Goz-2 The unbelievable dream.

I thought a bit about the RA, but then getting another CS (cultured) now so we have a chance to finish off Rationalism felt better at the time. 30 turns is always 30 turns and 450g in the instant I wanted to buy a CS or something else, is not good. I was thinking of buying Kathmandu first, but when Brussels gives a discount who can not doing it.

I'm not sure how many turns are left, we will have 5 GS to blow up techs on. Maybe the RA can be done in a turn or two, but since she denounced us I'm not quite sure. I think it's better we take the last two cultured CS and go for it.

When we reach the time to research Rocketry, let's blow a GS or 2 to give us Apollo Program so we can build it straight away. Do blowups with a beeline, I "think" it works like that so you get beakers on the next tech too.

Faith bought great people do indeed higher the cost for the next GP, that's why I want us to hold on until our next naturally born GS is born. Only a researchlab in Truro would quicken up it's time, but no more than one turn. Even a bought RL I think.

We can still do that RA if Cathy's not unhappy with us, it would take a turn or two to fix that. Our Happiness is at 13, I want that to grow so we can get a Golden Age when we build the ship, we're not far away from another golden age, something like 30 turns I think, when I saw it last. Don't hold me to that though, "sometimes I'm wrong". :lol:
Taj Mahal was a wonder I wanted, I also wanted Sistine which I would've won too. But then we would've lost out on a Golden age against 10 more culture overall. IF we had a decent culturebase I would've picked Sistine first, but with 40 something culture in the nation I decided to go for the fireworks. At least NotSure will be happy with this. :)

Now we got extra gold, shields and culture for 10 turns and some extra happiness.

235+g in GA isn't great, but we don't have many moneybuildings done in the empire yet, which slows down our goldgrowth. We have a chance to rectify this in the next turnset.

Golden Age Notsure, fix our Empire!!!

It's not a question, It's an order!! :lol:

So much to do do, start railroading, get another worker out or two, and deal with Cathy. For a RA. Spend SG's on Rocketry, so we can build Apollo right away. Then take the right choices -> boosters and all that.

You have 3 GS to spend, if you think it's wiser to save them for later, let us know. Rocketry is our goal for now. If you have a GS or 2 left, save them.
Faith bought great people do indeed higher the cost for the next GP, that's why I want us to hold on until our next naturally born GS is born.

The amount of faith required to buy another GS increases, but I don't believe the spawn threshold (for lack of a better term) increases. So, if the counter is up to 900 great person points until the next spawn, and you buy a Great Scientist for 1000 faith, then then next GS would cost 1500 faith, but the counter would still be at 900.

I'm just checking in from the weekend. I'll download the save and read up on what happened in your set. Yes, we do want to get to Rocketry ASAP, but Satellites is the key tech to bulb for Hubble. If we have enough GS, I'll get us headed in that direction.

Edit - just read the report. What happened with Cathy? Did our DoF run out before she denounced us? I'm assuming that's a temper tantrum over Taj Mahal? I don't see how anyone can defend diplomacy in this game. Anyway, yeah, I'll buy a GS and bulb to Satellites. Since Hiawatha already hit us with his GP we can tell him to knock it off. Has anyone done that yet? I'll give it a shot and maybe bribe someone else to attack him or just attack him myself. I can't bring myself to corral Great Prophets for another ten turns.
The amount of faith required to buy another GS increases, but I don't believe the spawn threshold (for lack of a better term) increases. So, if the counter is up to 900 great person points until the next spawn, and you buy a Great Scientist for 1000 faith, then then next GS would cost 1500 faith, but the counter would still be at 900.

This is correct, tested this yesterday. So we get at least 3 more GS's.
Sorry about the confusion with Great People, I played as Maya in my last game and they DO lose points towards future generated GPs.

Still, NotSure hasn't given even a plan for his turnset, which is odd?

If NotSure is still not sure of playing, I let next player hop in tomorrow.

Remember railworks, next fellow!
You mean calendar GP slow down specialist GP? That's odd.

I haven't had much to comment on; this game seemed like it was on a train to GS, spaceship parts and more goodies.

One thing I have no experience about: how much science does a GS produce? Beaker output x1, x2, x4?
Beaker count is something like average of the last 6 or 8 turns for a GSci. I think.


Its actually the total of your last 8 turns research (not including RAs I believe).

Still lurking....
So, we could micro 8 turns of neck-breaking speed research, pop GS, and return to normalcy... I'll check how much we need for the next big tech, how much we can micro ourselves to produce, and go from that.

Also, railroads. Tomorrow.
Seems like NotSure is in oblivion, which is unusual for him. 5 days since I posted the save and 3 days since NotSure's last comment.

Beorn, take the next turnset if you have time, please. I want to finish this before the expansion. :lol:
Oops, didn't see you last post B, so don't take it as me being pushy!

Hubble is interesting, NotSure said. Don't even know HOW important since I streamline my techs and cities in my own games without even bothering. Check it out, please.
It's weird, Civ5 won't open after yesterdays update on Steam. It goes to choose DX and then it comes up an error. Already posted it in the tech-forum, but why would this happen now after years of flawless playing (on Steam)?
Sorry everyone. I've been really busy and I don't think it'll let up until early next week. I should have checked in earlier. I thought I was going to get a chance to do a set before the weekend, but it ain't happening. I should probably swap with B or just skip unless everyone's ok with waiting until Tuesday.
I don't mind either way; I could play today, or preferably Sunday. Either one would give you and the team enough time to discuss until your next set.
Aaaaaaaaaand I completely forgot anyways. All yours.
I think I can make a turnset in the next couple of weeks, maybe better to ask the Mods to delete this thread.

I'm not kidding!
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