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Government Style Poll #2

What government style should we focus on?

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  • Poll closed .
I have misclicked on Abstain when I meant to vote flexible. Could a mod plese change my vote. thank you.
Here is the evidence of my arguement.
On the libeties part

Alphawolf said:
Only the Citizens Assembly may decide five things: Declare War/Make Peace/Alliance, to change civics, to begin construction on a Great Wonder/National Wonder/Project, a change in Taxes (the science/treasury/culture meter) greater that 30% more than once every 5 turns, and where to build new cities.

Alphawolf said:
The Citizens Assembly may bring a no confidence vote against the Triumvirate and impeach members of the Cabinet

Bolded are the additional liberties granted to the citiziens of the triumvirate! The changing of state religion falls under the civics.

The flexible takes away even more liberties with this clause
DaveShack said:
The Governors Council may veto the actions requiring a vote of the Citizens Assembly with a 6/10 (60%) majority vote of the council

I rest my case. If i overlooked something i did not Knowingly do so
ravensfire said:
The Triumverate is a complicated ruleset with significant issues. The rights of citizens from games past are significantly reduced. The rules for the government are quite rigid.

I don't understand what your getting at here. I don't see how the rights are reduced, and for the rigiditiy of the rules, the Flexible government only subtracts the rules about mobilization, and that isn't that complicated. The other crossed out lines pertain to offices that the flexible disregards(losing jobs) and things pertaining to cross-ed out jobs, the mobalization, and liberties.
agian i challenge you to back up your statements
At present it's still a coin flip for me. The Triumvirate has moved a long way towards "normal" and that work deserves to be recognized, but philosophically I don't like offices that are set apart. I learned a lesson on that in DG6.

Haven't voted yet, on a kiosk at $.25/minute so must return later after I've decided.
Both sides have made good points, however ravensfire, most of your issues on the Triumvirate thread have to do with simple typos (I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it doesn't seem that big of a deal). The biggest issue I interpret that you have is from the "overrides" as you put it. It seems to me that these give power to offices that, without these clauses, wouldn't be able to acomplish anything. These "overrides" also have built in checks and balances. However you are correct in that the Triumvirate is not perfect, but then niether is the Flexible.

I will however withold my vote until ravensfire posts his comparison.
long time reader first time poster. I origannly liked the idea of the Flexible gov, but in the end, i think the tri has better construction and its claims have been backed up more. I could still probably be swayed to the flex side, if i was convinced, but swissempire's points have me boting tri now.

no hard feelings, i don't want to be ostracized before i begin:crazyeye:
its tied and the supense is :ar15: me

o ya, 100th post
[party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] [party] :wavey:
Dr.Civ said:
long time reader first time poster. I origannly liked the idea of the Flexible gov, but in the end, i think the tri has better construction and its claims have been backed up more. I could still probably be swayed to the flex side, if i was convinced, but swissempire's points have me boting tri now.

no hard feelings, i don't want to be ostracized before i begin:crazyeye:

You won't be ostracized by anyone here. But if they try hit them with a fish. ;) DaveShack recomends trout, I usually use a catfish. :lol:

:wavey: And Welcome to the Demogame Dr.Civ!:D :woohoo: :clap:

-the Wolf
thanks Alphawolf! I'm confused though as to whether the poll closes tommorw as in 12:01 tonight or tommorow as in all day tommorow it will be open?
Areas of significant difference. Note - it's a bit hard at times, as the Triumverate ruleset continues to change without the courtesy of a changelog.


One of my points is that the Triumverate system is Chaotic. Oddly, although it specifies many procedures, it leaves the coordination of other actions unspecified. Examples: All Assembly decisions, additions to Cabinet. This chaos is fairly systemic throughout the Triumverate system.

The DGVII ruleset assigns powers to leaders, and gives the President catch-all authority. The verbage used in that ruleset is broad, so that it's easy to know which leader should be running discussions and polls for decisions.

Vacant positions (specific to Triumverate).

The Triumverate specifically sets the Triuverate apart and seperate from everything else. A notable example of this is the absence of a member or the office becoming vacant. The process this proposal uses is to consolidate the already broad powers of the Triumverate into fewer people! Further, deputies for these positions are explicitly forbidden.

DGVII uses deputies for all non-Judicial positions, and provides for appointment of citizens to vacant offices. This appointment process is balanced by a Confirmation poll, that allows the chance of an appointment being overturned. We divide tasks into offices to allow more people to experience the game and to prevent a leader from being overloaded.

Presidential Nominations
The Triumverate does not allow self-nominations. This quite honestly makes no sense at all. As DS has suggested, all it takes is for someone to say "I nominate the entire Citizen Registry", and the rule is circumvented. No rational reason for this rule has been given.

Triumverate Elections
Part of the ruleset requires that the Triumverate is elected as a whole, and is then contradicted a few clauses later. I'm going to assume that the slate process is the intended process. This ignores the person that wants to run for a position, but doesn't have anyone to run with for the other roles. This person may very well be the most qualified, but because they don't have running mates, they are tossed aside. We, the citizens, will suffer for this.

The Triumverate does not allow for poor governors who otherwise follow the law to be removed from office. Although the recall provision is new, and has not been used,


Just in case nobody's figured it out, I'm rather against overrides. Regarless, the Triumverate has them in multiple places, with multiple conditions and restrictions on top of that. It's not a simple process. The reasons I've seen given for overrides are "add conflict" and "respond to emergencies". Neither of these reasons are particularly strong. They don't "add" conflict, they shift who has the ultimate control. The "respond to emergencies" reason is based on the expectation that the Governor will be unreasonsable and NOT respond when requested.

General Structure

The entire Triumverate CoL is rather long, complicated and difficult to read. Sections don't read easily, and there are multiple contradictions.

With the Flexible ruleset, you can grab sections from DG VII and plug a clause on adding/removing offices and you're done with a solid, well-defined ruleset. To date, the supporters of the Triumverate haven't taken a critical eye to the ruleset. It's been people that aren't totally in support of it. That's not a healthy sign.

-- Ravensfire
ravensfire said:
To date, the supporters of the Triumverate haven't taken a critical eye to the ruleset. It's been people that aren't totally in support of it. That's not a healthy sign.

-- Ravensfire

Fine I support it I'll go through it and point out what I see are problems. But I believe you are missing Stilgar's critique of it, some supporters have taken a critical eye to it. But by the same token I haven't seen supporters of the flexible take a critical eye to it and you can't say that it is perfect. That is not a healthy sign.
Yes, and no.

The Flexible concept doesn't have a full-blown proposal the way the Triumverate does. Quite honestly, take parts of DG VII, plug in the flex parts, and call it done. Tried and tested ruleset with 2 or 3 changed sections.

-- Ravensfire
ravensfire said:
Yes, and no.

The Flexible concept doesn't have a full-blown proposal the way the Triumverate does. Quite honestly, take parts of DG VII, plug in the flex parts, and call it done. Tried and tested ruleset with 2 or 3 changed sections.

-- Ravensfire

But what if the citizens don't want parts from DG VII, I know I don't until I at least find out what it is, you shouldn't assume that parts of DG VII will go into it. With the Triumvirate you have a locked set of rules to play by that are somewhat flexible, but the Flexible government can go in any direction become any abomination thinkable.

I for one do not like all the appointment that occurs in the Flexible, but that's just me.
Imerator29 said:
I for one do not like all the appointment that occurs in the Flexible, but that's just me.

And yet, the Triumverate also uses appointments (see Vacancies section), and allows for the cabinet to vary!


-- Ravensfire
ravensfire said:
Triumverate Elections
Part of the ruleset requires that the Triumverate is elected as a whole, and is then contradicted a few clauses later. I'm going to assume that the slate process is the intended process. This ignores the person that wants to run for a position, but doesn't have anyone to run with for the other roles. This person may very well be the most qualified, but because they don't have running mates, they are tossed aside. We, the citizens, will suffer for this.

As soon as I read that, it threw up a huge red flag. I was planning on, later after I had seen a few terms play out, mabye running for a minor office by myself, but if this is true, then I won't be able to do that. Can anyone else confirm that, or find the relavant section?

Are you also saying that the final Flexible government won't just the Triumvirate with sections crossed out, but it will be a mix of Triumvirate, previous Demogames, and completely new things?
Pie-es-Tasty said:
As soon as I read that, it threw up a huge red flag. I was planning on, later after I had seen a few terms play out, mabye running for a minor office by myself, but if this is true, then I won't be able to do that. Can anyone else confirm that, or find the relavant section?

Section 5 is the Relevent Section:
Section 5 Elections

A) Triumvirate Elections
I. The Triumvirate shall be elected as a whole, not by individual positions.
II. Nomination must include all three members of the Triumvirate, self nominations of a group are
III. Sun Set Clause
IIIA. A vote will held at the end of the second term if the Yeas number less than 51% Articles I and II will be nullified and Articles IV and V shall be activated. Should the above election law be retained Sections IV and V shall be expunged.
Elections Laws will be replaced by the following set.
IV. The offices of President, Secretary of State, and the Secretary of War shall be elected in their own polls.
V. Nominations for President, Secretary of State, and the Secretary of War may be self nominations or a citizen may be nominated by another citizens.

It applies to the Triumvirate only not to a Cabinet member, Judge, or Governor. But I was about to remove it.

-the Wolf
Pie-es-Tasty said:
Are you also saying that the final Flexible government won't just the Triumvirate with sections crossed out, but it will be a mix of Triumvirate, previous Demogames, and completely new things?

I don't know. I'm going to toss out a section based monstly on previous DG's, with the flex stuff added. Ginger_Ale started this option, so they're kinda in charge of it.

-- Ravensfire
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