlap and go back and forth on it) but probably at some point while I am in the finishing stages of them.
That doesn't mean no updates will happen on the develop branch until 1.18 is complete. Once I find a good place to stop working on the map branch, I will return to the bugs that have been reported so far and work on fixing them. Bugfixes will still go to the develop branch, probably along with 1.17.1 etc. releases in the meantime. But the next new feature will be the new map and everything that comes with it, as 1.18.
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