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GOTM 41 Reloaded - Persian Double Challenge

Hehe clever move! I sold my map to gain theirs and a tech (or 2?), sold them again for bucks when i discovered new land. Money is quite important in this game, lots of stuff must be rushed, i'm trying to maximize score as well.


Short Peacetime

The following turns are in preparation of the next RoP rape against Japan. Troops are moving north, a few of them have already crossed the border, but a sort of blockade from Japanese troops prevent them to move quickly to their targets through the (scarce) Japanese road network.

I've just realized that i cannot use catapults, except in the attack of Kyoto. No city, except for the capital, has built a cultural infrastructure, and the population is quite low. The risk of killing people and reaching pop size 1 (which would result in an autoraze) is too high.

Some espionage must be done to figure out the defensive force of those cities. I will spy on the cities directly interested in the attack, and in some other that i could obtain via peace dealings.

130AD - Troop movement and some espionage.

Osaka: size 1, growing in 1 turn, building a catapult (1). Defended by 1 sword and 1 warrior, all regulars. Absolutely no buildings inside.

Nagoya: size 2, growing in 2 turns, bulding a galley (12). Defended by 2 regular archers. No building at all.

Kyoto: size 2, growing in 3 turns, building a settler (1). Defended by 1 archer and 1 warrior. The only building is the capital palace.

Tokyo: size 2, growing in 5 turns, building a settler (6). In the town: 1 warrior, 1 archer, 1 swordsman, 1 settler, 1 galley. All regulars. No building and zero culture.

150AD - Completed the Great Lighthouse in Tarsus. Now building galley. The boat buildup must be quickened, but despite the great income per turn rushbuilding costs a damn lot!

170AD - Golden age ended. :(

Second Japanese War

190AD - Amazingly, those pukes seem to be intentionally blocking my passage on their territory. See what damned blockade they have put on:

What to do? If i insist i'll end up wasting even more turns. Not counting that a blitzkrieg offensive would be almost as effective. So i attack now, and to hell with the RoP rape thing. I sell Republic to Tokugawa for the world map + 15 quids (all his cash) and Japan falls immediately into anarchy! :cool: And now some serious asskicking, while His Dumbness Tokugawa cannot rush units in any way.

Immortals attack Osaka, defended only by 2 warriors. Tokugawa, you keep archers and swords around your territory and defend your cities with warriors? Well, as an inept ruler you are, it's my precise duty to remove you from command.

Free troops kill some pesters around. More immortals, escorted by a pukeman, move to Kyoto.

210AD - Troops advance en masse toward Kyoto.

230AD - Kyoto captured with only 2 immortals. A warrior (redlined!) and an archer were defending the city. 2 lousy outdated units and no one else, while a wide bunch of warriors and archers is left roaming into the wild, to serve as sparring partners for my immortals. Seriously, Tokugawa: what were you smoking lately?

I do some killing around then send the spare troops to Nagoya.

250AD - Attacked Nagoya. No, i wasn't repealed, but there were at least 3 warriors defending and i had only 2 immortals to toss in the fight. Next turn... Meantime, more pukes are killed and some immortals head toward the Japanese cities in the far NE. Target: Tokyo, and its ivory fields.

Once captured Kyoto a big chunk of Japanese territory has become unclaimed. No wonder since the Japanese capital was the only one with cultural expansion. Now the road to Tokyo can be exploited by my troops for a quick offensive. This is the plan that i intend to follow:

The main strike force (pale yellow path), currently splitted, will rejoin at the tile outside Tokio next turn. In turn 2, they'll attack the town and the spare units may be sent immediately outside Nagasaki. In the same turn the reinforcements (dark yellow path) can reach Tokyo for military police duties. In turn 3 the attackers can conquer Nagasaki and the excess forces may move to Nara. In turn 4 Nara should be captured.

Meanwhile, the workers south will build a road to Nara for a quick return home of the Persian troops. Probably there will be a turn delay or two, due to the fact that some units won't be available to attack immediately the last town, but this is just a minimal nuisance. Japan will fall in a few turns, my forces are simply too strong for towns defended by units with defensive value of 1 or 2.
Perfect execution

260AD - The last warrior in Nagoya is killed, and the victorious immortal walks into the town. Another japanese city captured. The 2 spare immortals move to Tokyo to give, if necessary, an extra backup. As planned, the main strike force is outside Tokio.

Meanwhile, the offensive on the New World is already in preparation. Galleys are being built and units are being amassed outside Tarsus.

Rushwork: a settler in Antium and a worker in Byzantium. The eastern island will provide useful tiles for the domination limit.

270BC - Tokyo is captured. Only 2 swordsman were defending it. Not that i expected something more by the "intelligent" Tokugawa. Once again i have ivory, and the effects are visible expecially in those cities with a marketplace. Five immortals are already outside Nagasaki. A settler from Antium is heading for the eastern island for one more colony.

Workers are rushed in Dariush Kabir and Nuova Satsuma. There are never enough workers in a map like this one!

In the interturn, Bob of the Iroquois proposes an exchange of territory map. I think that my map is worth his world map + 10 quids. As a side effect of the acquisition of our 4th luxury, a bunch of cities go into WLTKD.

280BC - Nagasaki is captured, and now it's time to call for peace with Japan. Not that i want to spare them, it's just another dirty trick to speed up the conquest. Tokugawa didn't want to hand over Hakodate, on the tip of the peninsula where Lutetia is, probably because of its source of iron. But i take Kagoshima and Shimonoseki, the 2 coastal town on the northern part of the west coast. Those 2 cities were size 1, and so they would have been autorazed in case of a conquest.

My culture is already more than 3 times the japanese, so 1 garrisoned unit will be enough to prevent any cultural flip. I start to recall the redundant immortal for the upcoming invasion of the New World. I do an espionage on the remaining 2 japanese cities... surprise! There are 7 units garrisoned in Nara, 2 archers and 5 warriors, along with 3 future slaves :lol: In Hakodate there is a lone archer and no one else.

The 3 immortals outside Nara don't retreat. In the interturn, Tokugawa asks to remove them. I refuse and war is re-declared. Yes, i'm quite a bastard. 3 warriors exit from the town to venture in the forest of Nagasaki. There are still 3 immortals in the city, so what are they hoping to do exactly? The two archers attack my troops escorting the workers that are supposed to build the final chunk of road, with no avail.

290BC - It's my turn now. Only 2 regular warriors are still in the city, and 2 immortals are enough to dispose of them. Nara is captured, and Tokugawa joins Caesar in playing OCC :lol: They're even neighbours!!! :lol: I'm half-tempted to let them live for now, just for the fun :D

The wandering warriors are used for training my immortals (2 elite and 1 veteran). Alas, no promotion. And i still have to see a leader! :mad:
Send a galley or two down to take care of the japanese city on the island... otherwise great plan. i tried this game, and was doing pretty good agasnt rome, but then trajety struck, rome and the japs signed an alliance agasnt me it was all downhill from there...
Doesn't look like an island...Excellent!
Hi guys!

Hakodate and Lutetia are on a peninsula... a small stripe of land almost completely jungle-ridden. Ok, capturing them would be the right thing to do, but i'm not sure... it so much fun to see those 2 inept excuses for a ruler to play OCC in those stinking locations (what they deserve BTW). We'll see.

Thanx for the interest. Actually i'm performing quite better than my submitted GOTM... if only i had played that way... tomorrow i'm posting some details about the game, then probably i'll suspend the log for a few days to play the GOTM 42. Not sure what to do yet, anyway it's sleep time now. Seeya!
:bump: to keep it near the top of the Stories and Tales list...must do the same for the great Pax Romana...
He said he'd be doing GOTM 42 stuff, just wait and keep :bump: ing the thread
The japanese still have iron... if all they build is swordsmen they might have a chance!!!

Or maybe not... :D
Hi guyz!

Been away a few days from the PC i have the game installed on, so no update. I'm back now and the next update should be posted in 2 days or 3. Just be patient! You won't regret it :D

rbis4rbb said:
build a fort, declare war, and you'll prolly pop a leader
How is it possible? Is it an exploit i wasn't aware of? Or is it just a strategy to lure the imbeciles into a trap and hope to get a defensive leader?
Probably just a strategy. But have fun building a fort there w/o a defensive stack.
tR1cKy said:
Hi guyz!

Been away a few days from the PC i have the game installed on, so no update. I'm back now and the next update should be posted in 2 days or 3. Just be patient! You won't regret it :D

How is it possible? Is it an exploit i wasn't aware of? Or is it just a strategy to lure the imbeciles into a trap and hope to get a defensive leader?

well, the fort is the only land route. you could blockade the sea routes, but the majority would probably come to the fort instead of by sea
Don't worry dudez, i'm still around. I've got loads of issues from real life... probably i won't have the time to finish my GOTM either (and i'm quite pissed of that :gripe: ), but i should be back with the log quite soon. Sorry for the unpredicted delay.
The New World awaits

300AD - Troops are moving south. It's a slow process that will take many turns, but in the meantime i can build up the necessary number of galleys to have an efficient shipchain in place. I've decided that my next target will be the Celts (in the original game i went for the Ottomans first). To avoid wasting galleys, a new colony will be founded on the east coast. Travel from there to Camulodunum (my planned beachead) will require only 2 intermediate nodes and no galleys in the starting point.

The funny stuff is that Japan has founded another city! They should have had a galley wandering around with a settler embarked... btw, here's the fresh new japanese settlement, on the far edge of the eastern island. It won't survive too long, i guess :evil:

An espionage on Lutetia (Rome OCC) reveals that in the city there's a respectable number of defenders: 1 archer and 3 spears, and a fourth spear is about to be completed. There's also a legion slowly moving back to the city. I'll have to decide quickly if it's better to attack now or spare our troops for the big fish oversea.

Rushwork: a pukeman in Susa and a settler in Nuova Cumae.

310AD - Settler created in Nuova Cumae and already in place to build a filler city. Another settler is rushed in Kyoto for filling a gap. Osaka rushes a temple, important to fill the gap and claim a pair of very fertile tiles.

Actually, 8 galleys are ready to send troops in the New World. Too few. I need at least 15 of them for an efficient shipchain, but 3 cities are building only naval units, so it won't take too long before i have the necessary fleet for a successful invasion.

320AD - Completed colosseum in Pasagardae. I didn't really need it, just wanted at least one in my empire :) The city is back to military production now. Investigation on Camulodunum: the town is defended only by 2 regular spears. Built the filler town of Tureng Tepe, on the east coast.

330AD - Founded Nuova Tokyo to fill a gap in the ex-japanese territory. Nothing else to report except for the movement of troops southward. There's already a respectable number of immortals and catapults parked outside Tarsus.

I'm quite tempted to launch the offensive in advance. The troops and the boats now available are enough to secure a beachead in Camulodunum and probably take over the capital. This is the projected plan:

The spot is the landing site. Once there, troops will conquer the coastal city (1) while 2 worker will road the tile. Keeping the city safe from cultural pressure will require 9/10 units garrisoned, but this number will drop to 2 once captured the capital (2). Obviously, the capital couldn't reasonably be kept, so troops must be stationed outside to promptly recapture it, and they are likely forced to stay there until complete assimilation of the Celts.

Have still to decide yet, and i have at least a turn to do it. BTW, the game is progressing well since now. Hope to not screw it up, it would be a real shame. Next update later or tomorrow. I've vowed to go on as soon as possible and here i am! Sorry for the delay and thanks for the respect you have showed for this thread by not spamming it. Seeya dudez!
Hey Tricky

Spam sucks, support helps. Good luck, well thought out goals and paths. Hope real life is relaxed once again (it has a way of sneaking up and giving you a kick in the balls, huh?)

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