• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Give me 18, but not on Earth - new PBEM

hhmmm... it is interesting times on the peaceful island lands of the Cherokee as the Aztecs have invaded from the west...

Luthor, I urge you to reconsider this attack, before your men are slaughtered and Ruff comes in your back door...
hhmmm... it is interesting times on the peaceful island lands of the Cherokee as the Aztecs have invaded from the west...

Luthor, I urge you to reconsider this attack, before your men are slaughtered and Ruff comes in your back door...

Hey, wanna become Ruff's vassal too? We can be vassal buddies! I can truthfully say that he is the nicest master I've ever had!
I looked up all of the AI responses and I think the best one is ...

We have enough on our hands at the moment
Onwards :coffee: Give_me_18,_but_not_on_Earth_AD-1260_to_Majic
I had a problem starting civ when I was going to play my turn. I couldn't start civ at first because it said I had no connection with steam, I usually play in offline mode. So I went online and had to update civ, and now I can't start it. I don't really have time to search for a solution right now, but I'll make another try tonight.
Oh for crying out... Can someone please just sticky the solution somewhere? I'm getting tired of writing up the same explanation every other day for another person.
Oh for crying out... Can someone please just sticky the solution somewhere? I'm getting tired of writing up the same explanation every other day for another person.

If you know the solution, please tell it or link Mayic to a post where you have explained it, now Mayic is taking forever to play.
GPS - Give_me_18,_but_not_on_Earth_AD-1270_to_Majic
Isn't he dead last? Maybe retire to AI if we can't replace him?
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