Granary Bug


Gil Favor's Sidekick
Mar 19, 2002
Colorado, USA
Has anyone confirmed if the Granary malfunction bug that exists in Civ3 has been fixed in PTW???

We know the bug still exists in V1.29 but no one has mentioned it in PTW because they have been too distarcted by Elvis et al. ;)

To identify the bug, you need to have a town of size 6 with a granary alread in place and then let the town grow to pop 7.

Granary supposedly allows you to keep 1/2 of the food stored in the food bin when you grow a new population point. At pop 6, you will have 10 food units stored in the granary. When you jump to pop seven, the 10 stored food units will simply vanish and you have to start over at zero stored food.

This bug makes it very detrimental to have towns/cities that oscillate growth in this transition range while you are still producing settlers and workers.
IIRC, it happens at the pop 12 to pop 13 size change as well.

Edit: It's the same in PTW. I think it may be intentional rather than a bug.
this is to make a drafting exploit impossible, it was intentionally taken out in an early patch!
This is indeed still in PTW. I've been thinking it was only me that had this problem. Glad to know it is there for a reason.
It was also possible to create worker each turn and the city still remain at 6.
Well, the old exploit was that when going from six to seven pop, half of the 40 food food bin was filled (with 20 food). If you then built a worker, your city decreased to 6 pops, but you kept the 20 food on the food bin, which meant that the food bin was full and would grow again next turn - in effect making it possible to create a worker every turn in a city that had only additional food.

They seem to have fixed this explot by emptying the food bin when going from 6 to 7 pop, thus restricting the growth of all cities when crossing this threshold.

A better solution IMHO, would be to keep a maximum of half food bin when the worker is built, i.e., when going from 7 pop with 20 food in food bin, to 6 pop there would be only 10 food in food bin afterwards.
indeed - that was it!

They'd just need to change the order of food/production turns, but then building a settler the turn the city grows wouldn't work :(
IIRC, that was done back in patch 1.21. To prevent the exploit that TheNiceOne refered to. If the city was producing 10 shields you could pop a worker every turn and never really lose a population point.
Well this is definately still a bug and a programmer brain cramp.

The prior implementation was a bug as well since the Level 7 granary started with 20 shields in it insted of 10 as it should have had.

If this was properly coded, the only possible way a worker could be cranked out every turn would be if the town produced 10 extra food and 10 shields per turn and that is rarely possible at a pop 6 or lower city.

Just another example of a kluged fix to prevent an exploit that was only possible because of a mistake in the original code that was replaced with another but different mistake. Both of which seem to have been untested by anyone with a solid knowledge of the gameplay.
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